NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________
1. _______ means the division of government into executive, Legislative and judiciary at the Local, State and Federal government. (a) Arms of government (b) efficiency of government (c) executive of government.
2. Arms of government are divided into ……………….. (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1.
3. ________ is an arm of government that is responsible for implementing or executing the laws and policies of government (a) Legislative (b) Executives (c) Judiciary.
4. _________ Is responsible for interpreting laws (a) Judiciary (b) executive (c) Legislature
5. ________ is a group of people who have a common goal. (a) pressure group (b) Family group (c) Union group
6. Pressure groups in Nigeria includes ………………. (a) Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC) (b) People Democracy Party (PDP) (c)SARS
7. There are_________ countries in the common wealth in Africa and Asia. (a) 30 (b) 54 (c) 24.
8. _________ is the way of life of a group of people. (a) Culture (b) customs (c) pressure groups.
9. …………….. refers to differences. (a) unity (b) diversity (c) culture
10. …………….. refers to oneness. (a) culture (b) diversity (c) unity
11. …………….are the customs that should remain and be encouraged because they are good and relevant to our needs (a) changeable customs (b) retainable customs (c) culture customs.
12. Changeable customs include ………………. (a) killing of twins (b) dressing (c) greeting
13. The full meaning of UN is ……………………… (a) United Nations (b) Union Nigeria (c) United Nigeria
14. The full meaning of AU is ………………… (a) American Union ( b) African Union (c) Argentina Union
15. The organs of African union is …………………….. (a) The Executive council (b) President (c) Governor
16. ……………… is source of air pollution (a) burning of wood (b) earthquake (c) flood
17. Air pollution occurs in homes, schools and …………… (a) Offices (b) churches (c) toilet
18. ………………….. are said to be responsible when they perform certain duties or responsibilities for their children. (a) Parents (b) children (c) infants
19. Parents are generally responsible for providing food , shelter and clothing for their ……………….. (a) children (b) relatives (c) cousin
20. AIDS means ………………… (a)Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (b) Acquired International Deficiency System (c) Acquired Immune Defence System.
1. What is pressure group? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. Mention 4 pressure groups in Nigeria _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. The Africa Union is a continental Union consisting of ________ member states located on the continent of Africa
b. Mention 4 Organs of African Union ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Edu Delight Tutors
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