- There are ________ types of bathrooms (a) four (b) nine (c) three
- ___________ and __________ are example of toilets (a) plate toilet and folk toilet (b) water closet and pit toilet (c) old toilet and new toilet
- __________ and _________ are materials needed for cleaning the toilet and bathroom (a) bucket and mop (b) kerosene and dettoi (c) stick and broom
- The bedroom should be cleaned ______ (a) yearly(b) monthly (c) daily
- __________ is one of the reasons for cleaning the kitchen and food store (a) to avoid friends (b) to avoid odour (c) to avoid sun
- _____ is an example of foodstuff in your locality (a) clothes (b) bag (c) yam
- Body building foods contain ________ that help the body to grow (a) nutrients (b) orange (c) starch
- Fruits and vegetables can be made into _____ (a) beans salad (b) rice salad (c) fruit salad
- Energy given food are called ______ (a) water (b) carbohydrate (c) vitamin
- Yam can be made into ______ (a) fried bean (b) amala (c) pounded yam
- A balanced ______contain all the nutrients the body needs (a) sleep (b) studies (c) diet
- There are _____ types of hair (a) nine (b) four (c) two
- The following are functions of the hands except _____ (a) to write (b) to eat (c) to see
- Foot rot is having sores in between the _____ (a) teeth (b) hand (c) foot
- _____ and ______ are material for caring for clothes. soap and water (b) water and sand (c) kerosene and water
- The head consists of _____ and ______(a) nail and finger (b) eye and ear (c) foot and toe
- The ______ is the outer layer that covers the entire body (a) teeth (b) skin (c) cloth
- It is good to keep our environment ___________ (a) dirty (b) clean (c) rough
- Clothes should be mended as soon as they tear? (a) true (b) false
- _________ and __________ are articles used for care of skin (a) body cream and sponge (b) butter and cheese (c) soap and sponge
- Cleaning the mouth involves cleaning of the teeth and __ (a) feet (b) tongue (c) lip
- _______ and _____ are the items found in the bedroom. (a) dressing table and mirror (b) plate and spoon (c) stove and water
- Good health provides a good _____ (a) appetite (b) system (c) job
- Which bathroom is commonly found in the village? (a) modern bathroom (b) local bathroom (c) bush bathroom
- There are ______ major types of kitchens (a) five (b) two (c) ten
- People need to dress well in order to look ____ (a) bad (b) respectable (c) ugly
- Clothes keeps us ______(a) warm (b) cold (c) dirty
- Pygamas and night gown are examples of ___________ clothes (a) wedding (b) playtime (c) bedtime
- Socks and stocking are worn on the ____ (a) head (b) hand (c) feet
- Furniture and other items in the home last longer when they are _______ (a) taken care of (b) misuse and destroy (c) kept dirty
Section B:
- State the three types of toilets?(a) ___________________ (b) ___________________ (c) ____________________
b.) Identify the two major types of kitchens?
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
2.) (a) What is a toilet? _________________________________________________________
(b) Mention three items for cleaning the toilet? (i) ______________ (ii) ___________________
(iii) __________________________________
3.) (a) What is clothing? _________________________________________________________
(b) State three types of clothing items? (i) _________________________________
(ii) ____________________________ (iii) __________________________________
4.) State three things that can be found in the bedroom
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
5.) (a) What is foodstuff? _________________________________________________________
(b) List three food stuffs in your locality? (a) ________________________________
(b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________
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