Triphthongs, Adverbials: Types (Cause and Reason, Purpose, Condition) and Argumentative Essay (Guided Composition) “Civilian government is Far Better than Military Government”.













Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

  Diphthongs, Tenses (Present, Past, Future Tenses) and  Introduction to Summary Writing

that was taught as a topic during the last lesson.









Speech Work: Triphthongs

Structure: Adverbials: Types (Cause and Reason, Purpose, Condition

Comprehension/Vocabulary Development: Government. Reading to Understand the Writer’s Purpose- When Should They Go?

Composition: Argumentative Essay (Guided Composition) “Civilian government is Far Better than Military Government”.

Literature: Plot Structure in the Text: Precious Little Darling





Behavioural objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • define Triphthongs
  •  List types of adverbs which are Adverbials of Cause, Reason, Purpose, Condition
  • List six major elements of drama.



Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation




Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks






Speech Work: Triphthongs

Structure: Adverbials: Types (Cause and Reason, Purpose, Condition

Comprehension/Vocabulary Development: Government. Reading to Understand the Writer’s Purpose- When Should They Go?

Composition: Argumentative Essay (Guided Composition) “Civilian government is Far Better than Military Government”.

Literature: Plot Structure in the Text: Precious Little Darling



ASPECTSpeech Work

TOPIC: Triphthongs

A triphthong is a vowel sound that glides successively through three qualities. It changes its quality in the process of articulation. It is not very common, only few words in English contain the triphthong E.g.

/aiә/ in the word “fire”,

/aʊə/ in the word ” flower.


  1. What is a triphthong?
  2. Give five examples of words that contain triphthong.


ASPECT: Structure

TOPIC: Adverbials

SUB-TOPIC: Adverbials of Cause, Reason, Purpose, Condition

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or another adverb. Adverbs tell more about the verb it modifies.

Adverb of Cause or Reason

It answers the question why? E.g. because

  1. You failed the exam because you didn’t prepare.
  2. He missed the train because he woke up late.
  3. My mother did not buy me a Christmas dress because I did not do well in my examination.
  4. Esau lost his position because he sold his birth rights.

Adverb of Condition

if, unless, until, in as much as, etc.

  1. His father will pay his school fees if the boy is serious with his academics.
  2. I will not let you go unless you bless me.
  3. I will take you out as much as you meet the target
  4. God promises to bless us if we keep his commandment.

Adverb of Purpose

so that, in order to, etc.

  1. He slept early so that he could wake up early the following day.
  2. He drives his boat slowly in order to avoid hitting the rock.
  3. She shops in several stores in order to get the best buys.
  4. David’s father advised him to study hard so that he will have distinction.


  1. What is an adverb?
  2. Give two examples of each of the following types of adverbs
    • (i) Adverb of purpose
    • (ii) Adverb of condition
    • (iii) Adverb of reason
  3. State the type of adverbs used in these sentences:
    • She ate since she was hungry.
    • As long as he stays away, I will not eat.
    • If they invite me, I will attend the party.
    • We ran so that we could catch up with the cook.
    • They argued with her because they were confused.


ASPECT: Comprehension

TOPIC: When Should They Go?

Audu and his friend, Shehu, both wanted to go to the cinema to see ‘Sword for the King’.  Shehu wanted to go later in the week, but Audu wanted to go that very evening. He said, ’It’s much better to go this evening. We’ve got no homework…    


Read “The writer’s purpose” on page 97 (NOSEC) describe how Audu persuaded Shehu to go with him to the party.


ASPECT: Composition

TOPIC: Argumentative Essay

SUB-TOPIC: Civilian Government is Better than Military Government

Good day Mr. Chairman, Panel of Judges, Accurate Time-keeper, Co- Debaters, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am here this afternoon to speak for/support/propose the motion which says Civilian Government is better than military government. The reasons why I support the motion shall be extensively discussed in the paragraphs below.

Civilian government is otherwise known as democracy. According to the popular American President, Abraham Lincoln, it is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. The people in power are brought in by the electorates through election unlike the military where power is gotten through coup d’état and force.

Civilian government allows freedom of information. It makes use of the constitution in the administration system whereas military uses decree.


Finally, although military government has some advantages over civilian government, yet with these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse nor brain fool you that civilian government is better than military government. Thank you.


“Civilian Government is better than Military Government”. Write the introductory part of the essay.


ASPECT: Literature

TOPIC: Elements of Drama

Elements of drama imply those necessary parts, which constitute a drama piece. The elements of drama identified by Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, in his work, Poetics are:

(i) Plot

(ii) Character

(iii) Thought

(iv) Diction

(v) Music

(vi) Spectacle

Plot: The plot is not just the story of a work. Rather, it is an ordered arrangement of events and incidents in a story. This means that events and incidents in a story are harmoniously related and follow sequentially from beginning, middle, and to the end. Plot involves conflicts and disagreements which are finally resolved at the end of the play. The plot of drama is usually divided into acts and scenes.

Character: A character is a person existing in a drama or story. We know a character by what they say or the actions they perform. We have two kinds of characters.

The round character: The round character changes as the story progresses. He can be said to mature or deteriorate as the story progresses.

The flat character: the flat character does not change in the play. They are often minor characters whose activities support the progress of the major or round character.

Diction/language: This includes orally spoken words and body language such as smiles, hand gestures and other practical ways communicating messages. Language can suggest mental state whether mad or normal, rich, gender, etc. Words can help to make the drama clearer to the audience.

Thought/Theme: Theme often concerns the lesson to be learnt in a work of art such as drama. This means that in all cases, there is something the playwright wishes to say. This viewpoint is the theme of the work. A theme of a work may be that stealing is bad or that lying is bad.

Music: This means the use of songs, dances and choruses as one of the constituents of the dramatic work. Almost all forms of literature use music in one form or the other. Example, the opera, in which music constitutes most parts of its presentation. Also, in traditional African drama, music and dance are essential features.

Music also refers to sound effects and tonal patterns of speech. Example, the pitch, rate, rhythm, volume, articulation etc.

Stage: This means the acting space. The includes such things as scenery, lighting, sound and movement of actors.

Audience: An audience is the group of people watching or listening to a drama presentation. The audience and the actors are two basic elements in the theatre. The presence of the audience is what makes theatre unique from other forms of entertainment such as film and television.

Spectacle: This is the visual aspect of a production. It includes: the design i.e. stage Also included in spectacle are costume, make up, lighting, scenery movement of actors etc.

Spectacle helps to give information about the play and improves the beauty of the play. Spectacles include acting style, movement of actors and the beauty of the stage.

Script: This is the written text of the story of the play. The performance of the play is based on this written text.

Acting: This is the imitation and impersonation of characters in a drama and speeches of the characters in the play.

Sounds: These are the audible elements in a drama. They help to set the mood in a drama. They include the sound of wind, gunshots, music, and noise that occur in drama performance.


  1. List six major elements of drama.
  2. Write short notes on the following: (i) plot (ii) diction (iii) theme (iv) character





The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise





The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out a short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she makes the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.










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