(JS 1 BASIC 7)




  1. Revision of work done in second term.
  2. Care of family house: (a)Reasons for care of the family     (b)Equipment, tools and materials for the care of family house. (c)Types of care : daily, weekly and seasonal care.

(d) Waste disposal sites and methods.

  1. Entertainment in the home: (a) Meaning of entertainment and table laying.(b)Importance of Entertainment and table laying.

(c) Preparation for entertainment (d) Characteristics of a good host / hostess.(e) Table laying.

  1. Simple Sewing Tools and Equipment:(a)Tools and equipment for sewing (b)Uses of sewing tools and equipment ( c) Guidelines for choosing sewing tools and equipment.
  2. Sewing processes (Simple stitches and seams): (a) Sewing processes: Basic stitches and seams.(b) Guidelines for choice of seams.

(c) Making of basic stitches and seams.

  1. Practical session for sewing, making stitches and seams.
  2. Cosmetics production (pomade/cream): (a) Types of cosmetics.(a)Materials and tools for pomade and cream making.(a) Procedure for making cream / pomade
  3. Practical session for making pomade / cream.
  4. Household crafts:(a) Tools and materials for making craft items. (b)Making of craft items e.g. needle work, bag, apron, cap, scarves, paper craft.
  5. Practical session for making of craft items.
  6. Revision



DATE: …………………………

TOPIC: Revision of work done in second term.

WEEK            2

DATE: ….……………………………….


TOPIC: Care Of Family the House.

CONTENT:    1. Reasons for care of family house

  1. Equipment, tools and materials for the care of family house.
  2. Types of care: daily, weekly and seasonal
  3. Waste disposal sites and methods.

SUB-TOPIC    I: Reasons for Care of Family House



The family house is a building where the family lives. It is very important for the well being of family members. A clean home is very comfortable to live in.It is very important to keep our home and surroundings clean. We need to know the reasons why the family house must be kept clean and cared for.

Reason for care of Family House

  1. To maintain good hygiene
  2. To maintain clean appearance
  3. To promote good health
  4. To make the family to be better able to perform its functions
  5. To enhance orderliness in the home
  6. T prevent spoilage of household equipment and other family belongings
  7. To prolong the life span of the house and its contents
  8. To prevent household pests and disease-carrying insects such as mosquitoes
  9. A clean house is a pride to the family. It encourages us to show our home to visitors.
  1. A well-kept family house makes the family live together in harmony.


  1. What is a family house?
  2. State five reasons for the care of the family house.

Reading Assignment: Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS Bk 1,pgs 87-93.


SUB-TOPIC 2: Equipment, Tools and Materials for Cleaning the House

Equipment, tools and materials for the care of the family house are as follows:


  • Vacuum cleaner- a piece of electrical equipment that cleans the floors up by sucking up dirt.
  • Floor polisher
  • Washing machine
  • Dish washer


  • Brushes
  • Brooms
  • Dusters and floor cloths
  • Mop and bucket
  • Dust pans
  • Refuse bin
  • Bucket


  • Soap or detergent
  • Disinfectant
  • Polish
  • Water

Care of brooms and brushes

  1. After use, shake off any piece of dirt collected on the broom sticks or brush bristles, after each use.
  2. Wash the broom or brush holding the handles
  3. Rinse in clean warm water
  4. Allow to dry in open air.
  5. Hang brushes on hooks by their handles and keep brooms upright when not in use.

Mops and Buckets

Wet mops can be used for washing floors and dry one can be used for dusting surfaces. Long-handled mops make washing of floor easier. Water, detergent and disinfectant are kept or collected in the bucket to assist when mopping. Wash with soap and water after use, wring out H2O from your

Dust bin: is used for disposal of refuse

Dust Pans: they are used for gathering dusts and dirt.

Dish Washer: It is an electric equipment used in washing plates

Washing Machine: Is an electric machine for doing laundry work.



  1. List six tools / equipment and materials needed for care of the house.
  2. Name any two materials and state their uses.


Draw and label at least 5 tools / equipment and materials needed for care of the house.

Reading Assignment:

Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1, 87-93.


SUB-TOPIC 3:  Types of Care: Daily, Weekly and Seasonal care.

