The letters of Paul popularly called The Epistles ( part 2) Primary 6 First Term Week 9

Subject : Christian Religious Studies

Term : First Term

Week: Week 9


Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6



Previous lesson :

The pupils have previous knowledge of the previous topic as it relates to the implication of Lydia’s conversion


Topic : The Letters Of Paul Known As The Epistles. (Part 2)


Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson,  pupils should be able to

  • Say the meaning of the Epistles
  • Mention some of the Epistles that are written by Paul
  • Write out the reasons for writing the Epistles
  • Write out the number of Paul’s epistles


Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards.
  • The Holy Bible

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks
  • The Holy Bible


Content :

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to discuss an interesting topic in Christian Religious Studies. We will be talking about the reasons why the apostle Paul wrote letters to various communities. As you may know, Paul was an important figure in the early Christian church, and he wrote several letters, which are now part of the New Testament. Let’s dive into the reasons behind his writings.


1. **Instruction and Teaching:** One of the main reasons Paul wrote letters to the communities was to provide instruction and teach them about the Christian faith. These communities were often new converts or followers of Christ, and they needed guidance and clarification on various aspects of their faith. Paul’s letters contained teachings on topics such as the nature of God, the life and ministry of Jesus, ethical conduct, and the importance of living a life that pleases God.


2. **Correction and Rebuke:** Sometimes, Paul wrote letters to address issues or problems that arose within these communities. In some instances, he had heard about divisions, conflicts, or moral misconduct among the believers. Paul used his letters to correct and rebuke such behavior and encourage the communities to live in harmony and righteousness. He offered guidance on how to resolve conflicts, maintain unity, and promote love and forgiveness among the members.


3. **Encouragement and Support:** Paul’s letters also served as a source of encouragement and support for the communities. Being a devoted follower of Christ himself, he understood the challenges and difficulties faced by the early Christians. Through his letters, Paul provided encouragement during times of persecution and hardships. He reminded them of God’s faithfulness, offered words of comfort, and urged them to persevere in their faith, knowing that they were part of a larger spiritual family.


4. **Theological Clarification:** Another reason for Paul’s letters was to clarify theological concepts and address misunderstandings that might have arisen. The early Christian communities were diverse, and there were various interpretations and ideas about the Christian faith. Paul’s letters sought to provide clear explanations and address any confusion regarding important doctrines such as salvation, grace, faith, and the role of the law. He wanted to ensure that the communities had a proper understanding of these foundational principles.


5. **Sharing Personal Experiences:** In some of his letters, Paul shared his personal experiences and journey as a follower of Christ. He talked about his conversion, his encounters with Jesus, and his missionary work. By sharing his own story, Paul aimed to inspire and motivate the communities, showing them the transformative power of the Gospel and how a life devoted to Christ could make a difference.


So, these are some of the reasons why Paul wrote letters to the various communities. His letters provided instruction, correction, encouragement, theological clarification, and personal experiences. They played a crucial role in shaping the early Christian church and continue to guide believers today.





1. Paul wrote letters to the communities to provide __________ and teach them about the Christian faith.
a) instruction
b) correction
c) encouragement

2. Sometimes, Paul wrote letters to address __________ or problems that arose within the communities.
a) conflicts
b) celebrations
c) misunderstandings

3. Paul’s letters served as a source of __________ and support for the communities.
a) encouragement
b) judgment
c) division

4. Paul used his letters to correct and __________ behavior among the believers.
a) rebuke
b) reward
c) ignore

5. One of the reasons for Paul’s letters was to clarify __________ concepts and address misunderstandings.
a) theological
b) historical
c) cultural

6. Paul’s letters provided guidance on how to resolve __________ among the members of the communities.
a) conflicts
b) achievements
c) miracles

7. Through his letters, Paul offered words of comfort and urged the communities to __________ in their faith.
a) persevere
b) abandon
c) doubt

8. Paul shared his __________ experiences and journey as a follower of Christ in some of his letters.
a) personal
b) fictional
c) imaginary

9. Paul’s letters played a crucial role in shaping the early __________ church.
a) Christian
b) Jewish
c) Roman

10. Paul’s letters continue to guide __________ today.
a) believers
b) non-believers
c) historians

I hope these questions help you review and reinforce your understanding of the reasons why Paul wrote letters to the communities.

