. NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………
. 1.) ___________ is a device used for snapping pictures (a) stethoscope (b) camera (c) flash light
. 2.) __________ is the act of taking pictures with the use of camera (a) reporting (b) photography (c) broadcasting
. 3.) The person that takes pictures with camera is called _____ (a) journalist (b) artist (c) photographer
. 4.) A photographer’s workplace is called ____ (a) salon (b) stadium (c) studio
. 5.) All digital camera are colour camera (a) false (b) true (c) true and false
. 6.) ________ is the act of making things with beads (a) bidding (b) hair dressing (c) bread making
. 7.) Someone who makes bead is called ______ (a) bidder (b) bead maker (c) teacher
. 8.) Beading are carried out in a _______ (a) salon (b) studio (c) stadium
9.) ___________ is used for stopping bead from jumping and rolling away while beading (a) plier (b) metal file (c) bead mat
10.) _______ is an act of dressing or arranging the hair (a) art work (b) hair dressing (c) barbing
1.1) A man hairdresser is called ______ (a) stylist (b) coiffeur (c) foifense
. 12.) A woman hairdresser is called _______ (a) hair dryer (b) coiffeuse (c) coiffeur
. 13.) Some who colours hair called _______ (a) barber (b) stylist (c) tinter
. 14.) ___________ is a person who job is to hunt wild animals for business or food (a) bricklayer (b) butcher (c) hunter
. 15.) __________ among these is not a tool for hunting (a) trap (b) tractor (c) gun
. 16.) A hunter hunts for ________ (a) plant (b) water (c) animals
. 17.) Hunter uses one of these animals for hunting except _______ (a) dog (b) ant (c) bird
. 18.) ____________ is the person that sews and repair cloths (a) carpenter (b) welder (c) tailor.
. 19.) Which of these tools is not used for making fabric (a) scissors (b) needle (c) chacoliner
. 20.) Where do we rear fish (a) pond (b) aquarium (c) bedroom
Section B:
. 1.) List four tools used for hunting
(a). (b) . (c) . (d)
.2) What is hunting?______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
3.) What is hairdressing___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
4.) List four tools for hairdressing (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
4.) What is tailoring______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
6.) List four tools in tailoring (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(7) What is barbing? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
8.) List four tools used for barbing (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
9.) List four specialists in tailoring (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________ b.)
(10)A woman who sews and makes clothes is called ____________________________________
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.