CLASS: PRIMARY 3                  






1.)  Local body building foods are called ______________ (a) fats and oil (b) proteins (c) carbohydrates (d) vitamins


2.)  Kwashiorkor is a disease you get when you do not eat ___________ (a) garri (b) rice (c) proteins (d) fufu


3.)  Carbohydrates are energy-giving foods. (a) True (b) false (c) None of the above (d) All of the above


4.)  Examples of energy-giving foods are ______________ (a) Yam and rice (b) beans and plantain (c) fish and meat (c) fats and oil


5.)  It is good to eat only ________ fruits. (a) Rotten (b) Riped (c) spoilt (d) unriped


6.)  We can get ________ from fruits. (a) water (b) juice (c) petrol                            (d) kerosene


7.)  We can get vegetables from _________ (a) flowers (b) tubers                    (c) Agricultural plants (d) proteins


8.)  Rotten fruits can cause ___________ (a) fat (b) oil (c) sickness                        (d) proteins


9.)  It is good to wash and cook our vegetables before eating. (a) True                (b) false (c) All of the above (d) None of the  above


10.)                      We can use oil in making _________ (a) water (b) sponge                (c) soap (d) Air


11.)                     Coconut oil can be gotten from __________ (a) kernel fruit              (b) Coconut fruit (c)  palm fruit (d) wine fruit


12.)                     Fatty foods provide _________ for our body. (a) cold                        (b) warmth (c) weakness (d) water


13.)                     Examples of fatty foods are the following except _________      (a) palm oil (b) butter (c) rice (d) vegetable oil


14.)                     Carbohydrate is classified into _________ and ________                 (a) rice and beans (b) Tubers and grains (c) meat and fish (d) Proteins and vitamins


15.)                     It is good to eat fruits _________ (a) occasionally (b) regularly (c) weekly (d) monthly


16.)                     Some animals feed on fruits and vegetables (a) true (b) false               (c) None of the above (d) All of the above


17.)                     Vegetables are classified into _________ and ________                   (a) fruits and leaves (b) fruits and vegetables (c) flowers and fruits             (d) plants and trees


18.)                     Which of the following is an example of vegetable fruit?                 (a) Lettuce (b) tomato (c) water leaf (d) cabbage


19.)                     Which of the following is not a vegetable leaf? (a) Water leaf (b) okro (c) lettuce (d) cabbage


20.)                     The foods from proteins are the following except ________               (a) meat (b) milk (c) fish (d) yam  


Section B: Theory


Answer all the five questions


1a.) What is carbohydrate?


1b.) Mention any two examples of carbohydrate foods




2a.) List any three fatty foods you know.





2b.) List any three fruits you know





3a.) What is proteins?


3b.) Mention two uses of fatty foods.



4a.) Mention any two vegetable fruits you know.




4b.) State any two protein food from animal



5a) Mention two uses of fruits and vegetables



5b.) State the two examples  of carbohydrates.



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