Objective Questions 


1.     God showed love for man by (a) creating man last (b) giving him dominion over other creatures (c) giving Jesus Christ (d) creating man in his own image (e)creating woman for man

2.     Jesus was sent to the world to (a) judge it (b) save it (c) condemn it (d) consecrate it (e) re – make it

3.     “A man lay down his life for his friends” implies (a)we should die for our friends always

(b) our love should be for only our friends (c) we should be discriminatory while loving (d)no sacrifice is too great for each other (e)all of the above

4.       loving one another is a   by Jesus (a) proposal (b)Christian ethic (c)biblical doctrine

(d) a suggestion (e) commandment

5.     B y loving one another, men will know that we are (a) righteous (b) kind (c) real Christians (d)doers of the word (e) disciples of Jesus.

1. What is the greatest demonstration of God’s love for man?

a) sending his son into the world to die for our sins

b) giving us free will

c) creating us in his own image

d) giving us dominion over other creatures

e) putting us last in the order of creation

2. Why did Jesus come into the world?

a) to judge it

b) to save it

c) to condemn it

d) to consecrate it

e) to remake it

3. What does “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” imply?

a) that we should die for our friends always

b) that our love should be only for our friends

c) that we should be discriminatory while loving

d) that no sacrifice is too great for each other

e) all of the above

4. Is loving one another a _____?

a) proposal

b) Christian ethic

c) biblical doctrine

d) suggestion

e) commandment

5. How will men know that we are Christians if we love one another?

a) by our righteousness

b) by our kindness

c) by our realness

d) by our doing of the word

e) by our discipleship of Jesus

6. What are some of the ways we can respond to the love of God?

7. How does responding to the love of God deepen our relationship with Him?

8. What is true joy and fulfillment?

9. Why is it important to respond to the love of God?

10. What happens when we don’t respond to the love of God?





1.     Define love.

2.     Explain God’s love for man.

3.     Mention types of love.

4.     What type of love does God have for man?

5. How did God demonstrate his love to mankind?

6. What did God send his son to do in the world?

7. What is the difference between platonic and philia love?

8. How does storge love differ from erotic love?

9. What is the definition of agape love?

10. Why is agape love also referred to as selfless love?



Answer the following questions. Ensure that your responses are clear and well-explained.

Objective Questions

  1. God showed love for man by:
    • (a) creating man last
    • (b) giving him dominion over other creatures
    • (c) giving Jesus Christ
    • (d) creating man in His own image
    • (e) creating woman for man
  2. Jesus was sent to the world to:
    • (a) judge it
    • (b) save it
    • (c) condemn it
    • (d) consecrate it
    • (e) remake it
  3. “A man lay down his life for his friends” implies:
    • (a) we should die for our friends always
    • (b) our love should be for only our friends
    • (c) we should be discriminatory while loving
    • (d) no sacrifice is too great for each other
    • (e) all of the above
  4. Loving one another is a:
    • (a) proposal
    • (b) Christian ethic
    • (c) biblical doctrine
    • (d) suggestion
    • (e) commandment
  5. By loving one another, men will know that we are:
    • (a) righteous
    • (b) kind
    • (c) real Christians
    • (d) doers of the word
    • (e) disciples of Jesus

Short Answer Questions

  1. What are some of the ways we can respond to the love of God?
    • Examples:
      • Practicing kindness towards others.
      • Engaging in regular prayer and worship.
      • Sharing the Gospel message with those who haven’t heard it.
      • Serving others in our communities through volunteer work.
      • Expressing gratitude for God’s blessings in our lives.
  2. How does responding to the love of God deepen our relationship with Him?
    • Responding to God’s love through obedience, worship, and prayer cultivates a deeper relationship characterized by trust, intimacy, and understanding of His nature. This dynamic connection encourages spiritual growth and strengthens our faith.
  3. What is true joy and fulfillment?
    • True joy and fulfillment stem from a deep-seated contentment in knowing and experiencing God’s love and purpose in our lives. This often manifests through loving relationships, meaningful service to others, and an overall sense of peace derived from our faith.
  4. Why is it important to respond to the love of God?
    • Responding to God’s love is essential for several reasons:
      • It strengthens our faith and understanding of His character.
      • It helps us grow spiritually and emotionally.
      • It enables us to reflect God’s love to others, fulfilling the command to love our neighbors as ourselves.
  5. What happens when we don’t respond to the love of God?
    • Failing to respond to God’s love can lead to spiritual stagnation and feelings of disconnect from Him. This neglect can result in diminished capacity to love others and feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, or confusion in life.

Theory Questions

  1. Define love.
    • Love is a profound and caring affection toward someone or something, characterized by a desire for their well-being and happiness. It encompasses a range of emotions, from deep affection to passionate attraction, and can be expressed in various forms.
  2. Explain God’s love for man.
    • God’s love for humanity is unconditional, sacrificial, and everlasting. He demonstrates this love through creation, daily provision, and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, showcasing His desire for a relationship with us.
  3. Mention types of love.
    • Types of Love:
      • Agape: Unconditional love that seeks the best for others, often referred to as divine love.
      • Eros: Romantic love characterized by passion and desire between partners.
      • Philia: Brotherly love or deep friendship, marked by mutual respect and affection.
      • Storge: Family love, the natural bond that exists among family members.
  4. What type of love does God have for man?
    • God has agape love for humanity, which is selfless and unconditional. This love does not depend on our actions or worthiness; rather, it is given freely and seeks the highest good for all.
  5. How did God demonstrate His love to mankind?
    • God demonstrated His love through various means:
      • By creating humanity in His image, giving us dignity and purpose.
      • By providing for our needs, both physically and spiritually.
      • By sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins as a means of reconciliation and salvation.
  6. What did God send His Son to do in the world?
    • God sent His Son to redeem humanity from sin, offer salvation, teach about God’s Kingdom, and exemplify the depth of God’s love through His teachings and sacrificial death on the cross.
  7. What is the difference between platonic and philia love?
    • Platonic love refers to a close, non-romantic relationship where affection is expressed without sexual desire. Philia love, on the other hand, is a deeper emotional connection typically found in friendships marked by loyalty, trust, and shared values.
  8. How does storge love differ from erotic love?
    • Storge love represents the natural affection found within families, such as the love between parents and children. Eros, or erotic love, involves romantic attraction and is often characterized by physical desire and emotional intimacy between partners.
  9. What is the definition of agape love?
    • Agape love is defined as a selfless, unconditional love that seeks the well-being of others without expecting anything in return. It embodies the essence of true love, as exemplified in the teachings of Jesus.
  10. Why is agape love also referred to as selfless love?
    • Agape love is referred to as selfless love because it prioritizes the needs and welfare of others over one’s own desires or interests. This love is not contingent on personal gain, but is purely focused on the good of the beloved.

Instructions for Submission:

Please ensure that your answers are well-articulated and thoroughly explained. Submit your test by the end of the class.

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