Social Studies Exam Questions 1st Term Primary 4



1________ is when work is divided into smaller units. (a) division of income (b) wages (c) division of labour


2.A community leader is also known as ___


(a) traditional leader (b) president (c) governor


3_____ is a situation whereby someone has work to do. (a) resources (b) employment


(c) unemployment


4___heads the local government (a) chairman (b) president (c) governor


5. An example of a human resource is _____


(a) cocoa (b) teacher (c) money


6.______ is a material that is processed into a new form. (a) raw material (b) processed material (c) crude material

7. _______ is used for making doors and windows


(a) cocoa (b) rubber (c) timber


8. ____is a situation someone has no work to do (a) unemployment (b) resources (c) employment

9.______ is the government that is nearest to the people. (a) federal government (b) local government (c) state government

10.______ is the total amount an individual receives (a) apprentice (b) labour (c) income

11_.___is used to produce petrol (a) iron (b) crude oil (c) cocoa

12. ____ is the money used to start a business.


(a) loan (b) interest (c) capital


13. ____is a place where we keep our money.


(a) bank (b) farm (c) hospital


14. _______ are the things God has given to us.


(a) capital resources (b) natural resources (c) human resources


15. There are ___ local government in Nigeria (a) 204 (b) 400 (c) 774

16. Traditional rulers help to ____quarrels among their members. (a) settle (b) promote (c) increase

17. We must _____other people’s views and opinions (a) disrespect (b) respect (c) abuse

18. The ____ is the government that controls the affairs of many local governments. (a) local government (b) chairman (c) state government


19.______ is used for making cement (a) cocoa


(b) limestone (c) steel


20. Goods that are brought into Nigeria are called ______ (a) local goods (b) imported goods


(c) exported goods


21.____is used in making iron rods. (a) steel (b) timber (c) rubber

22.The ____is next in power to the federal government (a) local government (b) state government (c) chairman

23. The traditional leader in the Igbo land is called ___(a) Oba (b) Emir (c) Obi

24. Goods that are sent out of Nigeria are called ___-(a) exported goods (b) local goods


(c) imported goods


25. ___is when people have the same or different opinion about something (a) public law (b) public opinion (c) private law




1.Nigeria is blessed with a lot of ________________________

2.We should ____________________ our natural resources

3. ________________, _______________ and _____________ are levels of government

4. Division of labour makes work _____________.

5. _________, _____________ and __________ are examples of traditional rulers

6. A group of people that come together to achieve a particular aim is a ____________

7. __________, _________ and _____are arms of government in Nigeria.

8. People earn ____________ from the work they do.

9. In the ____________ days people carry heavy loads on their head.

10. Some materials can be changed into various

11. ___________ heads the state government

12. when people borrow money from the bank it is called a ______________________

13. Cassava is processed into _________________

14. People come together to form ____________

15. __________ government is also called grass root government.




1. Write the titles of these traditional rulers in the following areas.


a. Hausa land ____________________________


b. Yoruba land _________________________


c. Igbo land ____________________________


2. Write three functions of local government


i. ____________________________________________


ii. ___________________________________________


iii. ___________________________________________


3. Write three reasons why people should be employed


i. ____________________________________________


ii. ___________________________________________


iii. ___________________________________________


4a. What is division of labour? ________________


b. Write three reasons for division of labour


i. ____________________________________________


ii. ___________________________________________


iii. ___________________________________________


5a. Write the uses of these raw materials




Palm oil: _________________________________




b. Write two ways of conserving or keeping our natural resources.


i. ____________________________________________


ii. __________________________________________

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