Subject : Social Studies


Topic :

Prevention of common illnesses


Class :

Primary  3 / Basic 3


Term :

2nd Term / Second Term


Week :

Week 4


Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Prevention of common illnesses

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • say the causes of car accidents 
  • list out how to prevent car accidents





An accident can be defined as an event that happens without anyone planning it. When accident occurs, it may lead to injury or death.

.An accident can happen anywhere. It can happen at home, in the school, at the place of work or on the road. Accidents that happen on the road are called road accidents.

A road accident is a sudden bad thing that happens on the road which can cause damage or loss of property, physical injury or loss of life.




A road accident may occur when a moving vehicle such as a car, lorry, motorcycle or bicycle hits someone on the road. Also, when a moving vehicle hits another vehicle on the road, it is said to be a road accident.

It is very important to watch carefully before crossing the road. If a person crosses a busy road without looking carefully, such a person may be knocked down by a moving vehicle.

When an accident occurs, the following people are affected

1 The victim – This is the person that is knocked down or injured.

2 The driver – The person that drives the vehicle.

3 The owner of the vehicle – He may have to bear the cost of repairing the vehicle and caring for the victim.

4 The families of the victim, the driver and the owner – They will have to bear the burden of unplanned expenses on the care of the victim, the vehicle, or the loss of their relatives.

5 The community and other road users – Road accidents usually lead to obstruction on the road. This will disturb the free flow of traffic. Other road users will have to bear the burden of delay.

Causes of road accidents

Road accident can occur at any time. The causes are as follows:

1 Carelessness

Road accidents may occur as a result of carelessness on the part of the road users. A pedestrian may cross the road without looking left and right. A driver may also lose concentration while driving

2 Drinking of alcohol

Drivers who take alcoholic drink before or while driving could haveroad accidents.


3 Disobedience to traffic rules

Traffic rules are the laws we must obey when we are driving ormaking use of the road. These are some examples of traffic rules.

  1. a) Do not make or receive phone calls while driving.
  2. b) Do not eat while driving.
  3. c) Always obey the traffic light.
  4. d) Do not carry load above the weight or number of passengers required by law.
  5. e) Person under 18 years of age must not drive.
  6. f) Do not smoke while driving.
  7. g) Use your headlight during bad weather.

Disregard for these rules can lead to road accidents


4 Lack of maintenance


5 Bad roads

Bad road can also cause accidents. A bad road may be a road that is full of potholes, gallops or bends. If a driver suddenly and mistakenly enters a pothole, it may cause an accident. Bends that are too sharp may also make a vehicle to swerve off the road..

7 Speeding

8 Impatience

9 Narrow bridge

10 Falling asleep while driving


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

  • ExerciseWhat is road accident ? 


  • Write out four causes of road accidents

Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :


Prevention of road accidents

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