Js1 CRS 2nd term que. Edu quiz





Js1 CRS 2nd term que.


  1. Which of the following did not serve in the Bible? (a)  David  (b) Samuel   (c)  Desmond Tutu  (d)  Isaiah
  2. All these are good professions except (a)  running  (b)  teaching  (c)  Dancing  (d)  stealing
  3. What was the name of Joseph’s younger brother? (a) Dan (b) Judah (c) Benjamin   (d)  Naphtali
  4. Who made Joseph the Governor in Egypt? (a) the butler (b) the baker (c) Pharaoh  (d)  Portiphar
  5. How old was Moses when God called him (a) 40 (b) 80    (c) 120    (d) 100
  6. _____is described as the mountain of God (a) Sinai (b) Haran (c) Carmel   (d) Everest
  7. How old was Joshua when he died (a) 110 years (b) 100   (c) 120 yrs   (d) 50
  8. Joshua led the children of Israel to cross the river (a) Nile (b) Jordan (c) Taboo (d) Zambezi
  1. How old was Abraham when God called him? (a) 75   (b) 70             (c) 60
  2. God told him to leave his country; what was the name of his country (a) Haran

(b) Nain    (c) Canaan

  1. God saw in Abraham the following qualities except (a) faith (b) Trust (c) slothfulness.
  2. The first family on earth was the family of __ (a) God (b) Adam and Eve

(c) Cain and Abel.

  1. The type of the family of Adam and Eve was __ family. (a) Nuclear (b) Compound

(c) Extended (d) None of the above.

  1. The type of the family of King Solomon was_______ type of family,(a) Polygamous (b) monogamous     (c) Compound (d) extended
  1. ____ is a state of being emotionally attached to a person, resulting from feeling of affection. (a) Friendship (b) lust (c) infatuation (d) companionship
  2. The school prepares the child to be functional member of the following except____ (a) home (b) society (c) garage (d) community
  3. Christians can manifest good behaviour by ____. (a) vandalizing properties (b) self discipline (c) involving in anti-social behaviour (d) none of the above
  4. As a Christian / good Citizen, we should not make any ____ statement against our rulers. (a) good (b) derogatory (c) commendable (d) none of the above
  5. Who did Paul appeal to during his trial? a) Agrippa  b) Aquilla  c)  Caesar  d) Herod



  1. State five types of services that people can engage in.
  2. Highlight the mistakes of the brothers of Joseph.
  3. Write down one of the verse of the songs of victory sang by the Israelite after their freedom.
  4. How did God preserve the first born of the Israelites from being destroyed by the angel of death?
  5. Give two qualities in Joshua that makes him a worthy leader.
  6. Discuss the quality in faith, trust and courage in the life of Abraham.
  7. Mention two things that can help to maintain a good family name.
  8. List five consequences of choosing bad friends.
  9. Give at least two duties and obligations of the categories of people in the church.
  10. Write short notes on the
    1. Epicureans
    2. Stoics
    3. Sadducees




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