Woodwork Lesson Note for SS1 – First Term, Week 3 Topic: Hand Tools Sub-Topics: Identification and Classification of Hand Tools Care and Maintenance of Hand Tools Techniques for Using Hand Tools Subject: Woodwork Class: SS1 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 14-16 years Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students
Woodwork Lesson Note for SS1 – First Term, Week 2 Topic: Machine Safety Sub-Topics: Safety Precautions in the Use of Power Machines Safety Rules in Handling Portable Tools Subject: Woodwork Class: SS1 Term: First Term Week: 2 Age: 14-16 years Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able
Woodwork Lesson Note for SS1 – First Term, Week 1 Topic: Workshop Safety Sub-Topics: Personal Safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Personal Safety Habits Subject: Woodwork Class: SS1 Term: First Term Week: 1 Age: 14-16 years Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the importance
5 Features of a Well-Set Primary School: A Guide to Quality Education in Nigeria In Nigeria, primary education forms the foundation of a child’s academic journey. A well-set primary school doesn’t just teach; it nurtures, inspires, and prepares pupils for the future. This article dives into five key features of a well-set primary school while
What Are 5 Features of Well-Set Primary School Examination Questions? Examinations are essential tools for evaluating students’ understanding and progress in primary education. Crafting effective examination questions requires strategic planning and adherence to best practices. In Nigeria, where the education system plays a pivotal role in national development, setting quality questions is crucial for nurturing
Lesson Note on Transactions – Meaning and Classification Subject: Financial Accounting Class: Senior Secondary School (SSS 1) Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 14-16 years Duration: 40 minutes Topic: Transactions – Meaning and Classification Sub-topic: Meaning and Types of Transactions Behavioral Objectives By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Define a
Lesson Plan: Examination Subject: Financial Accounting Class: SS1 Term: 1 Week: 13 Age: 15-16 years Topic: Examination Sub-topic: First Term Examination on Financial Accounting Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the examination, students should be able to: Recall and apply the concepts, principles, and techniques they have learned throughout the
Lesson Plan: Revision Subject: Financial Accounting Class: SS1 Term: 1 Week: 12 Age: 15-16 years Topic: Revision Sub-topic: Review of all Topics Covered in the First Term Duration: 1 hour Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Review and recall all key concepts covered in the first term. Answer
Lesson Plan: Discounts Subject: Financial Accounting Class: SS1 Term: 1 Week: 11 Age: 15-16 years Topic: Discounts Sub-topic: Meaning, Types, Reasons for Giving Discounts, Calculation of Discounts Duration: 1 hour Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term “discount” and identify the different types of discounts. State
Lesson Plan: Double Column Cash Book Subject: Financial Accounting Class: SS1 Term: 1 Week: 10 Age: 15-16 years Topic: Double Column Cash Book Sub-topic: Definition, Format, Use of Columns, Preparation Duration: 1 hour Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define the cash book and explain its purpose. Identify