Uses of ICT gadgets

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology 

Class :BASIC 4 

Term : Third Term 

Week :5

Topic : Uses of ICT gadgets

Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught identification of ICT gadgets

BBehavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention various uses of ICT gadgets 

Content The following are the uses of ICT gadgets :

  1. ICT gadgets are used for communication
  2. ICT gadgets are used for entertainment 
  3. They are used for agriculture 
  4. The are used for education 
  5. They are for sports 
  6. They are used for health services 
  7. ICT gadgets are used recreation 
  8. They are used for mass communication
  9. They are used for transportation 
  10. Some Advanced ICT gadgets are used by military in warfare



The topic is presented step by step 

Step 1. He revises the previuous topics 

Step 2. He introduces the new topic 

Step 3 Hé allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he corrects them when the needs arises


Evaluation : Mention five uses of ICT gadgets 

Conclusion : The class teachers gives a brief note and he goes round to mark 

ASSIGNMENT :Read about shape construction with pièces of paper 



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