1.) _______ is the legal union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife
(a) family (b) marriage  (c) courtship (d) dating
2.) There are _______ types of family (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2  (d) 7
3.) The following are problems of marriage except _____
(a) infertility (b) infidelity (c) financial problems (d) being honest with each other  
4.) The sister of your mother of father is called your _________
(a) aunts (b) uncle (c) niece (d) cousin
5.) A type of marriage whereby a man marries only one wife is called _____ marriage
(a) polygamy (b) monogamy (c) polyandry (d) polygyny
6.) The way of life and customs of people is known as _______
 (a) culture (b) marriage (c) family (d) religion
7.) A _______ is a group of people related by blood or marriage
(a) friend (b) community (c) family (d) neighbourhood
8.) Which of these is not a member of a nuclear family (a) father (b) uncle (c) children (d) mother
9.) The _______ is the holy book of the Christians (a) Quran (b) Bible (c) Ifa (d) Storybook
10.) A man who is yet to marry is called a ______ (a) bride (b) groom (c) bachelor (d) spinster
11.) In Nigeria, there are basically _______ types of religions (a) two (b) three (c) five (d) four
12.) The grandparent of the husband are referred to _________ grandparent
(a) paternal (b) maternal (c) fathernal (d) mothernal
13.) The children of my aunt or uncle are my _____ (a) cousins (b) nephew (c) nieces (d) in-laws
14.) There are over ___________ different cultural groups (a) 200 (b) 3 (c) 50 (d) 100
15.) The legal joining together of man and woman in the court of law is known as ______
(a) Christian  (b) customary  (c) Islamic (d) bride
16.) A ______ is a woman who is yet to marry (a) groom (b) bride (c) spinster (d) bachelor
17.) The period when a man and a woman get to know each other very well before marriage is known as ______ (a) wedding (b) marriage (c) courtship (d) introduction
18.) Sango, Obatala, Ogun are three various names _____ worshippers call God
(a) Christians  (b) pagans  (c) Traditional (d) Muslims
19.) In western countries, men traditionally wear a _____ and _____
(a) shirt/trouser (b) buba/sokoto  (c) blouse/wrapper  (d) babanriga
20.) In a family, the _____ provides the family need while _____ types care of the children and home (a) father/mother (b) mother/aunt (c) mother/father (d) uncle/father
Section B
1.) What is marriage? ___________________________________________________________
b.) Mention three problems of marriage  
(a) ______________________________   (b) _______________________________
(c) ______________________________   
2.) Define culture?______________________________________________________________
b.) List three elements of culture  
(a) ______________________________   (b) ________________________________
(c) ______________________________   
3.) What is family? _____________________________________________________________
a.) Explain the following members of the family
i) Uncle: __________________________________________________________________
ii) Cousin: _________________________________________________________________
iii) Nephew: ________________________________________________________________
4.) Complete the following table
Religions Place of Worship Believe in whom
i.) Christianity __________________________      _________________________
ii.) ______________________ __________________________ Allah
iii.) Traditional worshippers __________________________        gods of iron, thunder etc
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