Drug Abuse – Wrong use of drugs Social Studies Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 5
Term: Third Term
Week: 6
Topic: Understanding Drug Abuse
Sub-topic: Causes, Effects, and Prevention of Drug Abuse
Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will understand the meaning of drug abuse and its dangers.
  • Students will identify common drugs that are abused.
  • Students will recognize factors that lead people to abuse drugs.
  • Students will discuss the effects of drug abuse on individuals and society.
  • Students will suggest ways the government can discourage drug abuse.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. Drug abuse
  2. Self-medication
  3. Peer pressure
  4. Indiscipline
  5. Availability

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of commonly abused drugs
  • Chart showing factors that tempt people to abuse drugs
  • Examples of drug abuse prevention strategies
  • Worksheets on drug abuse and prevention

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Review with students their understanding of health and well-being.
  • Discuss the importance of making healthy choices.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills

Physical Fitness and Population 

Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Dramatization
  • Dialogue
  • Story telling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling

Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • Workbooks



What is drug abuse ?

Drug abuse is the use of naturally occurring drugs or synthetic drugs without a doctor consent or approval . It is also known as self medication in which individuals take drugs based on feelings , observations or comments by friends . Drug abuse is dangerous as it may lead to loss of life or mental illness .

Examples of Drugs That are commonly abused 

  • Pain reliever drugs
  • Stimulant drugs
  • Antibiotics
  • Blood tonic
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Weed


Factors That Tempt People To Abuse Drug  

  • Ignorance
  • Poverty
  • Illiteracy
  • Peer pressure
  • Sheer Carelessness
  • Indiscipline
  • Readily Availability or such drugs at a very cheap price



Sources of Drugs that are Commonly Abused 

  • Hawkers
  • Motor parks
  • Under Bridges
  • Parties
  • Club Houses
  • Hotels
  • Motels
  • Guest Houses
  • Herbalists

Effects Of drug Abuse 

  • Restlessness’
  • Uncoordinated  movement of the limbs and hands
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of memory
  • Mental Disorder
  • Unnecessary aggressiveness
  • Abnormal calmness
  • Death


Ways by which Government can discourage Drug Abuse 

  • Government should enlighten the public on the dangers of drug abuse
  • All drugs sellers must be made to register
  • Establishment of bodies like NDLEA to monitor the circulation , sales and distribution of drugs nationwide


  1. What is drug abuse? a) Using drugs with doctor’s approval b) Taking drugs without medical advice c) Buying drugs from herbalists d) None of the above
  2. Drug abuse is also known as: a) Doctor’s medication b) Self-medication c) Hospital treatment d) Group therapy
  3. Which of the following is an example of commonly abused drugs? a) Vegetables b) Pain relievers c) Exercise d) Sleep
  4. What factors tempt people to abuse drugs? a) Knowledge and education b) Poverty and illiteracy c) Healthy lifestyle choices d) None of the above
  5. Where can drugs be commonly found for abuse? a) Schools b) Hospitals c) Under bridges d) Libraries
  6. What are some effects of drug abuse? a) Improved memory b) Increased appetite c) Restlessness and mental disorder d) Healthy lifestyle
  7. How can the government discourage drug abuse? a) By promoting drug use b) By registering all drug sellers c) By ignoring the issue d) None of the above
  8. What body monitors drug distribution in Nigeria? a) NBA b) NDLEA c) WHO d) UNICEF
  9. What is one way to prevent drug abuse? a) Educating the public about the dangers b) Selling drugs at cheaper prices c) Encouraging peer pressure d) None of the above
  10. Which of the following is a consequence of drug abuse? a) Improved mental health b) Increased physical fitness c) Loss of memory and appetite d) Better academic performance
  11. Why is drug abuse dangerous? a) It leads to improved health b) It may cause mental illness and death c) It helps in socializing d) None of the above
  12. What is one factor that does not tempt people to abuse drugs? a) Peer pressure b) Poverty c) Education d) Ignorance
  13. Where are drugs often found for abuse? a) Schools b) Hospitals c) Parties d) Libraries
  14. What can the government do to discourage drug abuse? a) Promote drug use b) Ignore the issue c) Educate the public d) None of the above
  15. What organization monitors drug circulation in Nigeria? a) NBA b) NDLEA c) WHO d) UNICEF

