History of history

History is the study of important past events.
Sources of history are: oral tradition, written records , archaeology, geographical materials, ethnographical materials and linguistic materials.
Traditionally, the word ‘History’ is derived from the Greek word ‘historie’. This Greek word literarily means ‘to know’ or ‘to learn by inquiry’.
Moreover, history can be seen as a kind of research or science, since science itself seeks to know or to or to have a knowledge of the past, to
understand the present and plan for the future.
Historical consciousness is inevitable in
every person, community, society and
History is very important tool for nation
It provides greater intellectual advantage
to those who take part in it.
It teaches important lessons that can lead
to the avoidance of costly mistakes.
It enables people to know the nature of
their relationship with other communities
and this enables them to take proper
decision on future relationships.
Sometimes known as the February
Revolution(revolution de Fevrier)was one
of the waves of revolutions in 1848 in
Europe. In France, the revolutionary
events ended the Orleans Monarchy
(1830-48) and led o the creation of the
French second republic.
Due o the overthrow of Louis Philippe
the elected government of the second
republic ruled France. On 23 June 1848,
the people of Paris rose in insurrection,
which became known as June Days
uprising, a bloody but unsuccessful
rebellion by the Paris workers against the
conservative group, turn the Republic’s
On 2 December1848, Louis Napoleon
republic, largely on peasant support.
Exactly four years later he suspended the
elected assembly, establishing the second
French Empire, which lasted until 1871.
The February revolution established
the principle of “Right to work” (droit au
travail) and its newly established
government created “National workshop”
for the unemployed. A sort of industrial
parliament was also established at
Luxembourg palace, under the
presidency of Louis Blanc with the aim of
preparing a scheme for the organization
of liberal Orleans and Radical
Republicans and socialists led to the June
Days uprising.
1. What is history?
2. What are the sources of history
3. Why do we study history.
4. Write short note on the revolution of 1848.
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