In order to clean the house you need to sweep and dust the different functional areas, surfaces and objects in the house. The functional areas are: the sitting room, the dining room, kitchen, bedroom, toilet and bathroom. Types of house care include daily, weekly and seasonal cleaning of the house.

  1. Daily care involves the removal of surface dust from the ceiling, walls, floors and other surfaces in the home. This is done by sweeping and dusting.

Daily Cleaning

  1. Collect all cleaning materials needed
  2. Open windows to air the room
  3. Sweep down cobwebs from the ceilings and walls
  4. Clean the floor according to type using the needed material.
  5. Dust the furniture and ornaments
  6. Tidy and arrange the rooms neatly.
  1. Dispose of refuse properly.
  2. Weekly care involves more thorough cleaning of all surfaces and other items in the home. Weekly cleaning is generally carried out on weekends when have enough time to do so.

Weekly Cleaning

  1. Remove as much furniture as possible from each room
  2. Clean, scrub and polish the furniture
  3. Treat floors and floor coverings according to their types
  4. Clean all windows and louvers properly
  5. Clean cookers, refrigerators, and other appliances in the home.
  6. Scrub bathrooms, toilets and gutters paying special attention to the external parts of the house.
  7. Replace all furniture and average neatly.
  8. Clean and arrange artificial flowers or cut fresh flowers to decorate   the home
  9. Clean the materials used according to types and put them away appropriately.
  1. Seasonal Care of the house: There are some cleaning operations that should be carried out seasonally in the home.

Seasonal Cleaning include:

  1. Washing the curtains.
  2. Cleaning the carpet or rug after removing them.

iii. Clean the wardrobes

  1. Clean the food store.
  2. Polishing the furniture.


  1. Explain three types of care.
  2. State 3 guidelines each for daily, weekly and seasonal care of the house.


Carry out daily, weekly and seasonal care of the family house.


SUB-TOPIC 4:  Waste Disposal Sites and Methods.

The family consumes different goods and services. In the process of consumption, we generate different kinds of waste such as green leaves, waste food, pieces of papers, empty tins and bottles, pieces of clothes, ashes, sachets, nylons and other materials which should be  properly disposed.

When wastes are not properly disposed problems can occur. Such problems as disease outbreak, blockage of chemicals, air pollution etc.

Proper disposal of waste will help our environment to be clean and safe for living. That is the major reason why we must know approved waste disposal sites.

Waste disposal sites are places, centres or areas approved by relevant authorities for households and individuals to dispose wastes.

The government approved waste disposal sites are usually

  1. properly constructed for waste disposal
  2. Places with incinerators

iii. With government attendants who collect the waste regularly for final disposal

  1. Waste renewal plants
  2. Roofed to prevent rain from falling on the waste

However, in many areas in this country, these sites are not often provided by the government. So, people dump the wastes they generate in wrong places like :

(i) gutters

(ii) Along the highways

(iii) In any open space in the neighbourhood

(iv) in front of their houses

(v) Inside stream or erosion sites



Methods of Waste Disposal

The method of waste disposal is determined by the type of waste and the facilities available to the household. The methods include

  1. Burying: broken plates, bottles bad or unused cups, old tins etc are buried on the ground where land is readily available.

These types of wastes are called non-biodegradable wastes because they cannot decay.

  1. Burning: old news papers, dried leaves, rags etc can be disposed by burning. In some cities it might not be possible for household to burn the waste are collected by waste management agents for proper disposal.
  2. Feeding animals: Some waste are very useful in feeding animals. Left over foods, shafts of maize, wheat etc. can be fed to chickens and pigs. Dogs can eat bone, while goats and sheep can feed well on vegetable wastes.
  3. Making compost: Biodegradable wastes such as vegetables and some animal remains can be use in making compost (organic manure). This can serve as fertilizer for soils used in growing crops.


  1. Define waste disposal.
  1. Mention 3 wrong places to dispose waste
  2. Mention 2 proper sites for waste disposal
  3. List and explain 4 methods of waste disposal?
  4. What are non biodegradable and  biodegradable waste?


  1. Group the following under bio-degradable and non-biodegradable materials.

Pencil, books, milk tin, handkerchief polythene bags, yam peels and remains of animals.

