3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 1 Agric


  1. Food crops are crops meant for ______ (a) eating (b) sale (c) throwing away
  2. Crop plants are classified into food crop and _____ (a) cash crop (b) money crop (c) sweet crop
  3. Cash crops are crop grown by farmers for _____ (a) sale (b) eating (c) keeping
  4. The following make plant grow except _____ (a) water (b) good soil (c) oil
  5. A plant is divided into _____ main part (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4
  6. Plants and animals need water to grow (a) yes (b) no (c) not sure
  7. ____ grows from the soil (a) stone (b) plant (c) leg
  8. _______ is the process whereby green plant produce their own food (a) cooking (b) photosynthesis (c) buying
  9. The parts of a plant such as stem, fruits and the flower are called
  10. ______ (a) shoot system (b) root system (c) head system
  11. Can seeds grow into seedlings? (a) yes (b) no (c) not sure
  12. The formula for water is ____ (a) H4O (b) H2O (c) H3O
  13. We can get _____ and _____ from rearing animals (a) stone and wood (b) meat and milk (c) iron and spoon
  14. Is protein one of the classes of food? (a) yes (b) no (c) not sure
  15. _____ is used for making chocolate (a) cocoa (b) rubber (c) timber
  16. The following are the examples of cash crop except ____ (a) rubber (b) cotton (c) rice
  17. ____ is used for making cloth (a) rubber (b) cotton (c) cocoa
  18. ______ is a mixture of gases (a) food (b) air (c) sand
  19. The best source of water is _____ (a) gutter (b) rap (c) well
  20. Good water has no ____ (a) odour (b) name (c) liquid
  21. Unclean water can make us ____ (a) sick (b) well (c) beautiful
  22. Can we see air? (a) no (b) yes (c) may be
  23. The following are animal products eaten as food except _____ (a) stone (b) egg (c) meat
  24. _______ is not a plant product (a) rice (b) beans (c) meat
  25. The following diseases are caused by drinking unclean water except
  26. _____ (a) cholera (b) typhoid (c) headache
  27. The following are farm animals except _______ (a) cow (b) sheep (c) dog
  28. _____ is used for making tyres (a) wood (b) rubber (c) stone
  29. Water is needed when eating? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  30. Rain is a source of water? (a) yes (b) no (c) may be
  31. We get protein from ______ (a) rice (b) beans (c) oil
  32. Which of the following is a food crop ________ (a) rubber (b) beans (c) cotton


Part B

  1. What is water? _________________________________
  2. List four sources of water? (i) _________________________________
    (ii) ___________________________ (iii) _______________________________
    (iv) ________________________________
  3. Name four crops that can be eaten by people? (i) ___________________________(ii) _____________________________ (iii) ______________________________(iv) _____________________________
  4. Mention three conditions necessary for plants growth?(i) ____________________________ (ii) ______________________________ (iii) ______________________________
  5.  Give four uses of water? (i) _________________________________

(ii) ________________________________ (iii) ___________________________
(iv) ________________________________

Mention four out of the Six classes of food? (i) ____________________________
(ii) _______________________________ (iii) ____________________________
(iv) ______________________________

(a) Mention two seeds that can be used to test importance of water to plant?
(i) ___________________________ (ii) ________________________________
(b) Water is a compound formed by _____________________ and _________________________________

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