Tag: Motivation

Personal Development Strategy For Every Educator

STAND OUT AS A TRUE TEACHER Avoid tardiness. Arrive early to work and all staff meetings. Manage your time before, during & after lessons effectively. Use visual aids and practicals effectively; don’t forget that nature offers quite a number of examples for practical teaching; regularly leave your classrooms for mini ‘excursions’ within the school compound.

Get Assistance With Your Homework

Holiday Period Is Here Again Get Online Tutors This Summer Holiday Get Assistance With Your Homework Click The Link Here To Get Started           We Offer Online Classes   For All Subjects, Levels And Classes   Our Teachers Are Dedicated And Experienced     Click Here To Try It Out. A

3 Foods to Avoid if You Want to Look Young

Want to keep your complexion smooth and youthful? Take a look at your plate. What you leave off of your plate is sometimes just as important as the food you’re putting on your plate when it comes to nutrients that can affect your complexion. Put your best face forward (and improve your health) by keeping


SCHEDULES FOR YOUR CHILDREN DURING HOLIDAY PERIOD: 1. Morning devotion.6am – 6:30am 2. Dressing of bed..6.30am -7am 3. Personal clean up. 7am – 7:15 am. 4. Domestic chores.. 7:15am-8am. 5. Breakfast.8am-8:30am 6. Rest. 8:30am – 9am 7. Homework, reading, lessons and reflections.10am – 1pm 8. Lunch. 1pm 9. Siesta and quiet time. 1pm-3pm 10. Walk,

Why Do Teachers Leave Schools

    WHY DO TEACHERS LEAVE?   Just as we all know that human needs are insatiable, likewise teachers needs and wants are ni exceptions as no single individual can effectively solve human needs, problems or wants.   But there can be provisions to motivate and encourage teachers to put in their best by putting

How to writing Lesson Notes using the latest format for School Teachers

LESSON NOTE FORMAT Date: Class: Subject: Topic: Sub-topic: Time: Duration: Period/Day: Reference Book(s): Instructional Material(s): Entry Behaviour: Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define… Mention… Enumerate… List… Differentiate… Compare… Itemize… Mention at least five uses of… Presentation in Steps: Step One: If continuing from a previous topic, review


CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION Head Teachers, Heads of Departments and Principals alike must pay serious attention to how teachers manage their class. This is called class management. Class Management refers to all the things a teacher does in order to organize his or her students. This may be in terms of entry behavior, time allocated

Termly Report Format

TERMLY REPORT FORMAT. A termly report is a document that provides a summary overview of the current status and performance of an organization or business unit. In addition to providing detailed information about the performance and financial health of a company, the termly report format typically includes recommendations for improvement in areas where necessary. Typically,

7 Basic Principles Of Effective Teaching

PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING 1. Proceed from simple to complex 2. Proceed from known to unknown 3. Proceed from part to whole 4. Proceed from particular to general 5. Motivate learners to learn 6. Do not teach in isolation 7. Teach to learners’ individual difference   METHODS OF TEACHING 1. Problem solving method 2. Play way

School Fee Policy

School logo stays here.   SCHOOL FEES POLICY   Introduction This document contains our policy on fee payment. Please read through to have full understanding about our school fees culture. 1.1 The prompt payment of school fees is integral and the life blood of the school. We cannot overemphasize its importance, smooth administrative running hinges
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