Third Term Examinations CRS JSS 3


Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.

 Subject: C.R.S            Duration: 2 ½ HRS     Class: JSS 3


Instruction: Answer all question in this section

  1. Christian religion teaches man how best to maintain his ________ with God.                     

 (a) religiousity (b) aggression (c) relationship (d) opposition (e) hatred 

  1. It took _______ days to create heaven and earth (a) one (b) two (c) seven (d) six        (e) four
  2. The resultant effect of the sin of our first parents with regards to man’s relationship with God is _______ (a) nakedness (b) death (c) grace (d) freedom                 (e) selfishness 
  3. Scientific inventions by man shows that man shares in God’s (a) almightiness                                            (b) dignity (c) discovery (d) creativity (e) sovereignty 
  4. ________ is the last book of the Old Testament. (a) Kings (b) Isaiah (c) Micah            (d) Malachi (e) Ruth  
  5. “Be fruitful and multiply” means God’s given power to________ (a) live       (b) overcome                (c) procreate (d) reign (e) supplant 
  6. The sin committed by Adam and Eve is usually referred to as the sin of __________                          (a) ambition to know good and evil (b) disobedience to the will of God (c) evil desire to be wise (d) evil desire to eat delicious fruit (e) temptation by the devil. 
  7. In response to God’s call, Abram left his father’s house in____ at the age of _________                                      (a) Canaan, 75 (b) Egypt, 57 (c) Haran, 75 (d) Midian, 57 (e) Eden, 99 
  8. Where did God ask Abraham to go? (a) Egypt (b) Haran (c) Canaan (d) Ur    (e) Shechem 
  9. Who did Abraham take along with him apart from his wife? (a) Isaac (b) David      (c) Lot                       (d) Joseph (e) Daniel     
  10. Abraham laughed when God told him that his wife Sarah would give birth to a son because ________(a) God does not keep promises (b) He did not believe God (c) He already had Ishmael (d) It was not possible (e) there was no hope 
  11. The covenant between Abraham and  God was bound with ______ (a) blood     (b) flesh (c) fire (d) water (e) wind 
  12. The Hausa name for God is _________ (a) Allah (b) Ubangiji (c) Soko (d) Shekwo   (e) Abasi 
  13. The sacrificial animal God gave to Abraham as a substitute for his son Isaac was __________ (a) a lamb (b) Jesus Christ (c) a ram (d) an ox (e) a sheep 
  14. The means of restoring broken relationship is called ________ (a) restitution    (b) reparation (c) restoration (d) settlement (e) reconciliation 
  15. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” this implies that before the beginning of man, God_________ (a) has building material (b) was in existence (c) was an architect (d) had no beginning (e) had no home 
  16. Reconciliation is complete when one_______ (a) asks for forgiveness accepts his/her fault (b) is totally forgiven and accepted back (c) refuses to accept his wrong  (d) shows sorrow in repentance 
  17. Abraham father’s name was _________ (a) Isaac (b) Jacob (c) Israel (d) Seth    (e) Terah 
  18. Another name for the ten commandments is the ________ (a) deacon    (b) Decalogue                            (c) prophets (d) inspiration (e) law 
  19. The ten commandments was received by _______ at mount _______ (a) Moses, Sinai                           (b) Joshua, Gilboa (c) Joshua, Horeb (d) Moses, Zion (e) Joseph, Carmel 
  20. Joseph was sent to _________to see the welfare of his brothers. (a) Shechem     (b) Egypt                       (c) Bethel (d) Nazareth (e) Judea 
  21. The city of Jericho conquered under the leadership of ___________ (a) Aaron   (b) Moses                       (c) Caleb (d) Joshua (e) Deborah 
  22. The prophet who foretold the birth of Jesus Christ was_________ (a) Elijah     (b) Jeremiah (c) Micah (d) Ezekiel (e) Isaiah 
  23. The Bible Contains _____ books (a) 66 (b) 39 (c) 66 (d) 69 (e) 67 
  24. Which of these is NOT a book of the prophets? (a) Amos (b) Jeremiah (c) Hosea                                     (d) Malachi (e) Ezra 
  25. To be a good child, you should behave like (a) Joel (b) Samuel (c)Hophni (d) Phineas (e) Ahijah 
  26. The supreme law is ______ (a) law (b) love (c) friendship (d) companion (e) grace 
  27. At the time Deborah became a judge in Israel, she was a _______ (a) prophetess (b) priestess (c) seer (d) medium (e) sorcerer 
  28. God revealed himself to his people through the following ways Except ________                               (a) prophecy (b) vision (c) mission (d) dream (e) holy spirit 
