What products does a teacher really produce?

What Do Teachers Really Make? A Heartfelt Tribute to Educators

Teachers are often undervalued, and their contributions to society misunderstood. While many professions aim for wealth and status, teaching focuses on making a lasting difference. This blog post shares an inspiring story from a school principal’s graduation speech and a thought-provoking conversation at a dinner party. It reveals the profound value teachers bring to education and life, beyond what money can measure.

“What Do You Make?” – A Conversation That Changed Minds

During a graduation speech, a principal remarked:

“The doctor wants his child to become a doctor.
The engineer wants his child to become an engineer.
The businessman wants his child to become a CEO.
But a teacher also dreams of their child becoming one of these professionals. Yet, no one dreams of becoming a teacher by choice.”

This reflects a sad reality. Despite the essential role teachers play, they are often not seen as the first choice for a career.

At a dinner party, the same sentiment emerged. A CEO, questioning the value of teaching, turned to a teacher named Mrs. Sharma and asked:
“What do you make?”

A Teacher’s Response: “What Do I Make?”

Mrs. Sharma, known for her honesty and wisdom, responded:

“You want to know what I make? I’ll tell you.

  1. I make students work harder than they ever thought they could.
  2. I make a C+ feel like a medal of honor.
  3. I make kids sit for 40 minutes in class, even when their parents struggle to keep them still for five minutes.

You still want to know what I make?

  1. I make students wonder.
  2. I make them question everything.
  3. I make them apologize and mean it.
  4. I make them take responsibility for their actions.
  5. I teach them to write and not rely solely on typing.

I also make them read and do math without a calculator. I teach them about their country while respecting their unique cultural backgrounds.

  1. I create a safe space where every child feels valued and accepted.
  2. Most importantly, I teach them that with hard work, integrity, and heart, they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

So, Mr. CEO, while you make money, I make a difference in every child’s life. I prepare them to become doctors, engineers, and even CEOs.

Why Teachers Matter More Than Ever

Mrs. Sharma’s response captures the essence of teaching. Teachers shape future professionals, teaching students the skills and values they need to thrive. They make students:

  • Work beyond their limits
  • Value honesty and respect
  • Grow into responsible adults

While society may overlook their contributions, teachers are the foundation for every career path.

Why Teachers and Parents Leave Schools

Parents may leave schools when they feel their children aren’t receiving the attention or education they expect. Similarly, teachers leave when their efforts go unrecognized, overwhelmed by challenges such as:

  1. Lack of respect and appreciation
  2. Low wages compared to other professions
  3. Burnout from excessive workloads
  4. Inadequate support systems

For schools to thrive, both teachers and parents need to feel valued. Schools must foster mutual respect, provide support, and celebrate the vital role teachers play.

Conclusion: A Call to Appreciate Teachers

Teachers are builders of the future, not just caretakers of the present. They inspire students to dream, work hard, and achieve greatness. Teaching is more than a profession—it is a calling to shape lives and make a difference.

Next time someone asks, “What do teachers make?” let’s remind them:
Teachers make everything possible.

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