  1. Mention 5 things that are biodegradable and 10 non-biodegradable things in the school premises.

Weekly Assignment

Popoola, O.O. Workbook on Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1, Pages 37-39.







DATE ……………………..………

TOPIC: Entertainment in the Home.

CONTENT:    1. Meaning of entertainment and table laying. 

  1. Importance of entertainment and table laying.
  2. Preparation for entertainment.
  3. Characteristics of a good host / hostess.

                        5.Table laying            

SUB-TOPIC 1:  Meaning of  Entertainment and Table laying.

Entertainment involves inviting or receiving people to our home and giving them something to eat and drink it also means making people happy.

A male person who entertains guest is a host while a female who entertain is a hostess.

To entertain guests, a host or hostess must plan, prepare and serve good meals.

Occasions such as birthday parties, Christian ceremonies etc require different kinds of preparations and food or refreshments. It is therefore important to learn how to entertain guests in the home.

Table laying is the process of setting a table. It means the arrangement of tableware or table appointment (plates, glasses and cutlery) for each person who will be eating a meal.



Explain these terms:

  • Entertainment
  • Table laying.


Reading Assignment: Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1,pages 94 – 99.


SUB-TOPIC 2: Importance of Entertainment and Table laying.

Importance of Entertainment

  1. It is a way of showing and sharing love
  2. It is a way of building good relationship among people
  3. It makes both the host/hostess and the guest happy
  4. It can help people develop interest and acquire skills needed in hospitality, restaurants and hotels.
  5. It helps people to learn and practice being a good host /  hostess
  6. It provides for relaxation which is necessary for good health.


Importance of Table laying

  1. It makes the table more attractive.
  2. It makes the meal more convenient to eat.
  3. It makes the food attractive.
  4. It helps in training younger children on table manners.


Give five reasons for entertainment.

Reading Assignment: Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1,pages 94 – 99.


SUB-TOPIC 3: Preparation for Entertainment

There are many ways of preparing for entertainment. As a host or hostess you have to do the following

  • Preparation and sending out of invitation and sending out of invitation letters or cards
  • Preparation of the house/venue for the occasion
  • Collection and arrangement of equipment and materials
  • Preparation of refreshment/food

The amount of preparation needed depends on the type of party and number of invited guests

(i) Preparation and sending out of invitation letters or card.

The invitation cards, letter or telephone calls must be prepared and sent early enough.

Invitation can be issued in person, on the telephone or by written cards. Formal parties are often by cards, while informed ones may be by telephone or face to face verbal communication. A complete invitation must have the following

  1. The name of the host/hostess
  2. The type of event
  • The date
  1. Time and place of the party
  2. The name of the guest

(ii) Venue Preparation

The venue or place for the party can be the family house, or a place outside the home. To prepare the venues you must?

-Ensure the space is enough for your invitees.

-Provide enough seats and tables for your guests.

-Clean the place thoroughly

-Clean and arrange chairs and tables properly

-Decorate the tables with beautiful table covers.

-Use harmonious decorative materials to decorate the venue

-Make sure the venue is well ventilated and lighted.

(iii) Collection and Arrangement of Equipments and Materials

The equipment or materials which are often used in parties include musical equipment such as stereo and accessories, cutlery, serviettes, straws for drinks, food, drinks etc. All these must be carefully collected and arranged before the party must be done giving special attention to the expected guests.

(D) Preparation of Refreshment/Food

The type of refreshment or food and method of serving will depend on:

  • The type of party for instance tea party, cocktail, formal or informal, buffet parties.
  • The type of food to be served
  • The duration of the party
  • The space available in the venue
  • The number of people to entertain
  • Number of available servers.

Some meals can be used or served for entertainment are jollof rice, bean pudding (moi-moi), pounded yam, fufu, garri, amala with assorted soups, fried chicken, fried beef, vegetable salad, pepper soup, fruit salad etc.

Snacks include-barbeque, beans cake, yam balls, cakes, chips, cake, chin-chin, doughnut e. t. c.