  29. The main purpose of marriage is _________ (a) to bear children (b) to get wealth from in-laws (c) for companionship (d) to improve social status (e) to make name 
  30. The term “conflict” means_____ (a) association (b) disagreement (c) co-operation                                    (d) understanding (e) disloyalty 
  31. Social disorder in the society is sometimes caused by______ (a) honesty of the leaders                        (b) loyalty of followers (c) obedience of subject (d) truthfulness of the leaders (e) unequal distribution of resources 
  32. The significance of the resurrection of  Jesus Christ shows _______ (a) Jesus power over nature (b) Jesus power over the supernatural (c) Jesus’ victory over sin    (d) Jesus’ victory over death (e) Jesus’ victory over the world 
  33. Who was the founder of Christ Apostolic Church? (a) Joseph Babalola (b) Moses Orimolade                (c) Joseph Ositelu (d) Samuel Ajayi Crowther (e)  S. B. J. Oshoffa 
  34. Which of these incidents finally forced pharaoh to let go the Hebrews out of Egypt? (a) death to cattle (b) plague of blood (c) plague of frogs (d) death of the first borns (e) plague of locust 
  35. Cain killed his brother Abel because ________ (a) he was not his brother’s keeper (b) he did not like him (c) Abel’s sacrifice was accepted by God (d) Cain was his senior (e) Abel was the favourite of their father  
  36. “Who made you a prince and a judge over us”. This questions was asked when Moses__               (a) separated two Israelites fighting (b) defended the right of the Israelites (c) came to deliver the Israelites (d) condemned Israelites fighting each other 
  37. People of different tribes in Nigeria are brothers and sisters because (a) there is only one God (b) we are all made in God’s image (c) we belong to a common ancestor (d) we are fellow Nigerians (d) we belong to the same religious denominations 
  38. Virginity means a state of being ______ (a) disvirgined (b) a virgin (c) unmarried                                    (d) successfully married (e) insane  
  39. “Do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayer is heard” what was the reason for the prayer?                    (a) He was dumb (b) He was deaf (c) He was barren (d) He was lame (e) He wanted to be rich 
  40. Mary was conceived by ___ (a) Angel Gabriel (b) The holy Spirit (c) Joseph (d) God (e) Prophet Isaiah 
  41. John the Baptist baptized with water but Jesus would baptize with________  (a) holy Ghost and fire (b) holy spirit and water (c) fire and the word (d) the word of God (e) water and fire 
  42. Who spoke on behalf of Christians on the day of Pentecost? (a) Jacob (b) Peter  (c) James (d) John (e) Andrew 
  43. The gift of myrrh presented to Jesus at his birth signifies (a) His Kingship (b) His death (c) His priesthood (d) His royalty (e) His prophethood 
  44. After the baptism Jesus Christ was driven to _____ (a) the wilderness (b) the temple (c) the synagogue (d) the upper room (e) Jordan 
  45. When we yield to temptation we _____ (a) pleases God (b) sin (c) Prosper (d) die (e) are blessed 
  46. The major effect of sin on man is that it ____ (a) makes man more wicked      (b) makes man upright (c) make man healthy (d) separates man from God  (e) separates man from the world 
  47. The fact that Jesus Christ was tempted shows that _______ (a) no man can be tempted (b) no one can overcome temptation (c) Jesus Christ was not careful enough (d) no one is above temptation (e) we cannot all be perfect 
  48. “Christ is the head of my family, the unseen quest at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation. “This statement manifests God’s________ (a) immorality           (b) invisibility (c) omnipresence (d) omniscience (e)  dignity 
  49. As a Christian prefect in your school, what should be your attitude towards those under you? (A) Demand respect from all the students (b) make all the Juniors realize that they are inferior (c) make sure no student opposes you (d) show love to Christian students alone (e) treat everybody equally 



INSTRUCTION: Answer two questions from this section.

  1. (A.)    List the accusation leveled against Paul?

(B.)     List two major parties of the Sanhedrin.

  1. (A.)     List four towns visited by Paul and Barnabas in their first Missionary Journey.

(B.)     State the Composition of the Jerusalem Council.

  1. State the major decision of the Jerusalem Council.
  2. State the effect of Paul’s encounter with Jesus on the way Damascus.

(B.)     Narrate the part played by Ananias.

  1. Narrate the safety of Peter’s encounter with Simon the magician.

(B.)    Tell the story of the raising of Dorcas.