Tag: First Term Examination

1st Term Examination GEOGRAPHY SSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination GEOGRAPHY SSS 1 Section A Answer all questions correctly The diameter of the earth is __________ (a)6,878km (b)12,762km (c)142,100km (d)4,878km The fourth planet to the sun is ________ (a)mercury (b)Jupiter (c)earth (d)mars The word geography was gotten from? (a)one Greek word (b)French word (c)two

1st Term Examination LITERATURE IN ENGLISH SSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination LITERATURE IN ENGLISH SSS 1 Section A Answer all questions correctly Literature has variably included all written work that possess as (a)ordinary language (b)literary (c)literiness (d)literal Subjectivism, relativism and agnosticism are the main ways of approaching a definition of literature TRUE/FALSE A writer of

1st Term Examination MARKETING SSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination MARKETING SSS 1 Section A Answer all questions correctly The “shopping product” consumer classification would include such __________ (a)life assurance, burial plots, new products (b)soft drinks, bread, milk (c)automobiles, homes, vacations (d)expensive jewelry, gourmet dinners, limited production automobile Which of the following best explains

First Term Examination Accounting SS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SSS 1 Section A Answer all questions correctly A document sent from the seller to the buyer showing the description, quantity, unit price and net value of goods bought is known as __________ (a)Receipt (b)invoice (c)cheque (d)credit note On which source document


  1st Term Examination CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE BASIC 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Objective: Answer all questions Emmanuel means ____________ (a)Christ (b)God with us (c)heaven Prophet __________ foretold the birth of the saviours (a)Elijah (b)Peter (c)Isaiah __________ is the Saviour (a)Joseph (b)Joshua (c)Jesus Christ A __________ is a saviour or liberator of a group of people


    1st Term Examination CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART BASIC 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions Environment can also be called ________ (a)home (b)surrounding (c)cloud Air and _________ are parts of the environment (a)nothing (b)water (c)spirit The environment is made up of living things and non living things TRUE/FALSE Cleanliness is next to _________


    1st Term Examination PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION BASIC 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions Which of these stages in high jump comes first? (a)land and recovery (b)take off (c)run off In high jump, we jump for _____ (a)stress (b)distance (c)weight _______ keeps us physically fits (a)stress (b)exercise (d)weakness Galloping is a fundamental

1st Term Examination MATHEMATICS NURSERY 2

1st Term Examination MATHEMATICS NURSERY 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions Count and write numbers from 51 to 100 (a). 51 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ (b). 61 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ (c). 71 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ (d). 81

1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2

  1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions ____________ things are things that have life (a)living (b)dead Goat is a living thing (a)yes (b)no Non – living things are things that have no _________ (a)motor (b)life House is a living thing (a)yes (b)no __________ is a vegetable (a)stone (b)okro

1st Term Examination HEALTH HABIT NURSERY 1

Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HEALTH HABIT NURSERY 1 Section A Attempt all questions Sickness is not good (a)yes (b)no It is good to prevent childhood disease (yes/no) We use cloth to cover our _________ (a)body (b)water ________ is a type of cloth (a)leaf (b)shirt Every human being live in a ________
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