  1. List five materials / equipment needed for entertainment and table laying.
  1. State four steps to take when preparing for entertainment
  2. An invitation letter must contain:

i ……………………….

ii ………………………

iii. …………………………

  1. ……………………..
  2. ………………………


Plan a birthday party. Write an invitation letter for the party and plan the activities. How much will the party cost you?


Reading Assignment: Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1, Pages 94 – 99.   

 SUB-TOPIC 4:  Characteristics of a Good Host/Hostess

A good host or hostess should be able to perform the following functions

(i) Plan and take proper decision on the plan

(ii) Send invitations to guest early enough

(iii) Plan the menu and activities for the party

(iv) Make a comprehensive shopping and shop wisely

(vi) Prepare the venue before the party

(vii) Get dressed and ready to receive guests as soon as they arrive

(viii) Get everything ready before party time.

(ix) Introduce guests to one another.

(x) Involve all the guests in the activities without embarrassing the shy ones.

(xi) Serve food smartly

(xii) Ensure guest take enough food.

(xiii) Be friendly, warm and enthusiastic.

(xiv) Lead but avoid monopolizing discussions. He/she should be able to communicate freely with the       guests

(xv) See guests off to the door and thank them at the end of the party.



  1. Who is a hostess?
  2. Who is a guest?
  3. Mention any 10 characteristics or responsibilities of a good host/hostess.


Brief role play of a host/hostess should be done by few of the students in turn, while others act as guests.


SUB-TOPIC 5: Table Laying 

Table laying is the process of setting a table. It involves the arrangement of plate, glasses and cutlery for each person who will be eating the meal.

Material for table laying include: table cloth side plate meat fork, spoon, meat knife, dessert spoon & fork, wine glass, placemats, napkins and serviette, glass cup.

Importance of table laying

Table laying especially for a party is very important because.

  • It makes the dining table more attractive
  • It makes the food attractive.
  • It makes the meal more convenient to eat.
  • It helps in training younger children on table manners

Processes of Table laying

  1. Determine the number of persons to be served and the menu before laying the table.
  2. Make the table design simple & natural.
  3. Use attractive materials for table design.
  4. The table setting should complement the meal.
  5. Avoid using high flower arrangement that can make conversation across the table awkward.
  6. Clean all required materials.
  7. Pieces of cutlery should be placed fairly close together.

Materials for Table Setting / Laying

  1. Table cloth
  2. Plate or Crockery
  • Cutlery ( spoon, fork and knife)
  1. Soup spoon
  2. Glass cup or Tumbler
  3. Serviette or Table napkin
  • Place mats
  • Bread knife
  1. Wine glass
  2. Centre piece: This is used to decorate the table. It can be a vase of flowers or a bowl of assorted fruits.


  1. Define table laying / setting.
  2. List 10 materials needed for table laying.
  3. What are the processes of table laying?


(i).  Students should demonstrate how to lay a table using the materials provided by the teacher.

(ii). Make a pictorial collection of styles of serving food and show it in the next class.


Weekly assignment:

Popoola, O.O. Work Book on Home Economics New Concepts for JSS1, Pages 41 – 42.



DATE: …………………………..


CONTENT:    1. Tools and Equipment for sewing.

  1. Uses of Sewing Tools and Equipment for sewing.
  2. Guidelines for choosing Sewing Tools and Equipment.


SUB-TOPIC:  1. Tools and Equipment for Sewing.

Tools and equipment for sewing.

Sewing tools and equipments are grouped according to their uses and are as follows:

  1. Measuring Tools
  • Ruler / Metre stick
  • Tape measure
  • Hem marker
  1.  Marking and Tracing Tools
  • Tracing wheel
  • Carbon or tracing paper
  • Tailor’s chalk
  1.  Cutting Tools
  • Scissors
  • Pinking shears
  • Stitch ripper
  1.  Stitching Tools
  • Dress maker’s pins
  • Needles:
  1. Sharp needles
  2. Betweens
  • Crewel needles
  1. Machine needles
    • Pin – cushion and emery bag
    • Sewing machine
    • Thimble
    • Sewing thread
    • Sewing kit / bag / box
    • Sewing thread


  1. Classify sewing tools and equipment or Identify 4 groups of simple sewing tools and equipment.
  2. List three tools from each group.
  3. Give 4 types of needles.