1. What is the meaning of epistles?  Epistles means letters.


2. Who was Paul? Paul was formerly Saul who was the persecutor of the saints


3. Why did Paul write the epistle? Paul wrote the Epistles to encourage, inspire, motivate, advise and correct the church and believers in Christ in other cities


4.. Write out the first five epistles of Paul. The first five epistles of Paul are



5. There are two major categories of the Epistles of Paul which are (1) letters to the church and (2) letters to the specific people who are Christians

True or false


6. The book of Romans was written by Paul to address some specific problems in the church in Rome. (true/false)


7. Paul mentions the “coming of the Lord” in every chapter of 1 Thessalonians  (true /false)







The topic is presented step by step


Lesson Plan Presentation: Give the Reasons Why Paul Wrote Letters to the Communities

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 5
Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand the reasons why the apostle Paul wrote letters to various communities.
2. Identify the different purposes and themes addressed in Paul’s letters.
3. Appreciate the significance of Paul’s letters in shaping the early Christian church.

Embedded Core Skills:
1. Critical thinking and analysis
2. Communication and presentation skills
3. Reading comprehension
4. Reflection and interpretation of religious texts

Learning Materials:
1. Bibles (one per student)
2. Whiteboard and markers
3. Handouts containing key excerpts from Paul’s letters
4. Chart paper and markers
5. Evaluation sheets


I. Introduction (5 minutes)
– Greet the class and briefly recap previous lessons on the life of the apostle Paul.
– Introduce the topic of the day: “Give the Reasons Why Paul Wrote Letters to the Communities.”

II. Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes)
– Engage the students in a discussion about the importance of communication and letter writing in today’s world.
– Introduce the apostle Paul and explain his role in the early Christian church.
– Discuss the historical context in which Paul wrote his letters and the challenges faced by the early Christian communities.
– Present an overview of the different reasons why Paul wrote letters to the communities.

III. Learners’ Activities (10 minutes)
– Divide the class into small groups and distribute the handouts containing key excerpts from Paul’s letters.
– In their groups, students should read and discuss the excerpts, focusing on identifying the reasons behind Paul’s writings.
– Each group will prepare a brief presentation summarizing their findings.

IV. Group Presentations (10 minutes)
– Allow each group to present their findings to the class, highlighting the reasons why Paul wrote letters to the communities.
– Encourage other students to ask questions and engage in discussions after each presentation.

V. Assessment (5 minutes)
– Distribute evaluation sheets to the students.
– Ask the students to answer ten evaluation questions based on the lesson content and their understanding of Paul’s letters.
– Collect the evaluation sheets for review and assessment.

Ten Evaluation Questions:
1. Why did Paul write letters to the communities?
2. What were the main reasons for Paul’s writings according to historical context?
3. How did Paul’s letters provide instruction and teaching to the communities?
4. In what ways did Paul use his letters to address conflicts and problems?
5. Why were Paul’s letters a source of encouragement and support for the communities?
6. What topics did Paul address to clarify theological concepts in his letters?
7. How did Paul guide the communities in resolving conflicts and maintaining unity?
8. Why did Paul share his personal experiences and journey in some of his letters?
9. What role did Paul’s letters play in shaping the early Christian church?
10. How do Paul’s letters continue to influence believers today?

VI. Conclusion (5 minutes)
– Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
– Highlight the importance of Paul’s letters in providing guidance, support, and instruction to the early Christian communities.
– Encourage students to reflect on how they can apply the lessons from Paul’s letters in their own lives.

VII. Homework Assignment
– Assign the students a short written reflection on the relevance and impact of Paul’s letters in their personal faith journey.

Note: The assessment will be based on students’ participation in class discussions, group presentations, and their responses to the evaluation questions. The written reflections assigned as homework will also be evaluated for individual understanding and application of the lesson content.





The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.



  1. Write out the major communities visited by Paul and his companions.
  2. Say the need for Paul to write letters (epistles) to each of these communities.
  3. List three letters of _Paul
  4. ________________ and ______________are written after The Book of Timothy
  5. The firs three Epistles of Paul are. _______________________;    ___________and _________________



Prepare for the next lesson by reading about The epistles of Paul

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