You have been selected as one of the members of the selection interview panel during personnel recruitment/employment of staff. Give and explain five (5) aspects to be considered during the interview.
- Relevant Qualifications:
- Look for candidates with the right qualifications for the job.
- Work Experience:
- Consider candidates with practical experience in the field.
- Communication Skills:
- Assess how well candidates can express themselves clearly.
- Teamwork Ability:
- Evaluate if candidates can work well with others.
- Problem-Solving Skills:
- Check if candidates can think on their feet to solve issues.
- During personnel recruitment, it’s crucial to consider candidates’ _______________ for the job. a. Background
b. Hobbies
c. Qualifications
d. Preferences
- Look for candidates with practical _______________ in the field. a. Training
b. Certifications
c. Experience
d. Experiments
- Communication skills are essential to assess how well candidates can _______________ themselves. a. Hide
b. Express
c. Suppress
d. Confuse
- It’s important to evaluate if candidates can work well _______________ others. a. Alone
b. Against
c. With
d. Against
- Problem-solving skills involve checking if candidates can _______________ to solve issues. a. Plan
b. Avoid
c. Think
d. Ignore
- In personnel recruitment, the focus is on candidates’ _______________ qualifications. a. Irrelevant
b. Relevant
c. Disruptive
d. Intuitive
- Practical _______________ in the field enhances a candidate’s profile. a. Knowledge
b. Training
c. Experience
d. Theory
- Effective communication involves expressing ideas _______________. a. Clearly
b. Ambiguously
c. Vaguely
d. Confusingly
- Teamwork ability assesses how well candidates can collaborate _______________ others. a. Against
b. With
c. Alone
d. Indifferently
- Problem-solving skills require candidates to _______________ on their feet. a. Dance
b. Think
c. Sit
d. Sleep
- Relevant _______________ are crucial for candidates applying for a job. a. Hobbies
b. Qualifications
c. Interests
d. Preferences
- Practical experience in the field _______________ a candidate’s suitability. a. Enhances
b. Diminishes
c. Negates
d. Simplifies
- Effective communication skills involve expressing ideas _______________. a. Clearly
b. Confusingly
c. Abstractly
d. Vaguely
- Teamwork ability is about how well candidates can work _______________ with others. a. Against
b. Independently
c. Alone
d. Together
- Problem-solving skills involve candidates’ ability to _______________ issues creatively. a. Avoid
b. Ignore
c. Think
d. Postpone
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