Practice Questions Home Economics Basic Six Third Term 2015/2016

CLASS: PRIMARY 6        
1.)   ______ is what is accrued to the family from investment, savings or job that is done (a) loan            (b) income     (c) capital
  2.)   _______ is a daily income       (a) wage         (b) salary       (c) bonus
3.)   ____ is mostly paid to workers at the end of the month. (a) wages (b) bonus (c) salary
4.)   Saving leads to ______ (a) investment (b) bankruptcy (c) debt
5.)   Income from landed property is called _____ (a) capital (b) rent (c) salary
6.)   Shares and debentures are advanced forms of __________________ (a) investment (b) spending (c) banking activities  
7.)   Every eligible citizen is expected to pay _____ to the government (a)  salary (b) bribe (c) tax  
8.)   We can spend wisely by buying ______ (a) phones (b) candies (c) shares
9.)   An adult with a complete set of teeth will have__ on the upper jaw (a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 32
10.)          Which of the following is not part of the eye _____ (a) cornea (b) iria (c) pore
11.)          Which of the following is not a deodorant (a) gel (b) roll-on (c) petrol
12.)          Consumers are known to be the final ____ of goods and services (a) buyer              (b) keeper      (c) manufacturer  
13.) Which of the following is not a type of floor covering__ (a) concrete (b) mud (c) tiles
14.)          Which of the following is the period of sexual development in females ____ (a) menopause    (b) puberty    (c)  child good
  15.)          A break in the bone is known as ____ (a) burn (b) fracture    (c) cut
16.)          Which of these are primary colours (a) blue, purple, green               (b) blue, red, violet              (c) blue red, yellow  
17.)          The process of allotting money wisely on individual items is called ____ (a) budgeting       (b) controlling          (c) planning  
18.) The hole through which light enters the eye is called__ (a) cornea (b) pupil (c) retina
19.)          The coloured part of the eye is the _____ (a) iris  (b) retina  (c) cornea
20.)          _____ covers the pupil   (a) cornea   (b) retina   (c) pupil
21.) Which part of the eye keeps the eye in the skull____________ conjunction (a) eye      (b) lid                         (c) sclera
22.)          The external structure of insects that functions as bones are called _____ (a) exoskeleton               (b) calvity                  (c) environments  
23.)          All these are energy-giving foods except _____ (a) bread (b) cassava (c) carrot  
24.)          ______ is the smallest unit of life   (a) cell   (b) tissue   (c) organ
25.)          ________ is the organ of sight  (a) nose   (b) skin   (c) eye
26.)          _____ is the organ that is used for feeling  (a) nose  (b) skin  (c) eye
27.)          The types of clothes that we wear will make people to identify our _____ (a) crime              (b) level         (c) culture
  28.) The mouth is made up of the lips, the teeth and the _____ (a) nose (b) tongue (c) eyes
29.)          One of the modern mouth cleaning material is the _______ (a) charcoal         (b) ashes        (c) mouth wash  
Section B
1.)   Mention four classes of food with two examples for each
2.)   Mention four rooms that can be found in a decent home
3.)   Explain how to prepare “Eba”
4.)   Mention four types of pests
5.)   Write out the ethnic groups that own the following delicacies Special dishes                                                           Ethnic group
a.)   Tuwo shinkafa
b.)   Ikokere
c.)   Oha
d.)   Suya
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