Third Term

Structure Passage based on illustrating “when” adverbial structure English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 2

PRY 5 ENGLISH THIRD TERM E-NOTE Subject :English Grammar Class :Primary 5 Term :Third Term Week: 2 Class: Basic 5 Subject: English Topic: Structure Passage based on illustrating “when” adverbial structure Previous Lesson : Construct sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Construct sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

PRY 5 ENGLISH THIRD TERM E-NOTE Subject :English Grammar Class :Primary 5 Term :Third Term Week: 5 Class: Basic 5 Subject: English   Topic: Construct sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb Previous Lesson : Intonation Practice Passage (Request) English Structure English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Learning

Linking Words : such as, although, but, so, so that Structure English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: English Grammar Class: Primary 5 Term: Third Term Week: 1 Topic: Linking Words Sub-topic: Using linking words in sentences Duration: 60 minutes Behavioral Objectives: Pupils will learn to identify linking words such as “such as,” “although,” “but,” “so,” and “so that.” Pupils will practice using linking words correctly in sentences. Pupils will demonstrate understanding

Intonation Practice Passage (Request) English Structure English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

PRY 5 ENGLISH THIRD TERM E-NOTE   Week: One Date: Class: Basic 5 Subject: English Duration: 40 minutes Topic: A. Speech Work: Intonation practice command and Request Structure: Construction using verb phrase Complement with adverbial Reading: Teaching of new words meaning and Comprehension Grammar: Use of “so…that” to express personal Opinion Writing: Composition involving expression

Vocabulary Building English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 3

Subject: English Grammar Class : Primary 3 Term : Third Term Week : Week 3 Grade Level: Primary 3 Duration: 60 minutes Learning Objectives: Understand the concept of modal verbs in the present and past tense. Recognize and differentiate between modal verbs in the present and past tense. Practice using modal verbs in simple sentences.

Dictation For The Week English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 2

Subject: English Grammar Class : Primary 3 Term : Third Term Week : Week 2 Topic : Dictation For The Week 2 Previous Lesson  Writing Composition on How I Spent My Last Holiday English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 1   Learning Objectives: To improve students’ spelling skills by learning and practicing the spelling