
  1. Disobeying rules and regulations brings ______ (a) punishment (b) awards (c) encouragement
  2. One of the rules and regulations in the school is ______ (a) coming late (b) punctuality (c) dirtiness 
  3. Those who fight in the school will be _______ (a) encourage (b) praised (c) punished 
  4. _______ are guidelines that state how a person should conduct his or herself in any given situation (a) rules (b) privileges (c) poverty 
  5. Greetings is a sign of respect?  (a) true (b) false (c) if you like 
  6. To help an elder to carry his or her load is a sign of ______ (a) respect (b) disgrace (c) entitlement 
  7. The honour and regard we give to someone, something or place is known as ________ (a) reward (b) represent (c)  respect 
  8. NAFDAC means ____ (a) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration  and Control (b) National Agency for Food and Drink Administration (c) Nigeria General for Food and Drug Administration
  9. Nigeria got her independence on _________  (a) 1st October, 1960  (b) 9th October, 1963  (c) 5th October, 1920
  10. The Nigerian  flag was designed by _____(a)  Obafemi Awolowo (b) Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe (c) Mr. Taiwo Akinkunmi 
  11. Why do we study Civic Education? (a) to understand our civic rights  (b) to understand our parents (c) to disobey our elders
  12. All the following are examples of civic duties except ______ (a) paying taxes (b) voting (c) fighting the government
  13. Civic Education relates to the government, politics and public affairs of a country? (a) true  (b) false 
  14. Another word for responsibilities is ______ (a) duties (b) trading (c) festivals
  15. _________  helps us to understand our government and how it works (a) Civic Education  (b) Social Studies (c) Home Economics 
  16. Civic education allows people to live in peace with one another? (a) yes  (b) no
  17. Honesty means ______ (a) telling lies (b) telling the truth always (c) talking every day
  18. Not being truthful is ______ (a) loyalty (b) dishonesty (c) honesty
  19. When you are honest you get ______ (a) beating  (b) praise (c) disgrace 
  20. The reward for being dishonest is _________ (a) dancing (b) gifts (c) beating 
  21. Civic education is important for national ________ (a) destruction (b) development (c) discussion 
  22. ________  means polite behavior that shows respect  (a) courtesy (b) rudeness (c)  disobedience 
  23. _____ is the opposite of honesty   (a) dishonesty (b)disobedience (c) kind
  24. Choosing our leaders by voting means _____ (a) appointment (b) democracy (c) destruction 
  25. ______ are the basic rights we have as citizen of a country that government cannot take away from us (a) democratic rights (b) official rights (c) proper rights 
  26. The fundamental freedom to do whatever we want to do without fear is known as ________ (a) freedom (b) civic rights  (c) property
  27. All the following are examples of civic duties except _______ (a) paying taxes (b) voting during election (c) fighting government 
  28. Civic education relates to the quality of people’s lives in the community? (a) true (b) false 
  29. For us to gain the respect of other people, we must be ________ (a) trustworthy and sincere (b) disobey and fearful (c) have bad behavior
  30. _____ is the different types of money used in a country (a) current  (b) currency  (c) community


Section B

  1. List two people we must obey?  (i) _________________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________________________________________


  1. Mention two rules and regulations of your school? 
  1. ________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________


  1. List three civic rights of citizens? (i) __________________________________________________

(ii) _______________________________________ (iii) _________________________________


  1. Mention two civic duties / responsibilities of citizens to the government and society? 

(i) ________________________________  (ii) _________________________________________


  1. List three rewards for honesty? (i) __________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________    (iii) _________________________________________


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