Subject :BASIC Science and Technology
Class : Primary 5
Topic : Meaning, Importance and reasons for maintenance
Term :Third Term
Week : Week 4
Previous Knowledge :The pupils have been taught causes of accidents and how to prevent accident at home and in school
Behavioural Objectives :At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to mention various reasons for maintaining or taking proper good care of any material product or object that we use
1 .Define maintenance
2. State the need for maintenance
Pieces of metal
Content :
Maintenance is the ability of using up any product, material or objects in such a way that it will last longer. It is a way of taking care of them so that they can last longer
The purpose of maintenance is to ensure that our equipment are in good working conditions . a breakdown in plants and machines clouds be as a result of inadequate maintenance.
Maintenance is an activities that should be carried out on regular basis in order to keep equipment in good working conditions
Items that are properly maintained last longer and safe us from unnecessary spending on repairs or replacement
Need For Maintenance
- It saves us from unnecessary spending on repair
- It saves us from spending unnecessary on replacement of another vehicle or item or machine
- It saves us from accident
- Maintenance makes machines work smoothly
- Maintenance makes our vehicles and machines last longer
1.It makes our equipment last long
2. it prevents us from danger.
3. it saves us from embarrassment
4. it prevents our equipment and materials from rustling
5. it beautifies our home and environment
6. it saves money
1.dusting the tables, refrigerator, fan etc
2. sweeping the floor
3. mopping the floor
4. polishing or cleaning the furniture
5. replacing faculty electrical parts
6. polishing or cleaning shoes
What Needs To Be Maintained
- Bicycle
- Cars
- Toys
- Uniform
- School bags
- .shoes
- Bicycles
Step 1. The topic is presented step by the step
Step 2. He revises the old topic and he introduces the new topic
Step 3. He allows the pupils to give their own examples and contributions and he corrects them when the needs arise
1…… Is the action that must be taken regularly to make our products last longer
2……… saves us from unnecessary spending
Mention your three personal belongings that need maintenance
1 .Define maintenance
2. State the need for maintenance
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.