Identify these tools and equipment by their names.

Teacher should present pictures of simple sewing equipment and tools to students for identification.


Reading Assignment:  Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1, Pages 100 – 106.


SUB-TOPIC    2: Uses of sewing Tools and Equipment.

Tools and equipment for sewing and their uses

Sewing tools and equipments are grouped according to their uses and are as follows:

  1. Measuring Tools
    • Ruler / Metre stick – used for pattern drafting and marking width of hems and facings.
    • Tape measure- for taking measurements of the body, fabric
    • Hem marker- for marking the hems of finished garments
  2. Marking and Tracing Tools
    1. Tracing wheel – This is used with carbon paper or tracing paper in transferring markings from patterns to fabrics
    2. Carbon or tracing paper- it comes in many colours and it is used for transferring pattern markings to fabrics.
    3. Tailor’s chalk- special coloured chalk used for making marks in patterns and fabrics
  3. Cutting Tools
    1. Scissors: Used for cutting papers, fabrics and thread. Scissors are available in different types and sizes.
    2. Pinking shears: Used for neatening raw edge of materials that fray easily. Scissors are available in different types and sizes
    3. Stitch ripper: used for ripping or picking unwanted stitches and for cutting open button holes.
  4. Stitching Tools
    1. Dress maker’s pins: they look like needles but have “heads” instead of eye. They are used for holding two or more pieces of cloth or paper together in the sewing process.
    2. Needles: the types include:
  5. Sharp needles: Used for general purposes.
  6. Betweens (short needles with small eye): Used for tailoring. They are shorter than sharps.
  • Crewel needles: Used for embroidery.
  • Machine needles: used only with sewing machines
    1. Pin – cushion and emery bag: emery bag contains special dust which sharpens and polishes needles and pins, pin-cushion is used for holding pins and needles
    2. Sewing machine: it is used for stitching and making garments
    3. Thimble: small cap metal or plastic worn on the finger to protect it from needle pinch when sewing
    4. Sewing thread: used for stitching
    5. Sewing kit / bag / box: Special container used for packing small sewing equipment, tools and aids such as threads, tailor’s chalk, thimble etc. Medium sized plastic container may be used.
    6. Sewing thread


  1. List five tools from each group and give their uses.
  2. Identify two items from the needle work box.


  1. Show how to use two sewing tools and equipment.
  2. Make an album of simple sewing tools and equipment by cutting out the pictures.

Reading Assignment:

Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS 1, Pages 100 – 106.


SUB-TOPIC 3:  Guidelines for Choice Of Sewing Tools And Equipment

  1. Choose the best sewing equipment you can afford
  2. A good pair of scissor with large sharp blade of 15.33cm long are advisable for use
  1. Choose stainless steel scissors. They do not rust.
  2. Choose necessary tools and equipment with smooth edges to prevent snagging the fabrics.
  3. They should have accurate sale and be easy to read.
  4. Marking equipment that will not leave permanent marks on the fabric is desirable.
  5. Choose starching equipments & tools that are rust proof.
  6. Pins and needles should have sharp points.
  7. Choose needles, considering the type & weight of fabrics, sewing process & thread size
  8. Choose sewing threads that suits the colour of fabrics you are sewing.
  9. Avoid thimbles with sharp edges as the can fray thread & and make fabric surface rough
  10. Choose safe and durable sewing tools and equipment
  11. Always use the right tool or equipment for the right job.


  1. Mention 10 guidelines for choosing simple sewing tool/ equipment
  2. ______________ kind of scissors and shears do not rust.


  1. Show how to use two sewing tools and equipment.
  2. Make an album of simple sewing tools and equipment by cutting out the pictures.

Weekly Assignment: Popoola, O.O. Work Book on Home Economics New Concepts for JSS1, Pages 43 – 44.








CONTENT: 1. Sewing processes: Basic Stitches & Seams, Uses and guidelines        for choice of seams.

  1. Making Basic Stitches & seams.

Sub-Topic I: Sewing Processes: Basic Stitches & Seams, Uses and guidelines for choice of seams.

Basic Stitches and Seams.

