Underline the correct answer
Obedience to God brings _____(a) sorrow (b) Failure (c) blessing
Who said this is my only beloved son? (a) the holy spirit (b) John the Baptist (c) God the father
Who was virgin Mary? (a) The mother of Jesus (b) The aunt of Jesus (c) The Sister of Jesus
What was the special ability of Joseph (a) He could heal the sick (b) He could dream and interpret dreams (c) he could fight many people
What did God say at the beginning of creation? (a) Let there be light (b) Let there be darkness (c) let there be stars
Who is the mother of Jesus? (a) Elizabeth (b) Mary (c) Hannah
Who was the human father of Jesus? (a) Hezekiah (b) John (c) Joseph
Did Jesus have brother (a) Yes (b) No (c) I don’t know
Who turn water to wine? (a) Jesse (b) Jesus (c) Marta
Jesus rose on the ____day (a) 28 (b) 3 (c) 5
11. Who created heaven and earth?
(a) Devil (b) God (c) Angels
12. ___________ was created on the first day
(a) Light (b) Man (c) Plant
13. Did Abraham obey God’s call?
(a) Yes (b) No
14. Abraham’s son was ________________
(a) Jacob (b) Cain (c) Isaac
15. Was Jacob as hairy as Esau?
(a) Yes (b) No
16. Did Joseph’s dream come true?
(a) Yes (b) No
17. What did Joseph see in his dream?
(a) Stars (b) Books (c) Witches
18. Did Moses enter the promised land with the Israelites?
(a) Yes (b) No
21. Prayer is a practice of __________ a. singing b. talking c. closing one’s eye
22. Prayer is not good for Christian (yes/no)
23. ____________ gave us the Lord’s Prayer. A.God b.Jesus c.Angel Gabriel
24. We may start our prayer by calling ___________ a. the name of Jesus b. the name of Satan c. the name of your teacher
25. __________ prayed of wisdom and understanding a. David b. Adam c.Solomon
26. We should pray for _________ a. knowledge b. Wisdom C all of the above
27. Lazarus was raised up by ______ a.satan b. Jesus c. Peter
28. Hannah used to go to _____________ to pray for a son a. Shiloh b.Galile
29. Who is the mother of Jesus? A. Martha b. Hannah c. Mary
13. A child of God should not steal (true / false)
Mention (5) five things you should pray for a pupil.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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