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What is drug abuse?
    • Drug abuse is when people use drugs without a doctor’s approval, which can be dangerous.
  2. What are examples of commonly abused drugs?
    • Examples include pain relievers, stimulants, antibiotics, alcohol, tobacco, and weed.
  3. What factors tempt people to abuse drugs?
    • Factors include ignorance, poverty, peer pressure, and easy access to cheap drugs.
  4. Where are drugs commonly found for abuse?
    • Drugs can be found with hawkers, at motor parks, under bridges, and at parties.
  5. What are some effects of drug abuse?
    • Effects include restlessness, loss of appetite, loss of memory, and even mental disorder or death.
  6. How can the government discourage drug abuse?
    • By educating the public about the dangers, registering all drug sellers, and establishing monitoring bodies like NDLEA.
  7. Why is drug abuse dangerous?
    • Drug abuse can lead to serious health problems, mental illness, and even death.
  8. What is self-medication?
    • Self-medication is when individuals take drugs based on their own feelings or observations, without consulting a doctor.
  9. What are some sources of commonly abused drugs?
    • Sources include hawkers, motor parks, parties, clubs, hotels, motels, guest houses, and herbalists.
  10. What are the characteristics of drug abuse?
    • Drug abuse can lead to restlessness, uncoordinated movement, loss of appetite, memory loss, mental disorder, aggressiveness, abnormal calmness, and death.
  11. How can poverty contribute to drug abuse?
    • Poverty can lead people to seek escape or relief through drugs, as they may lack access to proper healthcare or other resources.
  12. What are the consequences of drug abuse on society?
    • Drug abuse can increase crime rates, affect educational advancement, and strain healthcare resources.
  13. What role does peer pressure play in drug abuse?
    • Peer pressure can influence individuals to experiment with drugs, seeking acceptance or fitting in with their peers.
  14. How does the government regulate drug sales?
    • The government regulates drug sales by requiring all drug sellers to register and establishing monitoring agencies like the NDLEA.
  15. What can individuals do to avoid drug abuse?
    • Individuals can stay informed about the dangers of drug abuse, seek help if needed, and avoid situations where drugs are easily accessible.

Step by step Presentation 

  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Recap on previous lessons about health and well-being.
    • Introduce the topic of drug abuse and its relevance to personal health.
  2. Definition of Drug Abuse (10 minutes)
    • Explain drug abuse as the misuse of drugs without medical approval.
    • Discuss self-medication and its dangers.
  3. Commonly Abused Drugs (5 minutes)
    • Present examples of commonly abused drugs, such as pain relievers, alcohol, and tobacco.
    • Show pictures of these drugs for better understanding.
  4. Factors Tempting People to Abuse Drugs (10 minutes)
    • Display a chart showing factors like ignorance, poverty, and peer pressure.
    • Discuss each factor and its influence on drug abuse.
  5. Effects of Drug Abuse (5 minutes)
    • List the effects of drug abuse, including restlessness, loss of memory, and mental disorder.
    • Highlight the dangers of drug abuse to personal health and well-being.
  6. Prevention of Drug Abuse (5 minutes)
    • Present strategies for preventing drug abuse, such as government intervention and public education.
    • Discuss the role of the NDLEA in monitoring drug distribution.
  7. Conclusion (5 minutes)
    • Summarize key points discussed.
    • Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts on the topic.


  • Use visual aids, such as charts and pictures, to enhance understanding.
  • Encourage active participation through discussions and group activities.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions on drug abuse and its consequences.
  • Provide examples and explanations to clarify concepts.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Engage in group discussions and activities.
  • Participate in sharing personal experiences and opinions.


  • Monitor students’ participation and engagement during discussions.
  • Evaluate understanding through responses to questions and completion of worksheets.



  1. What is drug abuse?
  2. Give examples of commonly abused drugs.
  3. Name one factor that may tempt people to abuse drugs.
  4. What are the effects of drug abuse on mental health?
  5. How can the government discourage drug abuse?
  6. Define self-medication.
  7. Why is peer pressure a factor in drug abuse?
  8. How can poverty contribute to drug abuse?
  9. Describe one consequence of drug abuse on society.
  10. What is the role of NDLEA in preventing drug abuse?
  11. Mention two reasons why people abuse drugs
  12. Write out two ways by which government can control the sales and circulation of illicit drugs that are commonly abuse


  • Review key points covered in the lesson.
  • Address any remaining questions or concerns from students.
  • Emphasize the importance of making healthy choices and staying away from drug abuse.



Please kindly prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Prevention of Drug Abuse – Life – Coping Skills

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