Stitching is the process of passing threaded needle & thread in and out  of the material to make a specific design. The produced design is made up of stitches.

Types of Stitches

There are three broad types of stitches namely

  1. i) Temporary
  2. ii) Permanent and

iii)        Decorative stitches

Temporary Stitches

Tacking is used temporarily to hold pieces of materials together before the final stitching. Examples of temporary stitches are even basting and tacking, uneven basting & tacking, diagonal basting, slip basting and tailor’s tacks.





Permanent Stitches

These are used to join two or more separate pieces of materials together permanently examples include:

Running stitches, hemming stitches, over sewing stitches, back stitches, slip hemming, Buttonhole stitches.



Simple Embroidery or Decorative Stitches

These are used for decorating or designing garments. Some can also be used for finishing rough edges. Examples of decorative stitches are satin stitches, chain stitches, stem stitches, Herring bone stitches, loop stitches & French knots.




A seam is the line of stitching that joins two or more pieces of cloth or leather.

Types of Seams

  1. Open or plain seam
  2. French seam
  3. Run – and –fell seam
  4. Lapped/ overlaid seam

Uses of Seams

  1. Open or Plain Seam: This is the simplest & most commonly used seam. It is often used to join shoulders, sides and sleeves of blouses and dresses. It is not bulky and is particularly suitable for sewing cotton fabric.
  2. French seam: This is a flat seam. The seam is strong as it has two rows of stitching. It is neat as the raw edges are hidden within the seam. It is suitable for making children’s clothes.
  3. Run-and-fell Seam: It is often used on shirts, jeans and pyjamas made of plain materials. The seam is flat and it is made on the right side of the garment.
  4. Lapped or overlaid Seam: It is a strong seam used for fixing parcels of bodies and skirts, setting of yokes and bands. It is used generally for forming difficult shaped pieces.

Guidelines for choosing seams

The choice of seams depends on:

  • The material or fabric being sewn
  • The purpose of garment
  • The person to wear the clothes for instance French seam are suitable for children’s clothes
  • The position of the seam.



  1. State 3 types of stitches with two examples
  2. List 4 types of seam with their uses.
  3. Give four guidelines for choosing seams.



  1. Make specimen of three seams
  2. Identification of stitches and seams.


Reading assignment

Popoola o.o. Home Economics for JSS Book 1pages 110-112




Sub-Topic II- Making Basic Stitches & Seams.

How to make tailor’s tack stitches.


  • Use thread of different colour from that of the fabric
  • Double the thread but do not make a knot.
  • Leave the end of the thread about 2.50 – 3.00 cm
  • Make two small stitches through pattern and fabric at point where marking is made.
  • Make a loop of thread there at least 2.00cm
  • Clip the thread to make another end of about 2.50 cm to 3.00cm
  • After all tacks have been made clip the thread between the tacks and through each loop.

How to make running stitches

  • Start with two back stitches. Continue as you would for tacking but keep the stitches small and even
  • End with two back stitches working one stitch at a time.

How to make back stitch



  • First make a running stitch
  • Bring the needle on the stitching line and insert the length of a stitch behind the needle point and bring it out through the length of the stitch in front.

How to make stem stitch

  • Make the necessary design on fabric
  • Insert the needle at the tip of the line to be stitched
  • Bring the needle out half-way down the space made before
  • The thread must be kept below the needle and the needle brought out exactly where the previous stitch finished

How to make chain stitch

  • Make necessary design.
  • Fasten thread using backstitch.
  • Bring out needle and thread a short distance away.
  • Repeat and continue until the end.
  • Fasten thread and cut off.


How to make French seam

  • Place wrong sides of fabric pieces together
  • Pin and tack along fitting line (seam line)
  • Remove pins and sew 3-6 mm near the edge than seam line, using back-stitch or machine
  • Trim the seam allowance carefully
  • Remove tacking and fold the fabric right sides together.
  • Roll the seam between finger and thumbs until stitching is along the edge.
  • Tack and press into place
  • Sew along seam line
  • Finally, remove tacking and press.

