Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Christian Religious Studies
Week 1: Lesson Notes
1. The Israelites in the Wilderness
- Survivors in the Wilderness:
- The three people left after the death of the Israelites in the wilderness were Joshua, Caleb, and Eleazar.
2. Conversion
- Conversion:
- Conversion means a profound change of heart, turning away from sin, and turning toward God.
3. Saul’s Profession
- Saul’s Profession:
- Saul was a tentmaker by profession.
4. Calling of Moses
- Calling of Moses:
- Moses was called by God from the burning bush on Mount Horeb.
5. Meaning of Yahweh
- Yahweh:
- Yahweh means “I am who I am” or “I am that I am.”
6. Tribes in Jerusalem
- Tribes in Jerusalem:
- There were 12 tribes in Jerusalem.
7. Moses’ Age at Death
- Moses’ Age at Death:
- Moses was 120 years old when he died.
8. Keeping the Sabbath
- Keeping the Sabbath:
- Sabbath day is to be kept holy, as a day of rest and worship.
9. Promised Land
- Promised Land:
- The promised land is known as Canaan.
10. Crossing the Red Sea
- Leader of the Crossing:
- Moses led the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites.
11. Pharaoh’s Actions
- Pharaoh’s Actions:
- Pharaoh suffered the Israelites by enslaving them, making their work harder, and oppressing them.
12. Significance of Parting the Red Sea
- Significance:
- The parting of the Red Sea signifies God’s deliverance and protection of the Israelites, demonstrating His power.
13. Stoning in the Presence of Saul
- Stoning in Saul’s Presence:
- Stephen was stoned to death in the presence of Saul.
14. Meaning of Emmanuel
- Emmanuel:
- Emmanuel means “God with us” or “God is with us.”
15. The Holy Trinity
- The Holy Trinity:
- The Holy Trinity consists of: a) God the Father b) God the Son (Jesus Christ) c) God the Holy Spirit
Readiness Test Questions:
- Mention the names of the three people left after the death of the Israelites in the wilderness.
- What does conversion mean?
- Saul was a tentmaker by profession.
- By whom was Moses called?
- What does Yahweh mean?
- How many tribes were in Jerusalem?
- How old was Moses when he died?
- How is the Sabbath day to be kept?
- What is the promised land known as?
- Who led the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites?
- How did Pharaoh suffer the Israelites?
- What is the significance of the parting of the Red Sea?
- Who was stoned to death in the presence of Saul?
- What does Emmanuel mean?
- Name the members of the Holy Trinity.
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