JSS 2 Second Term Examination Agricultural Science

Js2  2nd agric que.

                                                                SECTION A

  1. The types of feed which have high water content is known as _____________(a) succulent B. roughages  C.concentratesD.fibre.
  2. _______ are required by the animals in large quantities A. Mega-elements B. Nano-elements C. Macro-elements. D. Micro elements.
  3. One of the nutrient which supply energy needed by the body for keeping the body temperature at the correct level. A. protein B.carbodydratesC. fat D. vitamin.
  4. __________are used for feeding the animals with hay and other forages A. hay troughs B. Hay racks: C. hay pan D.feed racks.
  5. ______ is the amount of feed formulated to meet the specific need of an (a) animal.Balanced ration B. Imbalanced ration C. Maintenance ratio D. Diet
  6. ______ is the total amount of feed supplied to animal per day. A. ration B. imbalanced ration C. ratio D. diet
  7. A change in the normal function or well-being of farm animals caused by another organism is known as ___________________ A. pest B. parasite C. disease D.
  8. The following are mode of transmission of farm animal disease except A.Air (airborne) B. Water C.direct contact with organism D. in-direct contact with organism.
  9. Mastitis affects the following animals except A. cattle B. sheep C. goats D. poultry.
  10. Which of these diseases mostly affect the intestine of the birds?A. ringworm B. cowpox C. typhoid D. contagious abortion
  11. Pneumonia affects what part of the animal body A. Brain B. Lungs C. Intestine D. Skin
  12. Another name for ringer pest is A. cattle plague B. goat plague C. sheep plague D. contagious abortion
  13. Trypanosomiasis is a disease transmitted by A. mosquito B. black fly C.tsetse fly (c) tick.
  14. The following breeds of cattle are resistant to Nagana except A. n’dama B. keteku C. red bororo D. Muturu
  15. _____ of newly acquired animals is important before introduction to other animals in a farm A. Unity B. Feeding C. Treatment D. Isolation.
  16. The disease which is characterized by the enlargement of the bowel is called A. kata B. diarrhea C. bloat D. coccidiosis.
  17. Which of these is a fungal disease A .Coccidiosis B. Anthrax C .Aspergillosis D. Foot and mouth.
  18. The following are one of the symptoms of Trypanosomiasis except A. Rise in temperature, B. nervous disorder, C. paralysis D. hyperactivity.
  19. The following disease results into difficulty in breathing in the following animals except A. Rinderpest B. Newcastle disease C. pneumonia D. kata
  20. The following are examples of worm affecting farm animals except A. earthworm(b) tapeworm C. roundworm D. liver fluke




  1. Mention two general guidelines for prevention and control of animal diseases.
  2. Mention three methods of prevention and control of bird flu.
  3. Differentiate between cause of a disease and symptoms.
  4. What are the factors to consider before deciding animal feed?
  5. Mention and explain the importance of constituents of livestock feeds.
  6. State four feeding tools and equipment for farm animals.






#1. __________are used for feeding the animals with hay and other forages

#2. The following disease results into difficulty in breathing in the following animals except

#3. The disease which is characterized by the enlargement of the bowel is called

#4. The following are mode of transmission of farm animal disease except

#5. Another name for ringer pest is

#6. Which of these is a fungal disease

#7. _______ are required by the animals in large quantities

#8. _____ of newly acquired animals is important before introduction to other animals in a farm

#9. ______ is the total amount of feed supplied to animal per day

#10. The types of feed which have high water content is known as _____________