How to make open seam

  • place the right sides of the fabric together
  • Mark seam line
  • Pin, tack and sew from the wrong side of fabric with proper seam allowance
  • Remove tacking thread and press the seam open
  • Finish or neaten the raw edges


  1. Describe the procedure in making any of the following stitches
  • Tailor’s tack
  • Back stitch
  • Running stitch
  1. How will you make any of these seams?
  • open seam
  • French seam


Make specimen of three seams and stitches using paper, needle and thread.

Reading assignment

Popoola o.o. Home Economics for JSS Book 1page 114


Weekly assignment

Popoola O.O. Workbook on Home Economics New Concepts for JSS Book 1 Unit 22  Pages 45-46.




Topic: Practical class: preparation of stitches and seams album

  • Teacher should guide the students on how to make different types of stitches and seams on brown papers. Album of the work should be made by arranging them on pieces of cardboard.





Topic: Cosmetic Production (Pomade / Cream)

CONTENT- 1. Types Of Cosmetics, Materials And Tools For Making Pomade And Cream

  1. Procedure for making pomade/cream.


Sub-Topic I: Types Of Cosmetics, Materials And Tools For Making Pomade And Cream

Cosmetics are products which are applied in different parts of the body in order to improve natural features and protect the skin from dryness. The following are the types of cosmetics  

  • Pomade
  • Body cream
  • Powder
  • Deodorants
  • Lip sticks
  • Face cream / moisturizer
  • Cleansing cream pomade

Pomade is a skin care product. It is used for the following purposes:

  1. To improve one’s appearance
  2. To protect the skin from dryness
  • To treat some injuries e.g. cuts, burns, scalds etc.
  1. To soften and nourish the skin.


Deodorants help to reduce unpleasant smell caused by perspiration and other factors.



The skin can be made smooth and well nourished through moisturizers and lubricant. These creams and lotions help to prevent the skin from becoming too dry. They keep the skin smooth and moist all the time.



  1. Take your bath and towel the skin dry before applying pomade
  2. Apply pomade lightly on the skin
  3. Cover the pomade container properly after use.

Cosmetics can be produced in home economics laboratories or even at home. It is important to learn how to produce some cosmetics. You can produce them for your personal use or for sale

The tools for making pomade include

  1. Sauce pan
  2. Mixing spoon
  3. Bottle or plastic pomade container.
  4. Rubber

Materials for making pomade

  1. Petroleum jelly
  2. Mineral oil
  • Mineral wax
  1. Lanoline
  2. Perfume (optional)
  3. Colour (optional)



  1. List 5 types of cosmetics
  2. State three uses of pomade?
  3. List 3 steps in using pomade and creams.
  4. What is the use of deodorant?
  5. List four materials and tools for making pomade/cream



Find out how to make body lotion.


Reading assignment

Popoola o.o. Home Economics for JSS Book 1page 115


Sub- Topic 2: Procedure for making pomade/cream.


Recipe and procedure for making pomade

We are already aware of the materials and tools required for making pomade in this lesson, we shall be taught the quantity of each material required and the practical procedure for making pomade.



  1. 2 cups of petroleum jelly
  2. ¾ cup of mineral oil
  3. 1% mineral wax for thickening
  4. 1 table spoon of lanoline
  5. Colour (as desired)
  6. Perfume (as desired)


Note: These materials including quantity measurement can be gotten from shops where cosmetics production chemicals are sold.



  1. measure out all ingredients as specified under recipe
  2. Put all the oil ingredients in the sauce pan
  3. Add the lanoline into the mixture
  4. Add the wax and melt
  5. Add colour to taste
  6. Add perfume but avoid evaporation
  7. stir thoroughly to obtain your pomade
  8. pour out the pomade into the containers



  1. List the procedures for making pomade
  2. State the recipe for making pomade


 Weekly assignment

  • Popoola O.O. Workbook on Home Economics New Concepts for JSS Book 1 Unit 23 Page 47





Topic: Practical Activity on pomade production



  1. Consider the pomade produced.
  2. Does it have any resemblance with the one you are used to?




DATE: ……………………

Topic: Household Crafts

Content:          1.Tools and materials for making craft items.

  1. Making of craft items e.g. needlework bag, apron, cap, scarves, paper craft.

SUB-TOPIC 1:  Tools and Materials for Making Craft Items.

