Lesson Plan Presentation on Email Communication for Primary 5 Subject: Information Technology (IT) Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: Week 6 and 8 Age: 10-11 years Topic: Emails – Writing and sending emails, Receiving and replying to emails, and Attaching files to emails. Sub-topic: How to write, send, reply to emails, and attach files
Weekly Lesson Notes For Primary 5 Second Term Information Technology (ICT) Computer Studies Subject : Information Technology Class : Primary 5 Term : Second Term Week 1 Readiness Test and Revision of First term’s work Week 2 Search Engine Definition Explanation of different search engine Week 3 Search Engine Definition Explanation of different
Subject: Information Technology (IT) Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: Week 4 and 5 Topic: Understanding Electronic Mails Sub-topic: How to Use Email Duration: 40-60 minutes Age: 10-12 years Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Define email and its components. Explain how to create and send an
WEEK 8. CLASS: SS 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE TOPIC: LOGIC CIRCUIT (II) CONTENT: Truth table construction for: NAND, NOR Equation for NAND, NOR , gates Uses of logic gates (i) As building blocks for Hardware/electronic Components, Construction of simple Sub-Topic 1: Truth table construction for NAND INPUT INPUT OUTPUT (AND) OUTPUT (NAND) X Y
WEEK: 6 CLASS: SS 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE TOPIC: LOGIC CIRCUIT (II) CONTENT: Alternative logic gates: Description of alternative logic gate Types of alternative logic gates NAND, NOR Symbols of each logic gate Input/output signals for: NAND, NOR Sub-Topic 1: DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVE LOGIC GATE Although OR, AND, and NOT gate
WEEK: 5 CLASS: SS 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE TOPIC: LOGIC CIRCUITS I CONTENT:(i) Definition of logic gate (b) Types of logic gates AND, NOT, OR (c) Symbols of each logic gate: (d) Input/output signals for AND, NOT and OR gates. Sub-Topic 1: DEFINITION OF LOGIC GATES DEFINITION OF LOGIC GATES A logic gate
Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 4 Class: SS 2 Topic: MEMORY UNIT Memory Unit:(c) Differences between primary and secondary memory (d) Units of storage: Bits, Nibble, Bytes, Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB) and Terabytes (TB) (e) Conversion from one unit to the other (f) Comparison of auxiliary Storage Devices under: Size,
Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 3 Class: SS 2 Topic: MEMORY UNIT Description of Memory Unit Types of Memory Description of Primary Memory Description of Secondary Memory Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives:
Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 2 Class: SS 2 Topic: CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of MID TERM TEST FIRST TERM LITERATURE SS 1 that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners
COMPUTER SCIENCE First Term SS 2 FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC THEME: BASIC CONCEPT OF COMPUTER HARDWARE Revision of last term’s Central Processing Unit (CPU):Central Processing Unit: (i) Arithmetic and Logic Unit ALU (ii) Control Unit. Functions of: ALU and control Unit. Memory Unit:(a) Types