English Pry 3 Exams Third Term




    Communicating in the past long ago it was difficult to communicate over long distances.  People did not have telephones like we have today. Smoke signals could be seen from far away. If someone wanted to send a smoke signal, he or she had to build a fire. Then they had to wear a blanket over the fire to form patterns with the smoke signals. The member of smoke signals and the spacing between the signals sent different messages. 

Drum beats 

Drum beats could be heard many kilometres away. The sound travelled from one village to another. The person sending the message would beat the drum in a special rhythm. Important messages would be passed on from village to village. Warnings like “Under attack” or foreigners arriving” were communicated with different drum rhythms. Answer these questions about the information’s.


1)    Which methods of communication are described? ____________________________________________

2)    What is used to form the smoke signals? ____________________________________________________

3)    How far away could drum beats be heard? ______________________________________________________________

4)    What kinds of warnings were sent by drum beats? _______________________________________________________

5)    How would the person sending the message beat the drum? _______________________________________________

6)    How would important messages be passed? ‘____________________________________________________________

7)    What kind of warnings are communicated? _____________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks with the antonyms of the underlined words

8)    Is that an answer or a                         9)    Her clothes are cheap but her shoes are            

10)    Snow is White and coal is           

Replace the underlined words with their synonyms

11)    He made a few mistakes in his test 

12)    The naughty boy was chased by some dogs                    

13)    He stood in the centre of the class                  

Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in the brackets 

14)    I was             because I could not             the book I borrowed. (fined, find) 

15)    Please             while I take your             said the girl to the child (weight, wait) 

Write a word that sounds the same as the one given. 

16)    Cheque             ___________________17)    Cell                 _____________________

18)    Mail                

Give the feminine or masculine gender of the following 

Masculine         Feminine 

19)    Gentleman                


20)    Son in law                


21)                                    Mrs 


Write M for masculine, F for Feminine and N for Neuter 

22)    Pencil             Tigress            

23)    Brother             Chair                

24)    Policeman             mother            


Example As brave as a lion 

25)    As easy as                                                        26)    As gentle as a        

27)    As green as                                                       28)    As meek as a        

Rewrite and punctuate the following

29)    Oh I am sorry                            

30)    Where are we going                           

31)    I am going to visit my grand parents                                 

32)    Didnt they give you the book?                                

Give the young ones of these animals 

33)    Eagle                                         34)    Horse                

35)    Goat                                       36)    Frog                     

Write the homes of these people and animals 

37)    Priest                    

38)    King                    

39)    Spider                  

40)    Bee                      

Write a composition on any of the following:  

  1. A) What I would like to be in future 
  2. B) My State 
  3. C) A letter to your uncle telling him you would like to spend the holiday with his family. 


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