Revision Pry 3 C R S Death and resurrection of Jesus




Revision Pry 3 C R S





Assessment and evaluation

1 narrate the stories of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

2 identify the importance of the death and resurrection of Christ.

3 explain the appearance as evidence of resurrection.



1 Mention three people whom Jesus appeared to after his resurrection.

2 What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?

3 What were the two strange things that happened just before Jesus died?

4 What did the women go to the tomb to do to Jesus’ body?

5 Mention two things that make Jesus’ death and resurrection important.








Assessment and evaluation

1 explain the term ‘peaceful coexistence’.

2 list instances of people desiring peaceful coexistence in the Bible.

3 identify reasons for peaceful coexistence.

4 explain various ways of creating changes for peaceful coexistence.

Wrap up( conclusion): Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.


1 Give two reasons why we need to live at peace with people.

2 How did Abraham show peaceful existence with Lot?

Fill in the gaps below with correct answers.

3 Onesimus was the servant of __________.

4 Jacob ran away from the family because _________.

5 Jacob asked forgiveness from Esau his brother by sending him ___________ ahead of their meeting.







Assessment and evaluation

1 explain the term ‘forbearance’.

2 describe Isaac’s patience and love for peace

.3 explain how, with patience, we can turn our enemies into friends.

4 enumerate blessings we can derive from being patient and peace￾loving.



1 Where was Isaac when he dug the wells Abraham had dug?

2a) Who quarrelled with Isaac’s herdsmen over the wells?

b) What was their claim?

c) What happened when Isaac dug the third well?

Fill in the gaps with the correct answers.

5 Isaac was ___________ and ____________ man.

6 Isaac dug ________ wells before the herdsmen of Gerar stopped quarrelling with him.

7 God is pleased and rewards us when _______________________________.

8 Isaac did not ___________ with them. He was a _________ and peace￾loving man.

9 God can cause people who do not ____________ us to ________ in peace when we _____________ him.







Assessment and evaluation

1 narrate the story of the widow of Zarephath.

2 identify reasons for helping people who are in trouble

.3 list the expected rewards for helping people who are in trouble

.4 identify moral lessons in helping others.



1 Narrate the story of the widow of Zarephath.

2 Give two reasons why we should help those in trouble.

3 Name two rewards for helping others in trouble.

4 Enumerate two lessons we are to derive from the story of the widow of Zarephath.

Fill in the gaps with correct answers.

5 Helping those in trouble will always bring _______________.

6 God’s favour is on those that help ________________.






Topic: Kindness in action

Performance objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to

1 explain ‘kindness in action’.

2 identify instances of kindness in action in the Bible.

3 state why we should be kind to people.

4 explain the expected reward of kindness in action.


Assessment and evaluation

1 explain ‘kindness in action’.

2 identify instances of kindness in action in the Bible.

3 state why we should be kind to people

.4 explain the expected reward of kindness in action.



1 What is kindness in action?

2 Give two examples of people that demonstrated kindness in action in the Bible.

3 Give some examples of how you can show kindness to people.

4 How do you describe people that are kind?

Fill in the gaps with correct answers.

5 One of the benefits of showing kindness is that_______________.

6 When we are kind to people, God _______________.




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