Similarities in our cultures

Subject : Social Studies

Topic :

Similarities in our cultures

Class :

Primary  3 / Basic 3

Term :

2nd Term / Second Term

Week :

Week 8

Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Meaning of Culture 

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

List four (4) similarities found in our cultures.

List five (5) aspects of our culture that we must preserve.



Culture is the sum total way of life of a group of people. These groups of people are united through the ways they greet, dress or dance. Though there is this universality of man, yet we are different and united in diversity of ways. There are differences and similarities in our culture

Similarities in Culture 

1 We all believe in God.

2 We all believe that we should respect our elders.

3 Nigerians believe that marriage is good. That is why we conduct marriage ceremonies.

4 Many ethnic groups love and eat the same kind of food like yams, vegetables, beans, groundnuts, and palm oil.

5 All ethnic groups believe that people should work hard.

6 In our culture, stealing is seen as something very bad, and thieves are

punished severely.

7 We believe that people’s names should mean something specific.

8 We love music and sports.

9 We hate wickedness, war and violence.

Although we are united in some areas of our culture, yet there are some slight differences in the following ways

Difference In Culture

1 Language

2 Food

3 Dress

4 Religion

5 Festivals and ceremonies

6 Marriage practices

7 Customs

8 Beliefs and ideas

9 Folklore

10 History

11 Music

12 Names

13 Ways of greeting

14 Buildings

15 Arts and craft

16 Weapons of war



1.It last for a long period of time

2. it differs

3. it is dynamic

4. it changes with time.



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :



1, What is culture ?

2. Write out three similarities in culture

3. Write out three differences

4.What are the elements of culture . Mention four




Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :



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