 Household crafts are articles or crafts that can be produced for personal use, for the home or even for sale.

Types of Household crafts

  1. Needle work
  2. Apron
  • Necklace
  1. Toys
  2. Caps
  3. Scarves
  • Headbands
  • Handkerchiefs
  1. Head and hand rest for upholstered chair
  2. Table mats
  3. Paper crafts


  1. Materials needed to make needle work bag
  • 80 cm, 30cm plain or patterned cotton fabric
  • Matching thread
  • Needle
  • Scissors
  1. Material needed for making simple apron
  1. Brown paper (1m x 90cm)
  2. I meter of plain or patterned cotton fabric
  • Matching thread
  1. Needle
  2. Scissor
  1. Materials needed for oven gloves or mitten
  1. Brown paper
  2. ½ of 90 cm plain or flora; cotton fabric
  • ½ cm thick frame as insulation materials
  1. Lining material like calico
  2. Material thread
  3. Scissor
  • Marker

Paper Craft

Material for making Pen and pencil holder

  1. Cardboard tubing
  2. Tin card
  • Old magazine or newspaper
  1. PVA glue
  2. Water colour
  3. Sponge
  • Small paint brush
  • Masking tape
  1. Scissors and pencil



  1. Mention 10 types of household crafts
  2. List the materials required to make any of these crafts.
  1. Needle workbag
  2. Mitten

Iii.     Pen and Pencil holder


Choose different crafts. Demonstrate how to make any of the chosen items.

Reading Assignment: Popoola, O.O. Home Economics New Concepts for JSS1, Pages 116 124.



Making of Scarves

Materials required:

-70cm by 70cm plain or patterned cotton fabric.

-Matching thread



-Dressmaker’s pin

How to cut and sew

  1. Fold the fabric into two equal halves on bias
  2. Cut along the folding line to obtain two pieces of fabric for two scarves
  3. Neaten the edges except the selvedge.

Making of apron

Materials required: brown paper (1meter x 90cm).

-1 metre of plain or patterned cotton fabric.

-Matching thread



How to make the pattern and cut out

  1. Make a paper pattern of apron, belts, neck, band pocket
  2. Straighten the fabric
  3. Fold the fabric into two with the right side together
  4. Place pattern pieces on the fabric
  5. Pin the pattern pieces and cut out
  6. Transfer all pattern marking to the fabric


(i)         Take the required measurements of the person.

-Length: from shoulder to knee.

-Front width: from armhole to armhole 8cm below front neckline to waist.

(ii)        Measure out the materials accordingly.

  • Neaten edges of armholes by hemming.
  • Hem sides of apron and bib.
  • Cut out a strip of 90cm in length by 5 cm wide. Hem edges in position.
  • Stitch each end of the strip to each end of the bib. The strip should go over the head with ease.
  • Cut two long strips of 60 cm in length x 6 cm wide, neaten the edges.
  • Attach one end of each strip to each side of the apron (waist line).
  • Cut out the pocket, 20 cm by 20 cm. Fold in edges and stitch on to the centre of the apron.
  • Decorative stitches could be used on the side and bib hems of the apron.
  • Press, air and store the apron.


Making Paper Craft

Material and procedure for making pen and pencil holder

Needed material: cardboard tubing, thin card, old magazine or newspaper, PVA glue, water colour, sponge, small paint brush, masking tape, scissors and pencil


  1. Cut out five different lengths of cardboard tubing
  2. Tape the tubes together, making sure that the bases are level. Place the tubes on a piece of thin card and draw around the bases
  3. Cut around this shape then attach it to the base of the tube using your masking tape
  4. Apply two layers of newspaper strips over the pencil/ pen tube then allow to dry
  5. Prime the tube with water colour and then leave to dry
  6. Design mildly with water colour.


  1. Mention any two craft articles.
  2. List three materials and tools for making any two craft articles.


Make a pencil/pen holder using the given procedure

Weekly Assignment:


Popoola, O.O. Work Book on Home Economics New Concepts for JSS1, Page 48.





WEEK  10


DATE: …………………….. ……


TOPIC: Practical session for making of craft items.


WEEK  11        Revision

WEEK 12.      Examination






















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