SUBJECT: LETTER WORK                        CLASS: K.G

  1. Write A – Z
  2. We have vowels (a) 5  (b) 15
  3. The vowels are ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
  4. How many consonants are there in the alphabet?  (a) 12  (b) 21
  5. Write the first five consonants: ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
  6. Fill in the missing sound in these two-letter words:

    (i) f___

    (ii) m___

    (iii) b___

    (iv) m___

  7. Write three-letter words with the following CVC family structure:

    (i) ___an (a) a (b) f

    (ii) ___et (a) n (b) q

    (iii) ___ig (a) p (b) k

  8. ___ is a naming word (a) Noun  (b) Verb
  9. Example of the name of a person: ___
  10. Example of the name of an animal: ___
  11. Example of the name of a thing: ___
  12. Read the following lines:

    (i) I go up. Up I go

    (ii) Am I to go up?

SUBJECT: C.R.K                             CLASS: K.G

  1. Samson is an Israelite and also a ___ of God (a) Nazirite (b) Nigeria
  2. Samson fought and killed the lion with ___ (a) a hammer  (b) bare hands
  3. David was an ___ by tribe while Goliath was a ___ (a) Israelite  (b) Philistine
  4. ___ killed Goliath with a sling and 5 stones (a) David  (b) Daniel
  5. Daniel was thrown in the ___ (a) prison  (b) lions’ den
  6. God sent his angel to ___ the mouth of the lion that they did not hurt Daniel (a) shut  (b) open
  7. Daniel’s ___ was thrown into the lions’ den (a) enemies  (b) friends
  8. The lions ___ Daniel’s enemies (a) ate up  (b) spared
  9. God sent ___ to Nineveh and he disobeyed and ran to Tarshish (a) Joseph  (b) Jonah
  10. Jonah was thrown into the ___ when there was wind on the way to Tarshish (a) sand  (b) sea
  11. A ___ fish swallowed Jonah (a) small  (b) big
  12. Jesus was born in a ___ (a) manager  (b) hospital
  13. ___ is our savior (a) Justus  (b) Jesus
  14. The boy Jesus was full of ___ (a) wisdom  (b) words


  1. ___ the Baptist baptized Jesus
  2. The three ___ men followed the star to where Jesus was born
  3. Jesus was baptized in river ___
  4. At Baptism God said “This is my beloved son …………………………………….
  5. At the age of ___ Jesus was questioning the doctors of law in the temple at Jerusalem


The wise men gave Jesus three gifts namely

  1. Bethlehem is in the land of ___
  2. The wicked king that asked the wise men to tell him where Jesus was born was ___


Fill in the gaps in this guided composition:

My name is ____. I am ___ years old. I am a ___ (boy/girl). The name of my mother is Mrs. ____. The name of my father is Mr. ____. My mother’s occupation is ____. My father’s occupation is ____. We live at No. ____. The name of my school is ____. The director of my school is ____. The name of my Head teacher is ____. I am in ___ class. My class teacher’s name is ____. The name of my country is ____ (a) Republic  (b) Nigeria.

  1. The color of the Nigerian flag is ___ and ___
  2. ___ is an example of a simple movement of the body (a) walking  (b) sleeping
  3. We can throw and catch a ___ (a) broken bottle  (b) ball
  4. A short distance race can be done in the ___
  5. Leap is an example of a ___ skill (a) Music  (b) dancing

SUBJECT: HEALTH HABIT                        CLASS: K.G

  1. ___ makes us strong and healthy (a) flower  (b) exercise
  2. Stretching of arms and legs is an ___ (a) exercise  (b) indomie
  3. We dispose of our refuse in the ___ (a) kitchen  (b) dustbin
  4. We have ___ types of waste (a) 1  (b) 2
  5. ___ is an example of liquid waste (a) urine  (b) biscuit wraps
  6. Cartons and bottles are examples of ___ waste (a) liquid  (b) solid
  7. Animal waste can be disposed of by ___ inside the ground (a) burning  (b) clapping
  8. We dispose of animal waste properly to avoid ___ and ___ (a) bad odor/epidemic  (b) good odor/epidemic
  9. ___ is a method of waste disposal (a) dustbin  (b) composting
  10. ___ is the product of composting (a) manure  (b) liquid
  11. ___ is treating already used material to be useful again (a) recycling  (b) football
  12. Already used books can be recycled to ___ (a) toilet roll  (b) tray
  13. We should ensure our school uniform is always neat and tidy (a) Yes  (b) No
  14. ___ helps us to recover our used up energy (a) sleep  (b) stop
  15. Children should go to bed ___ (a) late  (b) early


  1. Early to ___ early to rise
  2. ___ is an exercise
  3. ___ is an example of compost material
  4. Cleanliness is next to ___
  5. Animal wastes are called ___


List two examples of exercise:

Name two types of waste:

  1. Animal waste can be used to treat ___ skin

SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION                        CLASS: K.G

  1. Games are activities guided by a set of ___ (a) fun  (b) rules
  2. ___ is an example of a local game in our community (a) tenten  (b) school
  3. Gender refers to ___ and ___ (a) sun/moon  (b) boys/girls
  4. What is another name for gender? (a) sex  (b) gender
  5. Mr. Okoye’s gender is ___ (a) male  (b) female
  6. My teacher’s gender is ___ (a) male  (b) female
  7. It is ___ to share with our friends (a) good  (b) bad
  8. One example of things we can share with our friends is ___ (a) cake  (b) sharp objects
  9. Female and male genders are made by ___ (a) God  (b) man
  10. Our duties are our ___ (a) responsibilities  (b) homework
  11. Punctuality means ___ (a) getting to school early  (b) getting to school late
  12. It is our responsibility to ___ (a) play safe  (b) play rough
  13. There are different shapes in nature (a) yes  (b) no
  14. Natural colors add ___ to the environment (a) beauty  (b) ugliness
  15. Grass is always ___ (a) green  (b) black


