
Answer all Questions

1. The foods that give strength to man and animals are called ______
energy-giving foods (b) body-building food (c) protein foods

2. One of the following foods is not an energy-giving food (a) yam (b) beans (c) rice

3. Protein is also known as _______ (a) fast food (b) energy food (c) body building food

4. The two types of tubers are ______ and ______ (a) fruit and grain tubers
(b) root and stem tubers (c) grains and root tubers

5. ________ is an example of grain crop (a) cassava (b) millet (c) cocoyam

6. Energy-giving foods is classified into _____ and ____
beans and rice (b) millet and maize (c) tubers and grains

7. Protein foods include the following except _______ (a) fish (b) egg (c) rice

8. Which of the following is an example of fruit (a) egg (b) orange (c) yam

9. __ are herbs and shrubs planted for the purpose of eating (a) cashew (b) vegetables (c) coconut

10. Foods that give warmth to the body are referred to as _____
worm foods (b) hot foods (c) fatty foods

11. Grains are usually harvested above the _____ surface (a) water (b) weather (c) soil

12. _______ are foods that build the muscles and repair worn out tissues of man and animals
carbohydrates foods (b) body-building foods (c) animal foods

13. Vegetables are grown and harvested within ______ (a) a year (b) two years (c) three years

14. ____ are food items which have a lot of oil (a) energy foods (b) oily foods (c) protein foods

15. Which of the following is an example of fatty foods (a) rice (b) beans (c) sheer butter

16. ___ and ____ give energy to man and animals (a) oil and fats (b) oil and fish (c) fat and meat

17. ____ is a major ingredient in soap making (a) water (b) sand (c) oil

18. Palm oil is _____ in colour (a) white (b) red (c) black

19. We can get fat from ______ (a) cassava (b) palm kernel (c) rice

I20. t is good to always _____ fruits before eating (a) fry (b) cook (c) wash

Theory Section B
1. What are energy-giving foods? __________________________________________________

2. Mention any two examples of energy-giving foods
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3. Body-building food is also known as _________________________________________
b.) State two examples of protein foods
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4. Mention the two classes of carbohydrate
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) List two examples of each class
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

5. What are vegetables? _________________________________________________________

b.) List four examples of fruits in your locality
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

6. Define oily foods? ____________________________________________________________

b.) What are fatty foods? _________________________________________________________

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