Vocational Aptitude Pry 5 First Term Exams





Section A:

1.) Someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the rick of the business is called an_________ (a) owner (b) entrepreneur (c) entrepot


2.) The ability to be able to exercise self-control and maintain focus in business is _______

(a) passion (b) creativity (c) discipline

3.) The qualities of an entrepreneur that requires one not to give up on the business, no matter the situation is called _____ (a) passion (b) determination (c) self-started


4.) The work place of a blacksmith is called ________ (a) court (b) forge (c) surge

5.) When two or more metals are combined to form another metal, it is called ______

(a) alloy (b) copper (c) gold

6.) Someone whose job is making and repairing iron and metal objects is ______

(a) blacksmith (b) iron maker (c) goldsmith

7.) The following are methods used in metal work except ______

(a) casting (b) soldering (c) sewing

8.) A place where sculptor works is called a ___________ (a) palace (b) studio (c) hospital

9.) _______ is used to stiffen clothes in dry-cleaning (a) starch (b) pressing iron (c) stain remover

10.) The following are tools that can be found in a laundry except _______

(a) washing machine (b) dry rack (c) sewing machine


Section B

1.) List five tools used by a launder (a) ________________________________

(b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________

(d) ________________________________ (e) ________________________________

b.) Give two examples of metal workers

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) Mention three things that can be dry cleaned or laundered

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

b.) Define sculptor? _____________________________________________________________


3.) List four items from which sculptures are made

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


b.) What is catering? ____________________________________________________________



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