Sort and Classify numbers of objects in a group

WEEK 1   TOPIC: Whole number. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, Pupils should be able to: sort and classify numbers of objects in a group or 2. Identify number of objects in a group or collection. Count correctly up to

I see the moon

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Rhyme Topic : Evaluation questions Answer the following questions 1) A _____has a tail? a) dog (b) Lion 2) I see the ____? a) water (b) moon 3) Baa, baa, ________? a) red (b) black 4)When l was a______? 5) Twinkle, twinkle little ______ ? (a) Star (b) moon 6)

Fill in the missing letters of Alphabets

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Reading Readiness Topic :Evaluation questions A) Fill in the missing letters of Alphabets a, ____, _____, ______ e f _______, _______, _____J k l______,_____,o p q r s_____, _____, _____, w x y____. B) Use the letters to form meaningful words I) B + ag = II) L+ eg =

Write figures from 1 to 150

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Number readiness          Test   1. Write figures from 1 to 250   1.2.3.   4   6   8   14   19   24   29   30   31   33   58     67   77   81     99  

We see with our eyes

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Health habit        Test  1. We can see with our_______. (a) eye (b) nose 2. We write with our_______.(a) leg (b) hand 3. We brush our_________ everyday. (a) teeth (b) head 4. Is it good to wash your hand after using the bathroom (a) yes (b) No 5.

I see with my eyes

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Science     Answer the following questions correctly.   I _______ with my eyes?   a) clap b) see   2 . I touch with my _____ ?   a) mouth b) hands   3 . Fish is a living thing ?   a) Yes b) No   4 .

Books, pencil, are things that we can find at school?

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Social Norms Questions Answer the following the following questions correctly. 1. Books, pencil, are things that we can find at school? a) yes b) No 2 . How many types of family do we have? a) 1 b) 2 Mention 2 things to that you can find at home, ________

Safety at home do not play with sharp objects

  CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Social norms TOPIC: Safety at home (sharp objects)   Home -work Re-write the following sharp objects.   1. B l a d e   ______________   2. S c i s s o r s   _________________   3. N e e d l e   ________________   4. N