TIME: 2 hours
Business Studies JS 1 First Term Examinations 2021/2022
1. A room where clerical activities of a business
is carried out is called ……..
b. Office
c. Church
d. Warehouse
2. An office that is not partitioned into separate rooms is called ……..
a. Close office
b. Departmental office
c. Open office
d. .Administrative office
3. People who perform routine duties in an office
are called ……..
a. Everyday staff
b. Clerical staff
c. Cheerful staff
d. Obedient staff
4. …. Means that a clerical staff must not reveal secrets of the business
a. Confidentiality
b. Teamwork
c. Resourcefulness
d. Obedience
5. Different functional areas in the organization
is called……
a. Offices
b. Gangs
C. Departments
d. Personnel
6. Clerks who distribute mails are under which department?
a.Marketing department
b.Transportation department
C.Production department
D. Administrative department
7. ………is the buying, selling and distribution
of goods and services
b. Warehouse
c. Transformation
d. Commerce
8. ………is the exchange of information between
two parties
a. Communication
b. Gist
C. Banking
d. Confusion
9. ……..involves buying in large quantities from the manufacturer
a. Import
b. Export
c. Wholesale
d. Retailer
10. …….involves buying in small quantities and
selling in units or pieces
a. Manufacturer
b. Wholesaler
C. Retailer
d. Importer
11. Production is the creation of
a. Ultimatum
b. Intimacy
C. Items
d. Utilities
12. Land, labour and capital are the
à. Friends of production
b. Produce of production
C. Effects of production
d. Factors of production
13. The work done in an office enables the
organization to function
a. abnormally
b. poorly
C. fairly
d. properly
14. Any activity an individual engage in to earn a living is called
a. Business
b. Communication
C. Production
d. Services
15. Component of business studies include the
following except…..
a. Office practice
b. commerce
c. Book keeping
D farming
16. Some careers that can be found in business studies are the following except
A. Accountant
B. Secretary
C. Salesman
D. Fishing
17. An example of a closed office is ___
A. Bursar’s office
b. Bank
C, Manufacturing industry
D. Open field
18. An office that has demarcation or partition is
A. Open office
B. Wide office
C. Small office
D. Merchants office
19. An example of such office is…..
A. Hairdresser’s shop
B. Chicken republic
C. Bank
D. Sport center
20. All these are the functions of a clerical staff
a. Answering of telephone calls
B. Typing of documents
C. Receiving Visitors
d. Giving out office information to an
unwanted person
21. . The department in charge of employees
welfare and staff related matter is called
a. Personnel department
b. Finance department
C. Transport department
D. Planning department
22. Department responsible for the smooth running of the general organization is referred
to as
a Marketing department
b. Administrative department
C. Sales department
d. Personnel department
23. Sales department is headed by……
a. Sales Manager
b. Clerk
c. Sales representative
d. Administrative manager
24. Account department is headed by……
a. Accounting Manager
b. Auditor in Chief
C. General accountant
d. Transport Manager
25. Personnel department is headed by…
a. Personnel manager.
b. Accountant
c. Administrative manager
d. Sales rep
26. The way we behave or think towards people or
things is called
a. Work
b. Responsibility
c. Attitude
d. Altitude
27. Attributes of right attitude to work are these
a. Hard-work
b. Consistency
c. Reliable
d. Laziness
28. Getting to work on time or arriving to a place at an agreed time time is called
a. Punctuality
b. Honesty
C. Regularity
d. Consistency
29. Regularity means……
a. Absenting yourself from work
b. go to work on time and all the time
c. seldom going to work
d. Work at your convenient time
30. Sanction means
a. Penalty or punishment to compel a
defaulter to change
b. Punishment given to the innocent
c. Chances of success
d. Death sentence.
31. The business activities that helps trade and
commerce to grow is called…..
a. Trade
b. Aids to trade
c. Import
d. Export
32. Commerce is the study of …….. and…..
a. import and export
b. Trade and aids to trade
c. Farming and Mining
d. Goods and services
33. ___is the movement of goods from one place
to another
a. transport
b. Flying
C. Warehousing
d. communication
34. The place where goods are stored until they are needed is called
a. Warehousing
b. Advertising
C. Insurance
d. Aids to trade
35. ….. helps organizations, businessmen and
women to reduce their losses
a. Insurance
b. Banking
C. communication
d. Products
36. Trade can be classified in to…
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5
37. The buying and selling of goods and services within a country is called
a. Foreign Trade
b. International trade
C.Intercontinental trade
d. Home trade
38 .The trade that exist between two or more
countries is called
a. Foreign Trade
b. International trade
C. Intercontinental trade
d. Home trade
39. Buying of goods in bulk or large quantity from the manufacturer or producer and selling to retailers in smaller quantity is called ….
a. Wholesale trade
b. Retail trade
C. community trade
d. Self-use trade
40. ___involves buying in smaller quantity from
the wholesaler and selling to the final
a. Community trade
b. whole sale trade
C. self-use trade
d. Retail trade
41. There are …. types of retail trade
a. 2
b. 3
C. 4
d. 5
41.___is the buying of goods and services from other country into our own country.
a. Home trade
b. Export trade
C. Import trade
d. Wholesale Trade
43. Physical transformation of raw materials into finished goods to satisfy human want is called ___
A. Occupation
B. Production
C. Industry
D. Commerce
44. There are ___ types of Production
A. 5
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
45. The extraction of raw materials or tapping of natural resources from the land, seas, and even
atmosphere is called
a. Primary productions
b. Secondary production
C. Manufacturing
d. Construction
46. Services which makes it possible for the goods produced o reach to customers is
a. Primary production
b. Secondary production
C. Tertiary production
d. Manufacturer
47. Non-commercial services can be divided into
a. 10
b. 11
C. 2
d. 3
48. Any services rendered to a beneficiary and
payment is made to the person who rendered
the service is called ….
a. Direct services
b. Active services
C. Indirect services
d. Passive services
49. A service rendered to the public and directly
paid by the government from the taxes paid by the public is called
a. Direct services
b. Indirect services
C. Active services
d. Passive services
50. One of these is not part of the social costs or negative effects of production
a. Provision of employment opportunity
b. Destruction of natural habitants
C. Industrial waste from factories are the
dangerous to human health
d. Relocation of the whole community.
Instruction Answer 3 questions in all
1a. Define production
1b. List three types of production
2a. Define Trade
2b. With the aid of diagram classify or show the division of commerce
3a. What are the branches of commerce
3b. List 6 activities that aids trade and commerce
4a. Define an office
4b. Mention and explain two types of an office
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