Ways through which Civic Education can be important by media Civic Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lagos State Primary 1 Civic Education Lesson Plan

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 6 years
Topic: Ways Civic Education is Important
Sub-topic: Importance of Civic Education through The Media
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify how the media teaches us about civic education.
  2. Explain why the media is important for civic education.
  3. Mention two ways the media helps us learn to be good citizens.

Key Words: Civic, education, media, TV, radio, learn, help.

Set Induction: Start the lesson by asking the pupils what they like to watch on TV or listen to on the radio. Discuss how these programs can teach us new things.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils are familiar with watching TV and listening to the radio.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of different media (TV, radio, newspaper).
  • Flashcards with keywords.
  • Chart paper and markers.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss how pupils learn from educational programs on TV and radio.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Media literacy

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures
  • Flashcards
  • Chart paper

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Civic Education, Primary 1.

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures of TV, radio, and newspapers.
  • Flashcards with key words.


  1. Importance of Civic Education through The Media:
    • Learning About Our Community:
      • TV shows and radio programs can teach us about our community.
    • Understanding Rules and Laws:
      • Media can inform us about important rules and laws.
    • Helping and Respecting Others:
      • Stories and news can show us examples of kindness and respect.
    • Staying Informed:
      • News helps us know what is happening around us.
    • Educational Programs:
      • Programs on TV and radio can teach us new skills and knowledge.
  2. Examples of Media Teaching Civic Education:
    • Watching educational cartoons that teach kindness and sharing.
    • Listening to radio programs about community events.
    • Reading simple news stories in children’s magazines.


  1. TV shows can teach us about our __________.
    • a) toys
    • b) community
    • c) games
    • d) clothes
  2. The media helps us understand important __________.
    • a) stories
    • b) games
    • c) rules and laws
    • d) songs
  3. Stories in the media can show us examples of __________.
    • a) fighting
    • b) kindness
    • c) shouting
    • d) running
  4. News helps us know what is __________ around us.
    • a) sleeping
    • b) eating
    • c) happening
    • d) dreaming
  5. __________ programs can teach us new skills and knowledge.
    • a) Scary
    • b) Educational
    • c) Funny
    • d) Music
  6. Listening to radio programs about __________ events is part of civic education.
    • a) school
    • b) home
    • c) community
    • d) sports
  7. Media can inform us about important __________.
    • a) shows
    • b) rules
    • c) clothes
    • d) songs
  8. Watching cartoons that teach sharing is an example of learning from the __________.
    • a) radio
    • b) media
    • c) books
    • d) games
  9. Reading news stories in children’s __________ is a way to learn from the media.
    • a) books
    • b) newspapers
    • c) magazines
    • d) comics
  10. The media can help us learn to be good __________.
    • a) singers
    • b) dancers
    • c) citizens
    • d) players

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What is the media?
    • The media includes TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
  2. How does the media teach us about our community?
    • By showing programs and news about local events and people.
  3. Why is it important to understand rules and laws through the media?
    • It helps us know what is right and wrong and stay safe.
  4. What kind of stories can teach us kindness and respect?
    • Stories about people helping each other and being kind.
  5. How does watching news help us?
    • It keeps us informed about what is happening around us.
  6. What are educational programs?
    • Programs that teach us new things, like skills or knowledge.
  7. Can you give an example of an educational TV show?
    • A show that teaches us about animals or science.
  8. Why should we listen to radio programs about community events?
    • To learn about activities and news in our community.
  9. What can we learn from children’s magazines?
    • Stories, facts, and news that are written for kids.
  10. How does the media help us become good citizens?
    • By teaching us about our community, rules, and how to help others.


Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic

  • The teacher revises the previous topic: “Importance of Civic Education at Home.”

Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the new topic: “Ways Civic Education is Important through The Media.”
  • Discuss how TV, radio, and newspapers can teach us about being good citizens.

Step 3: Pupil Contributions

  • The teacher allows the pupils to share their ideas on what they learn from TV shows or radio programs.
  • The teacher corrects and guides pupils where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show pictures of different media sources.
  • Explain the importance of the media in teaching civic education.
  • Use flashcards to introduce key words.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Look at the pictures.
  • Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  • Participate by sharing their own experiences and ideas.


  • Ask pupils to mention how they learn from the media.
  • Observe if pupils can explain why the media is important for civic education.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. How does the media help us learn about our community?
  2. Can you name one way the media teaches us about rules and laws?
  3. Why is it important to watch educational programs?
  4. What is one benefit of listening to radio programs about community events?
  5. How does reading children’s magazines help us learn?
  6. Can you give an example of how the media shows kindness?
  7. Why should we stay informed about what is happening around us?
  8. What kind of TV shows can teach us to be good citizens?
  9. How can stories in the media help us respect others?
  10. Why is it important to learn from the media?


  • The teacher goes around to check pupils’ work.
  • The teacher gives praise and corrects any mistakes.
  • The teacher summarizes the lesson, emphasizing the importance of learning from the media.

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