First Term Examination


1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES CLASS: NURSERY 2 NAME:__________________________ Computer is an __________ machine (a)electronic (b)electrical (c)light We use our ____________ to control mouse (a)hand (b)leg (c)mouth Letter A stands for ________ (a)abacus (b)a head (c)a brain Letter B stands for ________ (a)bucker (b)boxfile (c)bag Letter C stands for ________ (a)computer (b)come (c)cook Letter D

1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 1

  1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 1 Section A Attempt all questions (1) ____________ looks like television (a)CPU (b)monitor (c)drive (2) _________ is called VDU (a)monitor (b)CPU (c)keyboard (3) The glass cover on the face of the monitor is called __________ (a)keyboard (b)CPU (c)monitor (4) How many types of monitor do we have? (a)5

1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 2

  1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 2 Section A Attempt all questions (1). Who started the history of computer? (a)The Chinese (b)Babylonian (c)Nigerian (2). What was used for counting many years back (a)counter (b)stones (c)eyes (3). ________ is the father of computer (a)Charles Babbage (b)Charley boy (c)Charlie Babber (4). Who made calculator? (a)Abacus China

1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 4

  1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 4 Section A Attempt all questions (1). The hardware of a computer are the parts that ____________ (a)can be seen and touched (b)are programs (c)cannot be touched (2). Keep a computer in a __________ room (a)hot (b)a well ventilated room (c)dark and dirty (3). ______ the system when

1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 3

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 3 Section A Choose the correct option __________ are threads which are obtained by twisting several fibres together (a)yarns (b)wefts (c)warps (d)fabrics __________ is a long, finished or self knitted edge of a fabric (a)selvedge (b)weaving (c)gram (d)yam __________ are threads

1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 2

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 2 Section A Choose the correct option Clothes are kept in the following except (a)wardrobe (b)box (c)bathroom (d)drawer Clothes need to be washed to improve its (a)taste (b)appearance (c)statics (d)shape Calico patch is usually used for (a)bed sheets and pillowcases (b)bed

1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination HOME ECONOMICS JSS 1 Section A Choose the correct option The area of Home Economics that deals with using what the family has to get what it needs is called (a)economics (b)home knowledge (c)home care (d)home management Home Economics deals with (a)how people live

1st Term Examination GOVERNMENT SSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination GOVERNMENT SSS 1 Section A Choose the correct option ___________ is the machinery established to organize the state, manage its affairs (a)manager (b)machine (c)government The will of the people is realized through (a)television (b)election (c) government ________ is not an organ of government (a)legislative


Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination PHYSICS SS 1 Section A Answer all questions correctly OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS __________ is the quantity of matter in a body? (a)weight (b)mass (c)force (d)motion Which of the following is not a type of contact force? (a)push (b)pull (c)magnet force (d)frictional force The force that

1st Term Examination GEOGRAPHY SSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Ogun State 1st Term Examination GEOGRAPHY SSS 1 Section A Answer all questions correctly The diameter of the earth is __________ (a)6,878km (b)12,762km (c)142,100km (d)4,878km The fourth planet to the sun is ________ (a)mercury (b)Jupiter (c)earth (d)mars The word geography was gotten from? (a)one Greek word (b)French word (c)two