Kitchen equipment and utensil

Kitchen equipment and utensil (a) Identification of different equipment for various tasks. (i) large equipment e.g. mechanical equipment (ii) small equipment (b). uses and care for kitchen equipment (c) storage of kitchen equipment     WEEK 6 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: Kitchen equipment and utensil CONTENT:  Identification of different equipment for various tasks:

Cooking method for fruits and vegetables

Fruits/Vegetables i. Types of vegetables ii. Nutritive value of vegetables iii. Factors affecting the choice of vegetables iv. Cooking method for fruits and vegetables v. Salads, garnishing desert     WEEK 5 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC:  Fruits/vegetables CONTENT:  (i) Types of vegetables Nutritive value of vegetables Factors affecting the choice of vegetables Cooking


WEEK 4 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC:  Fruits/vegetables CONTENT:  (i Types of fruits Nutritive value of fruit Differentiate between fruits and vegetables Factors affecting the choice of fruits and vegetables Preparation and serving of fruits SUBTOPIC 1: Types of fruits, Nutritive value of fruit                     Definition of fruit A fruit is a natural ovary

Legume Grains Food and Nutrition SS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Lesson Plan: Legume Grains Lesson Details Subject: Food and Nutrition Class: Senior Secondary School (SS1 – SS3) Term: Second Term Week: 3 Age: 14 – 18 years Topic: Legume Grains Sub-topics: Types of Legume Grains Importance of Legume Grains Nutritive Value of Legume Grains Cooking Methods for Legume Grains Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives By

Uses and choice of cereal grains

WEEK 2 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION  TOPIC: Main foods  CONTENT:  iv Uses and choice of cereal grains, v. Cooking methods and vi. High/low extraction rate flour: usefulness of low extraction flour SUBTOPIC 1: Uses and choice of cereal grains                                        Uses of cereals Cereal grains are useful in multiple ways for food. For instance,

Food study main foods – cereal grains

WEEK 1 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: food study; main foods – cereal grains CONTENT: i. Types of cereal grains ii. Nutritive value of cereal grains iii. Processing of cereal grains SUBTOPIC 1: types of cereal grains Cereals are the edible seeds of the grass family e.g. rice, corn, guinea corn, millet, wheat etc.


  NAME:………………………………   CLASS:….……..………………     FIRST TERM: E-LEARNING NOTES SS ONE   SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION   SCHEME OF WORK   WEEKS                                             TOPIC   Introduction of foods and nutrition: (a) Definition of nutrition, Importance of human nutrition e.g. maintenance of good health (b) Factors affecting foods and nutrition: (i) availability of food (ii) available

Blotting paper test Tests on carbohydrate

WEEK: 9 DATE………………. Subject: Foods and nutrition Topic: Scientific study of foods: © Tests for fat: (i) Action of dry heat on fat (ii) Blotting paper test. (d) carbohydrates (i) iodine test (ii) Reaction of starch paste to litmus effect of heat on carbohydrates (e) water content of food: (i) residual moisture. Content:© Tests for

Scientific study of foods :

WEEK: 8 DATE………………. Subject: Food and nutrition Topic: Scientific study of foods. Content: (a) Measurement, units and accuracy (b) Protein tests; (i) action of heat on complex protein (ii) foam test of alcohol on complex protein (iii) millions test. Sub topic 1: Measurement, units and accuracy Man at different stages in life requires different amounts

Classification of food nutrients sources and functions.

WEEK: 5 -6 DATE………………. Subject: Food and nutrition Topic: Basic food nutrients. Content: Classification of food nutrients sources and functions.     Classification of food nutrients Food nutrients are chemical substances that are found in the foods. Nutrients are used for the performance of body functions and those that are required in large quantities by