Animal Based and Plant Based Proteins Agricultural Science Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 3

Subject: Agricultural Science

Topic: Animal-Based and Plant-Based Proteins

Duration: 30 minutes

Teaching Methods: Discussion, Visual Aids

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of food groups and nutrition.

Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of

Proteinous Foods Building Blocks Of Lives

that was taught  in their previous lesson.

Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson , learners will be able to

  • Say examples of proteins that are of animal source.
  • List examples of protein foods that are of plant source.

Instructional Materials 

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Picture showing classes of food

Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization

Content : 

Proteins That Are Animal Based 


1. Egg

2. Beef

3. Meat

4. Fish

5. Liver

6. Milk

7. Turkey


9. Chicken


  1. __________ is a white liquid that comes from cows and is good for making cheese. a) Water b) Milk c) Juice d) Tea
  2. People often eat __________ during special occasions like Thanksgiving. a) Fish b) Milk c) Turkey d) Bread
  3. __________ is a small animal that can be cooked and eaten. a) Rabbit b) Tiger c) Dog d) Elephant
  4. Chickens are birds that people raise for their __________ and eggs. a) feathers b) songs c) meat d) colors
  5. __________ is a common type of meat that comes from pigs. a) Bread b) Fish c) Milk d) Pork
  6. People often enjoy omelets made with __________. a) carrots b) lettuce c) eggs d) potatoes
  7. Hamburgers are often made from __________ meat. a) chicken b) fish c) beef d) turkey
  8. What type of animal does beef come from? a) Cow b) Chicken c) Rabbit d) Fish
  9. Milk is a source of calcium and is important for __________ health. a) bone b) skin c) hair d) muscle
  10. When you eat turkey, you might say, “This is __________!” a) fishy b) tasty c) sour d) sweet


Examples of Proteins that are plant based 


1. Beans .

2. Pea

3. Soybeans

4. Groundnut

5. Tiger nuts

6. Almond

7. Cashew nut

8. Millet

  1. Which of the following is a plant-based source of protein? a) Chicken b) Beans c) Beef d) Pork
  2. What kind of plant is used to produce peanuts? a) Almond b) Groundnut c) Soybean d) Cashew nut
  3. Soybeans are a common plant-based protein source used to make __________. a) milk b) cheese c) eggs d) bread
  4. Groundnut is another name for __________. a) peas b) millet c) almonds d) peanuts
  5. Almonds are a type of __________ that can be eaten for protein. a) nut b) fruit c) vegetable d) meat
  6. What type of food is made from groundnut? a) Juice b) Candy c) Peanut butter d) Ice cream
  7. Millet is a type of __________ that can be used as a plant-based protein source. a) bread b) cereal c) fish d) milk
  8. Which of the following is not a plant-based source of protein? a) Almond b) Cashew nut c) Chicken d) Pea
  9. What plant-based protein source is often used in making almond milk? a) Cashew nut b) Almond c) Soybean d) Groundnut
  10. What plant-based food is commonly used to make a sweet spread known as “peanut butter”? a) Pea b) Almond c) Groundnut d) Millet

Nigerian Plant Based Rich Sources of Protein 


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Begin by discussing the importance of a balanced diet for good health.
    • Introduce the concept of proteins and their role in the diet.
  2. Animal-Based Proteins (10 minutes)
    • Show pictures of foods rich in animal-based proteins (e.g., meat, fish, eggs, dairy products).
    • Explain that animal-based proteins come from animal sources.
  3. Plant-Based Proteins (10 minutes)
    • Show pictures of foods rich in plant-based proteins (e.g., beans, lentils, nuts, tofu).
    • Explain that plant-based proteins come from plant sources.
  4. Discussion (5 minutes)
    • Engage the students in a discussion about their favorite protein-rich foods and ask them whether they are animal-based or plant-based


Presentation  : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher And Pupils Activities. Interaction or  Participation 

This involves class teacher  and pupils interaction , conversation , imitation or modeling through discussion , play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher asks the pupils what other types of food that can be make from beans. They answer maybe bean cake (àkàrà) moin moin (bean custard) bean soup (Gbegiri)
  • A pupil may be asked to show the samples of these food types to other members of the class.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present information about animal-based and plant-based proteins.
  • Show visual aids and explain the sources of these proteins.
  • Engage students in discussions about their dietary habits.

Learners Activities:

  • Listen to the information presented.
  • Participate in discussions and share their knowledge about proteins.



  1. Proteins build our ____________ (body, house)
  2. Proteins are body _________ foods (building / killing )
  3. Liver and Fish are examples of _________foods (destroying /building )
  4. Write out four body building foods _____ ______ _____ ______
  5. Write out four energy Giving Foods ____ ____ ____ _____
  6. …… what is eaten either liquid or semi solid that is taken to maintain the body growth (Food / Poisson)
  7. The class of food that provides us with the needed energy is called……(Carbohydrates / Protein)
  8. The class of food that protects the food from infections is known as…….(Vitamins / Carbohydrates)

Assessment: (5 minutes)

  • Show pictures of various foods and ask students to categorize them as either animal-based or plant-based proteins.


  • Evaluate students based on their participation in discussions and their ability to identify protein sources correctly.


  • Summarize the lesson by emphasizing the importance of including both animal-based and plant-based proteins in their diet for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


Identification of Local Fruit Crops Agricultural Science Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

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