Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 Civic Education

CLASS: S.S.1                       SUBJECT:          Civic Education

INSTRUCTION:    Underline the correct answer

  1. Democracy can promote national development if there is
  2. Good governance       promotion of culture    c. immunity for leaders
  3. Registration of parties
  4. Cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria was originally introduced to
  5. Perpetuate the use of local gin and alcohol harass opponents of

University administrators c. fight colonialism and oppressive rulers

  1. promotes inter-communal marriage
  2. A responsible parent is someone who a. cares and provides for the children
  3. indulges the children because of live c. works in order to receive salary
  4. employs house helps to take care of the children


  1. An ideology that aims at promoting national consciousness and identify is
  2. nationalism b. socialization c. civic culture       d. progressivism


  1. The universal Declaration of Human Right is declared and adopted by United Nations in a.  1948       b.  1968    c. 1978       d.  1958


  1. The right to vote and participate in government is
  2. political right b. civil right      c.  social right    d. cultural right


  1. The situation where laws are obeyed and authority is respected is
  2. orderliness     b.  decorum      c.  queries     d. driving skill


  1. The body of rules and regulations through which a country is governed is
  2. constitution b. Nationalism      c. state law      d. confederation


  1. In what continent is Nigeria situated a. Asia b.Europe  c.Africa
  2. South America


  1. The correct colour combination of the Nigerian flag is a. green with green
  2. green yellow white c. green white green d. green and red




Answer any three (3) questions from this section


1a.   Define democracy

(b) List and explain the two types of democracy

2a.  State 5 reasons why students join cult   (b) List 5 consequences of cultism

3a.  Define the term orderliness

b.  Outline 5 merits of orderliness

4a.  What is political party?

B.  Outline the functions of political parties

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