Ss 3 civic 2nd Term Exams
- The act of choosing a leader by voting is called (a) franchise (b) appointment (c) election
- _________ is a document that contains the name and details of people who are qualified to vote during election? (a) ballot paper (b) ballot box (c) voters register
- which of these forms of government best promote the principle of rule of law (a) democracy (b) monarchy (c) oligarchy
- Democracy means _________? (a) rule by the rich people (b) rule by a few people (c) rule by the people
- Which of the following limits the rule of law (a) supremacy of law (b) citizens fundamental human right (c) immunity granted to diplomats
- To promote justice in a state, judges must (a) belong to the ruling party (b) punish people who oppose them (c) enjoy security of tenure of office
- The right of citizens to vote and be voted for is termed (a) indirect election (b) general election (c) franchise
- Military government are likely to be (a) accountable (b) democratic (c) dictatorial
- All are ways of controlling the civil service except by (a) civil service commission
(b) ombudsman (c) local government chairman
- Lack of adequate control of the civil service leads to all except (a) effectiveness (b) poor management (c) inefficiency
- When too much emphasis is laid on protocol and official rules, it is termed _______(a) Autocracy (b) Bureaucracy (c) Efficiency
- All are problems facing the civil service except (a) Low incentive (b) Nepotism (c) Lack of unskilled manpower
- The Civil Service Commission is headed by a (a) chairman (b) councilor (c) principal
- The body responsible for regulating the civil service is _______ (a) Civil Defence Commission (b) Civil Society Association (c) Civil Service Commission
- All are functions of civil service commission except (a) Dismissal (b) transfer (c) embezzling
- The civil service commission is meant to recruit people into the civil service based on ____ (a) merit (b) sentiment (c) tribalism
- Citizenship laws are contained in the country’s ______ (a) manifesto (b) agenda (c) constitution
- A person must be of full age before he or she can be granted citizenship under naturalization. The full age means (a) 16 years above (b) 20 years above (c) 18 years above
- The issue of granting citizenship is usually addressed to the (a) president (b) senators
(c) governors
- If you were born in Nigeria, you are a citizen of Nigeria by (a) registration (b) birth
(c) naturalization
- A document containing the rules and regulations of a country is known as (a) document (b) manifesto (c) constitution
- All are sources of a constitution except (a) international treaties (b) customs and tradition (c) party manifesto
- A constitution enhances (a) effective governance (b) corruption (c) election rigging
- Nigerian constitution is (a) written constitution (b) unwritten constitution (c) unitary constitution
- A type of government in which power is shared between the central and component unit is (a) monarchy (b) federalism (c) confederation
- ______ encourages federalism except (a) large population (b) small geographical area (c) differences in language and culture
- Nigeria operates ______ system of government (a) unitary (b) federal (c) military
- All are problems of federalism except (a) allocation problem (b) election rigging (c) lack of natural resources
- A non-governmental organization that manifests interest and will of citizens is known as _____ (a) civil defence (b) civil society (c) civic education
- All are parts of civil societies except (a) professional association (b) private organization (c) government institutions
- Another name for civil society is ______ (a) NGO’s (b) AIT’s (c) NFA’s
- All are parts of activities of civil societies except (a) advocacy for citizens (b) empowering the less priviledge(c)constructing express roads.
- The desire to work for the freedom of one’s country is termed____ (a)democracy (b) monarchy (c) nationalism
- Nationalist leaders work for the ____ of their country (a) freedom (b) collapse (c) slavery
- All are nationalist leaders except (a) Ahmadu Bello (b) Obafemi Awolowo (c) former president Sanni Abacha
- All are benefits of nationalism except (a) it lead to educational development (b) it promote popular participation (c) none of the above
- Nigeria was colonized by (a) U.S.A (b) Mexico (c) British
- State four benefits of nationalism.
- How can civil societies help to influence the result of a general election?
- State five advantages of federalism.
- Explain unitary constitution.
- Nigerian citizenship can be acquired through how many ways?
- State four problems facing the Civil Service Commission.
- List the structure of the civil service.
- Write five advantages of the rule of law.
- Give four reasons why people reject military rule in Africa.
- State three benefits of constitutional democracy.