Care of the Computer Hardware Primary 6
Lesson Plan: Caring for Computer Hardware
Subject: Computer Studies
Topic: Caring for Computer Hardware
Class: Primary 6 / Basic 6
Term: Third Term
Week: Week 5
Duration: 40 Minutes
Instructional Materials
- Computer
- Laptop
- Software
Previous Knowledge
Pupils have been taught common abuses of computers.
Behavioral Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
- List ways of caring for a computer system.
- Mention ways of caring for a computer monitor and keyboard.
- State reasons for taking care of computers.
- List ways of protecting computers.
Reference Materials
- Online Resource Materials
- Various Textbooks
- Lagos State Upper Primary Scheme of Work
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that can be seen and touched. Examples include:
- Input Devices: e.g., keyboard, mouse.
- Processing Devices: e.g., system unit.
- Output Devices: e.g., printer, video display unit (monitor).
- Other hardware includes speakers, scanners, microphones, and joysticks.
Steps for Caring for Computer Hardware
- Position the computer properly to avoid strain or damage.
- Keep the computer in an air-conditioned environment to prevent overheating.
- Use a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) or stabilizer to protect against power surges.
- Avoid spilling liquids on the computer.
- Do not eat near the computer to prevent food particles from entering.
- Use dust covers to protect the computer when not in use.
- Unplug the system if it will not be used for a long time.
Reasons for Taking Care of Computers
- To avoid damage to the system.
- To protect the files stored in the computer.
- To prolong the lifespan of the computer.
- To ensure the user’s comfort for maximum efficiency.
Ways of Protecting Computers
- Install a firewall to block unauthorized access.
- Install antivirus software to prevent and remove viruses.
- Use anti-spyware software to protect against spying programs.
- Create complex and secure passwords to safeguard data.
- Regularly check the security settings of the browser for safe browsing.
Presentation Steps
Step 1:
The teacher revises the previous topic on the common abuses of computers.
Step 2:
The teacher introduces the new topic, “Caring for Computer Hardware,” and explains its importance.
Step 3:
The teacher allows pupils to give examples of how they care for their computers. Corrections and clarifications are provided as needed.
- What are computer hardware components?
- Mention five examples of hardware devices.
- List five ways we can protect our computers.
The teacher provides a brief summary of the lesson, emphasizing the key points. Pupils’ notes are marked, and feedback is given.
- Name three ways of caring for a computer system.
- State two reasons for taking care of a computer system.
- List two ways of protecting computers from viruses and malware.
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