Computer Viruses: Meaning, Types, and Causes Computer Studies Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5


Subject: Information Technology
Term: Second Term
Class: Primary 4
Week: 5
Topic: Computer Viruses: Meaning, Types, and Causes
Sub-topic: Understanding computer viruses, their types, and how they spread
Previous Lesson: Formatting on Microsoft PowerPoint

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define a computer virus and explain its meaning.
  2. Mention the types of computer viruses.
  3. Identify and describe the causes of computer viruses.


Computer virus, malware, types, causes, infection, antivirus

Set Induction

The teacher will ask pupils if they have ever had problems with their computers, such as slowing down or showing strange messages. The teacher will then explain that such problems may be caused by a “computer virus” and will introduce the topic.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with basic computer functions and applications.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. A computer system infected with a sample (harmless) virus for demonstration.
  2. Charts showing the types of computer viruses.
  3. Antivirus software interface for demonstration.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will remind pupils of how important it is to keep their computers safe while using the internet and explain that viruses are harmful programs that can affect computers.

Embedded Core Skills

  1. Digital literacy.
  2. Analytical thinking.
  3. Problem-solving.

Learning Materials

  • A computer system.
  • Visual aids (e.g., images of viruses or virus alerts).
  • Projector (if available).

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools.
  • ICT textbooks for Basic Education.

Instructional Materials

  1. Whiteboard or chalkboard for writing.
  2. Charts showing examples of viruses and their effects.
  3. Printed handouts for pupils.

Computer Viruses

Lesson Content

What is a Computer Virus?

  1. Definition: A computer virus is a harmful program designed to damage, disrupt, or steal data from a computer system.
  2. Explanation: Just like human viruses, a computer virus spreads from one system to another, causing problems such as slowing down the computer or deleting files.
  3. Examples of Computer Viruses:
    • Trojan Horse
    • Worms
    • Ransomware
    • Adware
    • Spyware

Types of Computer Viruses

  1. File Infector Virus: Attaches itself to program files and runs when the program is opened.
  2. Boot Sector Virus: Infects the system’s startup files.
  3. Trojan Horse Virus: Disguises itself as useful software but causes harm.
  4. Worms: Replicate themselves to spread across networks, causing slowdowns.
  5. Ransomware: Locks files and demands payment to unlock them.

Causes of Computer Viruses

  1. Downloading Files from Untrusted Sources: Files from unknown websites may contain viruses.
  2. Infected USB Drives: Viruses can spread through external storage devices.
  3. Opening Suspicious Emails: Email attachments can hide viruses.
  4. Using Outdated Software: Older software may not have security to block viruses.
  5. No Antivirus Software Installed: Without antivirus, computers are vulnerable to infections.

Examples of Viruses and Effects

  1. ILOVEYOU Virus: Spread through email attachments, causing data loss.
  2. WannaCry: A ransomware virus that encrypted files globally.
  3. Stuxnet: Targeted industrial equipment and disrupted operations.
  4. Mydoom: Caused email slowdowns worldwide.
  5. Zeus: Stole sensitive data like passwords and banking information.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. A computer virus is a _____ program designed to damage a computer.
    a. Helpful
    b. Harmful
    c. Quick
    d. Slow
    Answer: b
  2. The virus that attaches itself to program files is called _____.
    a. Worm
    b. File Infector Virus
    c. Boot Sector Virus
    d. Adware
    Answer: b
  3. A virus that replicates itself across networks is known as _____.
    a. Trojan Horse
    b. Ransomware
    c. Worm
    d. Spyware
    Answer: c
  4. One cause of a computer virus is downloading files from _____.
    a. Trusted sources
    b. Untrusted sources
    c. School websites
    d. Antivirus software
    Answer: b
  5. The virus that locks files and demands payment is called _____.
    a. Adware
    b. Worm
    c. Spyware
    d. Ransomware
    Answer: d
  6. A virus that hides in useful software is known as a _____.
    a. Trojan Horse
    b. Worm
    c. Boot Sector Virus
    d. Spyware
    Answer: a

(Include 9 more questions in a similar format.)

Class Activity Discussion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is a computer virus?
    A computer virus is a harmful program designed to damage or disrupt a computer.
  2. Can a virus spread from one computer to another?
    Yes, viruses can spread through files, networks, or external devices.
  3. What is a Trojan Horse virus?
    A virus that disguises itself as useful software but causes harm.
  4. How does a worm virus work?
    It replicates itself to spread across networks, slowing them down.
  5. Why is antivirus software important?
    It helps detect and remove computer viruses.
  6. What are some causes of computer viruses?
    Downloading files from untrusted sources, using infected USB drives, and opening suspicious emails.
  7. What is ransomware?
    A virus that locks files and demands payment to unlock them.

(Include 8 more FAQs with simple answers.)

Presentation Steps

  1. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Revise the previous topic on “Formatting on Microsoft PowerPoint.”
    • Introduce the topic of computer viruses with examples.
    • Demonstrate how viruses spread and discuss prevention.
  2. Learners’ Activities:
    • Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
    • Observe the demonstration on how viruses can spread.
    • Answer questions on causes and types of viruses.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define a computer virus.
  2. Mention three types of computer viruses.
  3. Explain one cause of a computer virus.
  4. What is the difference between a worm and a Trojan Horse virus?
  5. Why should you avoid downloading files from untrusted sources?
  6. Name one example of a ransomware virus.
  7. What does antivirus software do?
  8. How do infected USB drives spread viruses?
  9. What is the function of the boot sector virus?
  10. List two ways to protect your computer from viruses.


The teacher will move around the class, check pupils’ responses, and give feedback. Pupils will be asked to recap the definition, types, and causes of computer viruses.

SEO Details

Captivating Title: Understanding Computer Viruses: Meaning, Types, and CausesComputer Viruses
Focus Keyphrase: Computer viruses meaning and types
SEO Title: Computer Viruses: Meaning, Types, and Causes for Primary 4
Slug: computer-viruses-meaning-types-causes-primary4
Meta Description: Learn about computer viruses, their meaning, types, and causes, with this detailed and simple lesson plan for Primary 4 pupils.
