Distinguish between A. Variables and constants B. Discrete and continuous variable C. Population and sample D. Statistics and Parameter

Distinguish between A. Variables and constants B. Discrete and continuous variable C. Population and sample D. Statistics and Parameter   A. Variables and Constants: Variables: These are characteristics or properties that can vary or change. They are what you’re measuring or studying in your research. For example, in a study about student performance, variables could

Explain What is ‘Research Design’

Explain what ‘Research Design’ is The research design is the plan, structure and strategy operated by the rescher in order that the research question can be answered. The hypothesized relationships can observed only through a through and effective control of all sources of variance de study ie extraneous variance, systematic variance, and error variance. There

Types of Variance

Discuss the following in relation to research design Systematic Variance: This is associated with the main variable of the hypothesis and is maximized by ensuring that the methods, treatments, independent variables etc are not alike. Extraneous variance: These are external factors to the study, which can influence the dependent variable. You can take care of

Discuss the common errors committed by students during micro teaching

PDE711 A teacher from one of the centers in Kaduna asked us this question *Discuss the common errors committed by students during micro teaching* A Attempt to replace micro teaching with teaching practice: Teachers are expected to micro-teach lessons and learn teaching skills in the micro-teaching process before they go on a teaching practice in any school

List seven (7) steps involved in a micro teaching process.

    Microteaching is a teacher training technique that involves breaking down the teaching process into smaller, manageable components, allowing educators to focus on specific skills and aspects of their teaching in a controlled and supportive environment. It provides a platform for practicing, observing, analyzing, and refining teaching techniques. In microteaching, teachers work with a

Set induction explained

Set induction, also known as an introduction or advance organizer, refers to the technique used by teachers at the beginning of a lesson to capture students’ attention, activate their prior knowledge, and create a context for the upcoming content. It aims to prepare students’ minds for learning by providing an overview of the lesson’s objectives,

What is set induction?

Define ‘set induction’: Set induction, also referred to as an introduction or advance organizer, is a teaching strategy employed by educators to capture students’ attention, activate their prior knowledge, and establish a context for learning. It involves presenting a stimulus, question, scenario, or activity at the beginning of a lesson to engage students, stimulate their

Outline and explain five (5) reasons why set induction is useful in teaching

Outline and explain five (5) reasons why set induction is useful in teaching 1. Engagement: Set induction engages students right from the beginning of the lesson. By presenting a captivating question, scenario, or activity, educators capture students’ attention and encourage them to become active participants in the learning process. This initial engagement sets a positive

Discuss five (5) factors to be considered for using any of the teaching skills

1. Student Needs and Abilities: Tailor your teaching skills to match the needs, abilities, and learning styles of your students. Adapt your approach based on their prior knowledge, individual strengths, and challenges. Differentiate instruction to ensure that all students can engage and understand the material. 2. Learning Objectives: Align your choice of teaching skills with

Discuss five (5) factors to be considered for using any of the teaching skills

Discuss five (5) factors to be considered for using any of the teaching skills Orientation and Preparation: Before starting teaching practice, there should be an orientation session. This session introduces the trainee teachers to the school’s policies, classroom routines, curriculum, and expectations. Trainees should also prepare their lesson plans, including objectives, activities, and resources, well

What do you understand by Resources in the classroom?

Resources in the classroom refer to a wide range of materials, tools, aids, and technologies that educators use to enhance the teaching and learning experience. These resources can be physical, digital, or interactive, and they serve as valuable assets to support the educational process. Resources are employed to engage students, make learning more effective, and