1.) The sewing machine is used for mending ____ (a) leg (b) paper (c) cloth (d) card board

2.) Stitches are either done by hand or by a _____ (a) washing machine (b) sewing machine
(c) grinding machine (d) pumping machine

3.) ______ is an example of snacks (a) rice (b) puff puff (c) orange (d) potatoes

4.) ____ stitches are the ones that when you put on a clothing material it remains there (a) tacking (b) back (c) temporary (d) permanent

5.) Materials and things that belongs to your alone are called ____ (a) personal hygiene
(b) personal belongings (c) personal behavior (d) general belongings

6.) Eating good food makes us ____ (a) healthy (b) weak (c) sick (d) die

7.) Always wash your ____ before and after meal (a) mouth (b) body (c) hand (d) leg

8.) Fruit drinks help to quench our ____ (a) spirit (b) mouth (c) thirst (d) life

9.) There are different sizes of knitting pins depending on what is knitted
(a) True (b) False (c) Not sure (d) may be

10.) Grains and tubers are good sources of ____
(a) protein (b) carbohydrates (c) fat and oil (d) vitamins

11.) We prepare our food in the (a) room (b) store (c) kitchen (d) toilet

12.) Nutrients are classified into ____ categories (a) ten (b) four (c) six (d) two

13.) The pressing boards are used for ironing _____ (a) cloth (b) shoe (c) drawing (d) bag

14.) The food eaten by man are gotten from ____ and ____ (a) cloud and space (b) heaven and earth (c) plants and animals (d) living things and non-living things

15.) _____ is used when a pattern is made or used to trace out patterns on a piece of cloth to be sewn. (a) tailor’s chalk (b) biro (c) marker (d) pencil

16.) We should take our bath _____
(a) once a week (b) once a year (c) once a month (d) once or twice daily

17.) A store is a place where ____ and ____ are kept (a) books and pens (b) clothes and underwater (c) food stuffs and cooking utensils (d) shoes and bags

18.) _____ is used to measure materials and the body for sewing
(a) scissors (b) thimble (c) measuring tape (d) pin

19.) A _____ tale is used for cutting cloth (a) writing (b) sewing (c) dinning (d) drawing

20.) Washing, drying and ironing our clothes prevents us from having _____ diseases
(a) mouth (b) foot (c) skin (d) hair

21.) There are ____ types of sewing machine (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 8

22.) Crocheting is a process of creating fabrics from yarn or thread using a crochet ____
(a) hook (b) knife (c) shears (d) rivets

23.) Sewing tools are kept inside a needle craft ____ (a) bag (b) plate (c) pot (d) book

24.) Knitting can be used to produce ____ and ____ (a) hats and head bands (b) cap and sweater (c) blouse and skin (d) blouse and wrapper

25.) ______ is used to protect the finger from being hurt by the needle when sewing with hand
(a) needle (b) hook (c) thimble (d) tailor’s chalk

26.) The _____ is a room where visitors are attended to in a home (a) bed room (b) sitting room (c) kitchen (d) dinning room

27.) Which of the following groups of food builds the body? (a) yam, bread and corn
(b) beans, egg and fish (c) water, salt and tomatoes (d) orange, apple and rice

28.) ______ stitches are ones that when putting on a clothing material does not remain there.
(a) temporary (b) permanent (c) tacking (d) back

29.) The study room is always located at the most _____ part of the house
(a) quiet (b) busy (c) dirty (d) noisy

30.) Is it right for us to wear the cloth for our daily activities to sleep (a) Yes (b) I think so (c) No

Section B:
1.) What are temporary stitches? ___________________________________________________

b.) Give three examples of permanent stitches
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

2.) What is knitting? _____________________________________________________________

b.) List five simple sewing tools
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(e) ________________________________

3.) Mention four various rooms in a house
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

b.) State the functions of each part mentioned above
(a) ________________________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________________________
(c) ________________________________________________________________________
(d) ________________________________________________________________________

5.) State the six categories of food nutrients(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(e) ________________________________

b.) Give two importance of food to man
(a) ________________________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________________________

5.) State the six categories of food nutrients
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(e) ________________________________ (f) ________________________________

b.) Give two examples of each category mentioned above
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(e) ________________________________ (f) ________________________________
(g) ________________________________ (h) ________________________________
(i) ________________________________ (j) ________________________________


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