Match these natural shapes to the shapes they represent:

  1. Cylinder – ___
  2. Moon – ___
  3. Oval – ___
  4. Lip – ___
  5. Finger – ___
  6. Half moon – ___


Identify the colors these objects possess in nature:

  1. Wool comes in color ___
  2. Rose comes in color ___
  3. Sky comes in color ___
  4. Leaf comes in color ___
  5. Egg yolk/ripe mango comes in color ___


  1. ____ is the first treatment given to an injured or sick person before taking them to hospital (a) first aid (b) doctor
  2. ____ is a box where first aid materials are kept (a) box (b) first aid box
  3. ____ is one of the content’s of the first aid box (a) cotton wool
  4. ____ is used for cutting (a) wood (b) scissors
  5. We care for our body to prevent germs and diseases (a) true (b) false
  6. We care for our body by ____ (a) jumping (b) bathing
  7. ____ is the part of a body (a) chair (b) nose
  8. We get a cut by using ____ (a) sharp objects (b) books
  9. One of the conditions that require first aid is ____ (a) laughing (b) wound
  10. First aid ____ life (a) saves (b) kills
  11. ____ is an example of sickness (a) ball (b) fever
  12. Food makes us ____ well (a) grow (b) die
  13. ____ is an example of food in our locality (a) beans (b) bicycle
  14. The first step to recovery from sickness is to visit a ____ (a) teacher (b) doctor
  15. Small equipment’s use to walk in the garden are called ____ (a) gardener (b) garden tools


  1. What is first aid? ____
  2. ____ is one example of conditions that require first aid
  3. Food gives us ____ to grow

Mention two steps to recovery from sickness:


Mention two contents of the first aid box:

Mention two garden tools:

Mention one type of food in our locality:



  1. As a child do you have a right? (a) Yes (b) No
  2. Do we work for our rights? (a) Yes (b) No
  3. Rights are ____ (a) free (b) hard work
  4. As a child I have a right to ____ (a) be well fed (b) go hungry
  5. Maltreating a child is ____ (a) fun (b) child abuse
  6. Child battering is a form of child abuse (a) yes (b) no
  7. All abuses must be ____ to the teacher or the parents (a) reported (b) nothing
  8. ____ is a bad way of treating people leaving them feeling bad (a) storm (b) stigmatization
  9. ____ is an example of stigmatization (a) not playing with someone (b) playing with everybody
  10. Lack of self confidence is one of the harmful effects of ____ (a) stigmatization (b) snake
  11. My responsibilities at home are my ____ at home (a) food (b) duties/work
  12. It is my responsibility to ____ for my younger ones (a) care (b) fight
  13. I have the responsibility not to ____ the street with refuse (a) litter (b) eat
  14. ____ is one of the examples of harmful traditional practices (a) bag (b) tribal markings
  15. Public places are open to ____ (a) everyone (b) no one


  1. I have a right to ____.
  2. ____ any form of abuse to your teacher or your parents.
  3. My duties are my ____.
  4. We stand for ____ not stigmatization.
  5. ____ is an example of a public place.


Mention any two rights of a child:

List two public places you know:

Mention one of your responsibilities at home:



Identify these colours naming them:

  1. Colours add ____ to our environment (a) beauty (b) dirt

Trace these basic shapes:

  1. Circle ____
  2. Triangle ____
  3. Square ____
  4. Rectangle ____

Beautify these stems with different colours:

  • Green for leaves
  • Brown for stems
  • Red for flowers



  1. I can sing high high.
  2. My mother is my Doctor.
  3. Do you know?
  4. Where are you going my little goat?
  5. I ride on my bicycle.



  1. ____ is a girl (a) Joy (b) Ken
  2. Who put on the television? (a) Mum (b) Joy
  3. Do girls play ball? (a) Yes (b) No
  4. It is Joy’s ____ (a) day (b) night
  5. Joy’s gown is ____ (a) Red (b) blue
  6. Her cake is ____ (a) blue (b) yellow
  7. Joy’s day was full of ____ (a) tears (b) fun
  8. The cake belongs to ____ (a) Ken (b) Joy
  9. Is Joy given a gift? (a) Yes (b) No
  10. Who cuts the cake? (a) Joy (b) Mum
  11. The sofa is a big ____ (a) fan (b) chair
  12. ____ is Joy’s friend (a) Ken (b) TV
  13. Ken is a ____ (a) boy (b) girl
  14. Joy likes ____ (a) Radio (b) TV
  15. The ball is for ____ (a) Ken (b) Joy
  16. Joy’s doll looks like a ____ (a) cat (b) dog
  17. Dan and Ben are ____ (a) enemies (b) friends
  18. Joy’s mum gives Ken rice and ____ (a) egg (b) beans
  19. There is ice in the ____ (a) bread (b) cake
  20. The cat-man and the ____ are here to play with us (a) ape-man (b) ape-boy



Count and write numbers 1-100:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

Circle all the odd numbers in number 1-10:

1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Circle all even numbers in number 11-20:

12, 14, 16, 18, 20

Tell the time:

Fill in the gaps:

30 ____, 32 ____, 34
(7) 9 ____, 11 ____, 13
24 ____, 26 ____, 28

Match the shapes to their names:

Write these numbers in Roman numerals:

1 = I
5 = V
10 = X

Health Habits Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes

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