
  1. ____________ is a piece of furniture that provides an entrance to a house or room  (a)mat (b) door (c) bed
  2. A living room can also be called ____________ (a) dinning room (b) kitchen (c) sitting room
  3. ____________ is a place where we keep our food for future use (a) garage (b) store (c) bedroom
  4. Bathing gives us a ______ appearances of cleanliness (a) dirty  (b) neat  (c) rough 
  5. To keep our bodies neat and healthy we should wash our bodies at least _____ times everyday (a) three (b) two  (c) one
  6. Beds are kept in the _______ dinning room (b) bedroom  (c) garage 
  7. Cooking pots, stove, cooker, plates, knives are kept in the _______ (a) living room (b) bathroom (c) kitchen 
  8. Cabinets are made  of ____ (a) wood (b) clay (c) sand
  9. A place where cars are parked for safety is called ______ (a) shop (b) garage (c) factory 
  10. Balance diet is also known as an __________ (a) free diet (b) adequate diet  (c) empty diet
  11. Television, iron and radio are called ______ (a) appliances (b) instrument (c) machinery
  12. Exercise helps the body to keep fit and _________ (a) lazy (b) week (c) strong 
  13. All these are the reason we must handle food with care except _______ (a) to prevent balance diet (b) to avoid bacteria (c) to prevent food poisoning
  14. Food exposed to ____ can cause illness (a) fire (b) flies (c) moon
  15. Rotten fruits and vegetables can cause ______ (a) adequate substances (b) protein substances (c) harmful substances
  16. Energy given food is also known as ____ (a) carbohydrate (b) mineral (c) vitamin 
  17. ________ is a process by which food is placed over coal or firewood (a) drying (b) freezing (c) boiling
  18. When do we eat dinner? (a) night  (b) morning  (c) afternoon 
  19. Calcium is good for the ______ (a) bone (b) eyes (c) skin
  20. Harmful substances makes us grow strong and health (a) true (b) false 
  21. Beans, meat and egg gives us ______ (a) water (b) fat and oil (c) protein
  22. _______________ is a state of relaxation (a) eat (b) dance (c) rest
  23. ____  can be made into fruit juices (a) bread  (b) fruit (c) maize\
  24. ____ is the natural state of rest in which the eyes are shut / closed? (a) bend (b) sleep  (c) sit
  25. Is fruit a food (a) yes (b) no 
  26. It is always good to use mosquito net always (a) True (b) False
  27. We placed our head on the ________ when sleeping (a) chair (b) bench (c) pillow

Mid Term Test Third Term Home Economics Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Section B

  1. (a) What is home? ________________________
    • (b)Mention four furniture found in the home? (i)________________________
    • (ii)________________________
    • (iii)________________________
  2. (a) What is bathing? ________________________
  3. List five functional rooms in the home? 
    • (i) _______________________
    • (ii) ________________________
    • (iii) ________________________
  4. (a) List two causes of harmful substances? (i) _____________________________
    1. (b) Explain the uses of the following functional rooms: (i)Garage:________________________
    2. (ii) Store: ________________________
  5. (a) Name two ways of preserving food?
    1. (i) ________________________
    2. (ii) ________________________
    3. (b) Mention two materials needed for bathing?
      • (i) _____________
      • (ii) ______________
  6. (a) Lists three types of exercise you know? (i) ________________________(ii) __________________________ (ii) ________________________
  7. (b) What is and exercise? ________________________

Uses Of home Furnishing and Furniture found in the different Functional Rooms In the home Home Economics Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

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