Prevention of road accidents

Subject : Social Studies


Topic :

Prevention of common illnesses


Class :

Primary  3 / Basic 3


Term :

2nd Term / Second Term


Week :

Week 5


Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught


in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to


  • list out how to prevent car accidents




Road accidents can be prevented if necessary precautions are taken.

These are the some of the ways to prevent road accident.

1 Drive very carefully – do not be too much in a hurry.

2 Give considerations to other road users.

3 The government should repair roads once they are bad or damaged.

4 Check and repair your vehicle regularly.

5 Do not put your vehicle on the road without all necessary items like the fire extinguisher, spare tyre, jack, wheel spanner and caution sign.


6 Do not drink alcohol or take drugs before or while driving.

7 Government should educate drivers and other road users on how to work with the road safety corps.

8 Traffic officers like the road safety corps or traffic police should ensure people obey traffic laws, and correct or arrest offenders.

9 When you want to cross the road, look left, right and left again before crossing. Do not be in a hurry to cross.


10 When you are walking on the road, do not back the vehicles. Walk on the side of incoming vehicles. Keep left wherever the vehicles are keeping right.

11 Obey road and traffic signs. Where there are traffic lights, make sure you wait for green light before moving your vehicle forward.

At traffic lights:

  1. a) Red means ‘stop’
  2. b) Yellow mean ‘get ready’
  3. c) Green means ‘go’

12 Use pedestrian crossing and footbridges


13 The government should put traffic and road signs where they are not available.

14 Any accident on the road should be attended to immediately to prevent obstruction and traffic jam.

15 Drivers must be tested before licences are issued to them. Those who are under the age of 18 years should not be allowed to drive.


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

  • ExerciseA Choose the best answers for the following questions.

    1 An event that happens without planning it is called


    A traffic B accident C first aid

    2 Accidents can happen ______________.

    A in the school only B on the road only

    C anywhere

    3 Accidents that happen on the road are called


    A domestic B occupational C road

    4 When an accident happens, it can leads to ______________.

    A having more money B loss of lives

    C having more houses

    5 When we are crossing the road, it is important to ________.

    A play on the road B dance on the road

    C watch very carefully

    6 The person that is knocked down or injured in accident is

    called a ______________.

    A victim B criminal C first aider

    7 People who walk on the road are called ______________.

    A motorists B pedestrians C traffic warders

    8 Road accidents can be caused by ______________.

    A being careful on the road B drinking alcohol

    C good roads

    9 In a traffic light, red means ______________.

    A go B stop C get ready

    10 When we want to cross a busy road that has a footbridge

    we should ______________.

    A pass under the bridge B run across that road

    C use the footbridge

    11 When a driver gets to a zebra crossing, he must ________.

    A stop for pedestrians B speed over

    C make U-turn

    12 To avoid accidents when driving, the driver must


    A disobey traffic lights B eat on steering

    C not makes or receives phone calls

    13 A drunken person ______________.

    A is a better driver B should not drive

    C can still drive


  • Write out four causes of road accidents

Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :



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